"Nooo! You have do it wrong!! It should be ....[start to perform]..... BALA-BALANCE!"
- Ringo Niwa, perform a Bala-Balance (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
There are something that refer in this novel as part of fictional story that setting in the universe of the afterlife. Some of them may in-joke, but some of them is the plot or event that largely used as the element, or a material of that novel.
There are several work that have been used into the work of Touhou Galaxy Project, most of them were largely came from Date A Live, Lucky Star, Shugo Chara! series, and now formerly Hyperdimension Neptunia series. Most of Reboot Star Democratic reference are heavily involved with Higurashi: When They Cry.
There are several work that have been used into the work of Touhou Galaxy Project, most of them were largely came from Date A Live, Lucky Star, Shugo Chara! series, and now formerly Hyperdimension Neptunia series. Most of Reboot Star Democratic reference are heavily involved with Higurashi: When They Cry.
Note: All reference that appear in TGP media are take from Canon episode only, neither Kotori or Blanec continuity reference in this list.
Legends: TGP = Touhou Galaxy Project, AEP = Afterlife Expanding, SDR = Star Democratic.
Yoshimizu Castle Troupes
All Yoshimizu Castle media shares simiarly element with one or others.
- Always Female Protagonists (except Star Democratic - Operation DayBreak)
- Tomoya Dinogi
- Fan Service
- Unique Spaceship Design
- Villain faction always have fancy military equipment
- Bathtub/Hot Spring scene (mostly female characters)
- Heckler & Koch G36/KRISS Vector
- Powerful galactic organization
- Evil organization/company (not corporation)
- Deuteragonist always die/disappear in the end: Kotori, and Naru
- Aiko Manju
- Tomoyatalian Crossbow
- Major Protagonists often get beheaded at some timeline: Rinne, Stylis, and Mia
- Intergalactic War cause by a simple bullying
- Protagonists often dislike something they lack or feel uncomfortable
- Protagonists dies and get resurrect for over trillion time
- Truck-kun hit something
- A social media with terrible service: Dogord, and SixSense.com etc
- Cyan (or Blue) and White Flag
- Angel Beat!/Farscape Reference
- Number 39
- Villain faction always have biggest ship with overpowered ability (that always got destroy in single episode): Great Mind Trick, and UMS Aixon.
- Guided-Missile Battleship (Although this is common word related to WW2 Battleship, but it has been frequently use by several media including non-Yoshimizu Castle media that work by TGP Author)
Anime and Manga Reference
- Guilds is the common fantasy/Isekai theme that most of main character were taking quest here. In this world, the "Gamalaticania Guild Center" is the one who response for several quest for the people.
- Truck-kun have made appear in God of the Gamalatica and Memory of Kagami episode who kill Tomoya, and Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu who is killing Rinne. In Star Democratic, a truck-kun is run and crashing toward United Membership AFV in the midst of Aixon War.
A Certain Magical Index
The name "Project" that refer to "Touhou Galaxy Project" is based off this anime's website rather than Touhou Project.
Along with the Gods
- AEP One of deceased person who was send to born in Gamalaticania Universe have firefighter uniform along with Koryo flag on it.
Angel Beats!
Large portion of Touhou Galaxy Project element (especially Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu) alongside with The Truman Show is based on this anime.
Rinne (and possibly most of TGP protagonist prior before Project Isla other than Kotori) have a character role that very similar to Yuzuru due to being amnesia, caring personalities and don't know how they died.
(Kanade Tachibana)
Kotori Hatsumi have similarly role to this character as Angel of the Gamalaticania who has overpowered sword skill and near-indestructible when fight against dozen of Abomon militia. She also disappear in the end of Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu to be rebirth as Gekino Bird.
Kanade Yoshimizu is the protagonist of Project Isla with very similarly character appearance to Tachibana with except that she never physical appearance until Hiiragi-chan. She appear in few point of view. She also Luna's mother who also have similarly appearance to that character as well.
- Luna has a school uniform that resemble to Kanade while she is crying after Project Isla will delay most of episode.
- One of museum that Luna raiding is called "Kanade Galactic Museum" which is largest museum on Goldia.
(Yuri Nakamura)
Another character with a lot of reference in Touhou Galaxy Project especially one of her weapon, Kriss Vector has been use in Touhou Galaxy Project as various faction weapon prop, such as Gamalatican's RP-90 Repeater (as well as GMG-33), Abomon's FGC-45 and Star Conflict's E-4000 although they were took inspriation from Total Recall.
The newer version of Kotori Hatsumi in Afterlife Expanding and Nana Yoshimizu in Blanec's Lowee Empire is very resemble to her design.
