Gamalactican Search

Gamindustri Calendar

"I'm Tomoya. Age 14. Born in Gamindustri Calendar 2008."

The Gamindustri Calendar was the standard measurement of time in the Gamalatica galaxy and the Gamalaticania Universe. It was based on Goldia's solar cycle with 360 days long with day consisting of 24 standard hours. The arrival of Guardian Character from Aquania to Goldia was adopted as epoch or "year zero". The time before the Guardian Characters have arrive to Goldia were called B.G.C. is stand for Before Gamindustri Calendar and G.C. is stand for Gamindustri Calendar.

Although the Previous World doesn't use this calendar but instead use "Previous Era", it's already had same year and day until Kotori's death in March 25, 2017 by Nill William which interrupt the year of between Previous World and Gamalaticania Universe which result in Previous World's year 2017 was reset into B.G.C. 7,000,000 or seven million year before the arrive of Guardian Character at Goldia, meaning that year like G.C. 6517 in Gamalaticania Universe is 8,534 year of seven million Previous World year.

The Abomon and Against the Blanec Movement also adopted this calendar which generally use to calculate the enemy’s movement and their time of military operation.