Gamalactican Search

Touhou Galaxy

"The Touhou Galaxy was my home and I have to protect from the invader."

Touhou Galaxy

Astrographical information
Total stars:
400 billion
Total star systems:
320 billion
100,000 light years
Globular clusters:
Societal information
• Deep Core
• Core Worlds
• Inner Rim
• Mid Rim
• Outer Rim
• Unexplored Territories
Major trade routes:
Chiyuki-Tomoya route
Sentient species:
5-7 million
The Touhou Galaxy, also known as Gamalatica. Known in Ducken as Aurek Galaxy or First Galaxy is the one of many galaxies that exist in the universe. It was formed a trillion year ago and this galaxy have contain with four hundred billion stars in this 100,000 light years in this galaxy. The Touhou galaxy is the home of 5 to 7 million sentient species, one of them is Chiyukitalian species. This galaxy have many nation include with Interstellar Federation, and the dozen of minor government and organization across the galaxy.