- Dozen of character resemble will be appear in 2025 version of Blanec's Lowee Empire.
- A train accident is mentioned.
- Many 52nd millennium-era Gamalatican weapon (as well as all 5 variants of Kanade Tachibana's Hand Sonic, Heckler & Koch G36C, MP7 and XM29 OICW) are larely inspired by several weapon used by Afterlife Battlefront member, but they are largely Star Trek-like Compression Rifle model.
- The SCR GMG-33 Naomi use by Kanade is heavily resemble to M4A1 with Beta C-Mag use by Yuri Nakamura.
C3 (CubexCursedxCurious)
The Afterlfe Expanding's Central Protagonist, Princess Stylis have many design and element from Fear Kubrick from this novel such as she love cursing and being tsundere when she response to someone.
- Stylis's story title is known as "Cute x Cursed x Curious: Jealous Level 7" which parody this anime along with word "Jealous Level 7" is also parody from Chinese film, CJ7.
Cardcaptor Sakura
The majority of Tomoyatalian culture, especially Rinne's Tomoeda School uniform were largely influence by this anime.
- Dinogi Household have resemble design as one of main character's house.
- Both Goldia and Rinne's original planet name "Chiyuki" and "Tomoya" was name after Chiharu Mihara and Tomoyo Daidouji.
(Nao Tomori)
- A school uniform with familiar design was appear in Afterlife Expanding.
- TGP One of Isla's neighbor star system "Tomori". Ironically, this star system (like most name with Tomo-) were based on Tomoyo Daidouji which been name before 2015. (Tale of Goldia)
- Most of Yoshimizu Castle media: Touhou Galaxy Project, Afterlife Expanding and Star Democratic have feature a comet that occur every 75-year that allow to gain a wish and ability to some person.
DATE A LIVE have been use as base element for Touhou Galaxy Project since 2019 (and early 2016). It's also the downfall of Hyperdimension Neptunia influence over the Touhou Galaxy Project design.
- Several Alpha Force female soldier have combat unit similar one use by Anti-Spirit Team.
- Many Gamalatican warship (especially Matsusaka-class) have similar design as a Ratatoskr spaceship (airship), Fraxinus.
(Rinne Sonogami)
- Rinne Yoshimizu is voice by Kana Hanazawa.
- Rinne is known to be die and repeat, this is largely similar to Date A Live: Rinne Utopia plot.
Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
The Major element of Nuked Earth and Goldia are connected is taking from this novel which retcon a lot of plot in God of the Gamalatica episode prior introduction of Rinne Somnium episode. As well as Princess Claire.
- TGP Several quest have name with phrase like "Didn't I Say....", "You said to....", etc. when involve with Mile-chan.
- AEP Princess Claire wish her luck with quote "God Bless Me?", as well as quote like "It is old family secret".
The Eminence in Shadow
- The character resemble to Claire Kagenou and Alexia Midgar was seen in the opening scene of Afterlfie Expanding's History of Kingdom of Midgar, Isla and the Gamalaticania Alliance.
- Calid Kagestis, a pun name of Cid Kagenou and Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi series was appear as poncho seller (especially the pink poncho) and he also secretly a starknight of the Midgar Kingdom.
Garm Wars: The Last Driud
Early plot of Tale of Goldia prior before Project Isla and Afterlife Expanding were based on this film.
- Goldia were original a dying desert planet in two billion year ago prior before Previous World and eventually the current form.
- The Asgaran and Bauda race were abandoned by the creator due to massive war that render the planet into the desert, which result in creation of Guardian Characters. There is likely that there is more than two major race in this period were totally wiped out in the war.
Happy Sugar Life
- TGP One of Neutral Alliance's drug called "Happy Sugar Candy" which allow the victim stab the enemy to the eye.
- TGP Great Tomoyatalian Empire canon episode have a nickname called "Happy Sugar Life meet Star Trek: Discovery".
- TGP One of Abomon Dogord username "PrinceImperialManager" is pun of Princess Imperial Manager.
(Satō Matsuzaka)
The Protagonist in this anime have voice same as Rinne Yoshimizu. Rima Yoshimizu is based on this character.
- Rima Yoshimizu have two alternate uniform that resemble to the protagonist of this anime, as well as a girl that protagonist have interested in love.
- The Matsusaka-class Star Dreadnought have description said that it's name after biggest pine tree in the Goldia.
- "Dead by Sato" was a popular video game that appear in one of Neptune's video game where both Rema and Sato was in the game as survivors and killer perspective and both were wear navy blue jacket.
(Shio Kōbe)
Sakura Hana is based on the Deuteragonist of this anime. In main series, she is 8-year old with same appearance. In Project Isla, she is now a 16-year old with Manga appearance.
- Kōbe-class Battlestation have description said that it's name after a little child with abusive father.
Lucky Star
Several element that later become the Touhou Galaxy Project setting were largely based on this anime, including Ryoo Interstellar Academy and Daigikai Building.
(Kotori Hatsumi)
One of central protagonist of Touhou Galaxy Project was based on Kagami Hiiragi and Tsukasa Hiiragi. Kotori's original and real name: Kasami Hiiragi was also based on two character. Despite being a Angel of the Gamalaticania or Gekino Bird Demigod, Kotori still remain friendly conversation with those Lucky Star character.
Made in Abyss
- Several element such as lost civilization underneath the Goldia's surface were mentions such as remain of Previous World's civilization.
Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister!
- Newer Nana Yoshimizu design was heavily inspired by Mahiro Oyama but light pink hair.
Plastic Memories
Both Haru and Haruka (along with her new uniform in Ghost Mountain Frog), as well as Goldia's Star System have many inspiration from main character of this anime, Isla.
- The new outfit (officially known as Terminal Standard Outfit "TSO") for several government, military officer and spaceship crew of the Gamalatica is inspired by the uniform use by those at Terminal Service One but with recognize color similarly to classic Gamalatican uniform, although they have been introduce in Ghost Mountain Frog with Haru and Haruka. (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)
- One of Afterlife Expanding character, Isla have simiarly appearance to the anime counterpart. However, she appear to be shorter and she spelled with Is-La instead of Ai-ra.
- Term "SA" is highest quest rank in the galactic quest after "S" rank quest. However, they were extremely rare and difficult quest.
- Tsunemi has behavior similarly to Megumi Yamamoto who rarely speak and use a paper as form of communication.
Seirei Gensouki
Afterlife Expanding borrow many element and theme from this media (especially in Isla and later episode).
(Celia Claire)
- Alicia's name and royal outfit design have many similarly to her.
- Entire Midgar Kingdom is located in Celia reigon.
- Dalia-type Galley.
Shugo Chara!
- The Gamalatican species is basically a Guardian Characters, a tiny fairy race.
- Federal Countries's intelligence agency "Overseas Security Agency" is heavily based on Easter Company.
(Rima Mashiro)
One of Shugo Chara! character has several reference in TGP work. As well as Ringo Niwa who also based on this character.
- The character's name is based for Rema Yoshimizu, as well as Rima Yoshimizu.
- The name of Sonogami system in older TGP continuity was Rema System were planet Tomoya was located.
- Mashiro-class Battlecarrier have description said that it name after a guardian character who want to restore her family's relationship.
- Term "Bala-Balance" is based on a television show that Rima Mashiro view. It's common word that appear most of Yoshimizu Castle media including Touhou Galaxy Project, Afterlife Expanding and Star Democratic.
- Despite Ringo Niwa is based on Princess Aaru, she have several reference to Rima including the bala-balance acting.
Talentless Nana
- New Nana Yoshimizu (prior to newer design) and original Sakura Nana's new design was influence by Nana Hiiragi.
- A quest "Talentless Nana" given by Nana Yoshimizu has mentioned that some of Abomon imposter has disguise to some talent people across the galaxy whose she refer as "Enemy of the Gamalatica" and use vent to kill people which the quest is reference to the name of anime, as well as Among Us. (Blanec's Lowee Empire)
Your Lie in April
- SDR There is parody of UM's motto with "Your Lie in United Membership."
TV program and series Reference
Babylon 5
There is not much reference from this media unlike they were heavily involve in Kotori continuity. However, any Babylon 5 reference from that continuity can't be mentioned in this continuity.
The Expanse
- "Fedex" war crime list in Fourth Gamalatican Conventions was using breaching pod resemble to cargo container.
In the Gamalaticania Universe. The Farscape were appear as "Behindspace" and most of their space exploration were lost in the uncharted territory.
- Australia NASA is a TGP nickname for International Aeronautics and Space Administration.
- One of Robbie Rotten quote that TGP Author often to refer those ABM Hero, Wokers and Cancers was "how to be villians!".
Star Trek
In the Gamalaticania Universe. The Star Trek were appear as "Star Explorer" since most of Star Trek episode (especially older series) were largely exploration.
- Several Neutral Alliance crew attempt to not wear a redshirt due to unlucky color.
- Several Star Explorer's Starfleet recruitment poster that they were highly demand on crew who are redshirts such as engineer and secruity.
Movie Reference
One of Star Democratic antagonist have name similarly to one of villian in this movie.
As Above, So Below
- One of Rinne's memories show a burning car with her family inside along with the infamous word "This is not my fault".
Captain Phillips
- The pro-Abomon pirate has raid on Gamalatican cargo ship "CCSS Alenko Masha" with a abomon ship of ABMS Adumali Mouse, Kassan, Honfan, and Jankson. This is reference to cargo ship Maersk Alabama, pirate leader Abduwali Muse and the pirate group. (Ghost Mountain Frog)
The Fifth Element
- A blue skin alien female humanoid is show at the Kanade Galactic Museum along with a Gamalatican celebrities who resemble to Ruby Rhod.
- The infamous line "Are you not entertained?" was speak by Nill William when he bully Rinne.
Mad Max
- One of Gamalatican police unit that try to catch Luna during the heist on Kanade Galactic Museum is namely "Major Patrol Force" with one of them is officer Mad Baskerspace.
San Andreas
- CCSS Makuko is reference to the infamous Dam collapse running scene. It was claim that CCSS Makuko was destroyed during the Operation Sandstorm by a Abomon kid name "Kim Park" who was thrown by Abomon Commander into one of Hyperlaser cannon's firing system which cause entire ship to overload and destroyed. This was a denouncement from TGP Author who hate a character who died and save the girl who the parents never thanks to Dr. Lawrence Hayes after saving her.
- Dr. Kim Park, a running gag character for most of Yoshimizu Castle media who often die in the scene which given the reason why TGP Author denounce this movie.
In the Gamalaticania Universe. The Stargate were appear as "Stardoor" and most of their stargate are appear to be door-like warpgate which resemble to Doraemon.
- FN-90 Assault Rifle is the Neutral Alliance's standard issue rifle that resemble to FN P-90.
- Thifoire-class Corvette is a nickname of BC-304 given by Gamalatican.
- The infamous horse meat from Treaty of Hiiragi is reference again.
Starship Troopers (Verhoeven canon)
In the Gamalaticania Universe. The Starship Troopers were appear as "Starvessel Soldiers" and most of their soldier are appear to be pirate-based apperance.
- The infamous "The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug" is show in one of Abomon's Propaganda were one of Abomon soldier is yells "The Only Bad Shugo is a Dead Shugo." while anger at Gamalatican after they defeat the Abomon troops.
- One of qoute mentioned of not bring "nuke" in a "knight fight".
- The Outpost 7 is mentioned as a fortification against Abomon invasion.
- Several Abomon troopers that fought in Third Global Conflict and new timeline of Final Gamalaticania War were resemble to movie version of Mobile Infantry. (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)
Star Wars
Star Wars is known in Gamalaticania Universe as Star Conflict, a common recruiting antagonist of both Kotori and Blanec continuity until the introduction of Against the Blanec Movement. They were still exist in Rinne continuity as a human who depart from the Previous World to the M51 galaxy prior to Third Global Conflict.
TGP Author is known to dislike Disney's decision to decanonize (old) Star Wars Expanded Universe.
- TGP's Kotori continuity is nickname "TGP Legends", which based on "Star Wars Legends". This is likely because of Rinne Continuity have several reference from this continuity.
- M51 Galaxy that Human was depart to and both Gamalatica Initiative and Lucas's Alliance depart from was Star Wars galaxy.
- Many Tomoyatalian Crossbow has inspired by Wookie Bowcaster.
- The "Return of the Kaloyev" quest line given by Vladimir Kaloyev is a reference of Return of the Jedi's original title by refer as "Revenge of the Kaloyev" because Jedi don't revenge. (Ghost Mountain Frog)
- Eckhart-class Transport is a Star Conflict ship that resemble to GR-75. This is reference to Star Wars/Halo Youtuber "Eckhartladder" who often bullying the Rebel Alliance transport why they fought in space battle. The engineer was mentioned that the ship class's name was taking from his dog who was fry in the war after collide with a Conflictan battleship which is also reference to Rogue One scene.
- The infamous "The Power of Many" quote from the Acolyte is spoke by one of Star Empire Empress, Valenda to challenge Queen Isla and her young interstellar kingdom of Kingdom of Isla.
(Video Game)
- One of Gamalatican's unique ship has name "Oggdo Sumi".
(Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
- One of the quote is joke about the clone who say "Good thing those bugs can't aim." were mentioned as "Bad thing those bugs can aim."
The Truman Show
Many element of Gamalaticania Universe is resemble to this movie, along with Angel Beats! where the Goddess of the Gamalaticania is watching above the beyond universe.
Novel Reference
- One of planet in the Gamalatica galaxy is called "Trantor".
- Word "Without Wound and Scar" is mentioned by a group of Gamalatican Initiative who left from Previous World. (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
Starship Troopers (Heinlein canon)
- The Mobile Infantry has been face against their alternate version of Mobile Infantry who appear to be more advanced than them.
Video Game Reference
Among Us
- TGP The quest "Talentless Nana" given by Nana Yoshimizu required 3 Abomon which refer as Imposter disguise as talent people. She also mentioned about these Abomon love travel through air vent.
Arma series
The ABM have mentioned that their favorites video game were resemble to this video game.
- TGP A flying submarine use by Abomon is based on the ABM's infamous video based on this video game. (God of The Gamalatica)
Armored Core
- Many GA Mech were deploy during the Second Occupation of Midgar has very similar to mech of this game.
- The infamous teeth lod character of Battlefield 2042 appear as one of Abomon footage.
Call of Duty
Many Star Conflict's Lucas's Alliance element are heavily influence by Settlement Defense Front from Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
- Several gamer element such as "Camper", "Nerd" and "Corner" were use as ABM militia tactic.
- There is Abomon dogord username has name with "@Fill_Grave141", "@campinginthecorner" and "FULastStand".
- "FULastStand" is reference to Robert Bowling's infamous "Fuck You, Last Stand!' which he regret of last stand perk being remove (which ironically rename to "Final Stand") in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
- The newest Abomon video game have claim to feature a highly detail polygon of a Cans. This is parody of Call of Duty: Ghosts's infamous new dog model.
- One of the quest that helping a grounded ship is called "Revival me. I have a big ship", reference to infamous quote "Revival me. I have a raygun".
- SDR "Kids these day couldn't survive year 2002" is a parody of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) lobby due to toxic, voice spam and several culture of that period that modern day kid can't handle very well.
Command & Conquer
Corpse Party
Several TGP character's name have based on this video game are:
- Aiko Yoshimizu (Rio Yoshimizu) and Midori Niwa (Ringo Niwa) is based on Aiko Niwa.
- Mayu Hatsumi likely based on Mayu Suzumoto because need to be similar as Miki Hiiragi which also referred by Flame Compon who like to drag her into the wall at full speed.
Dark Souls
- There is bonfire with a sword reference in one of Luna's adventure note.
Dead Space
- TGP One of Kanade's Hand Sonic form is a foam finger called "Hand Sonic Form-X" which has resemble to Hand Cannom from the game which has instantly kill function. The foam finger has word "Gamalatica Number One" and "Num#0039" on it. (Tale of Goldia)
Far Cry
- TGP Keep Your Rifle by Your Side
One of ABM song use in their group and content prior before their group was seized by TGP Author and it's only song use by ABM that not banned by TGP Author under Basic Rule: Section 3 "inappropriate content related to ABM" unlike National Football League or Come Out, Ye Black and Tans.
In Rinne Somnium, this song at the start of the episode which use by one of ABM cruiser. In this version, it's have edit with shutter, reversed, high pitch and of course, insert with some part of Date A Live: Rinne Utopia's main theme. Revealing that Rinne Somnium is gonna to be a psychological horror genre, unlike previous entry.
- TGP ABM-Buck is appear as one of ABM's digital currency use for the Abomon Territory-purchased item which they mentiones to be earned through battle royale.
The Fruit of Grisaia
- TGP The Tomo-Rikira "Grisaia" Anti-Material Cannon has a name based on this visual novel and the character Kazuki Kazami as the cartridge name and most user who use this weapon were white (or silver) hair girl like Kanade and Luna. The weapon has Phantom Trigger unique varriants that firing a smart projectile. The prop is very resemble to Denel NTW-20 and Steyr HS .50 with only exception that it has unique sniper scope. (Tale of Goldia)
- TGP The Parrus planet, Tar-O'Sa has a tragic description that a civilian transport was crash on this planet with only 1 Guardian Characters survivors who has guilt for the lost of other student following the disaster of her Soukian teacher is turn out to be cannibalism and devour many Guardian Characters corpse. This accident also mentioned in the production of Tomo-Rikira Grisaia as well.
Grand Theft Auto
- TGP After complete a quest "The Galaxy Is Yours". Tommy Monma explain that he can't swim, this is parody of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
- TGP Several ChriperTube has a lot of "Gamalatican 6" leak clickbait as Lady Haru is quest by Mile-chan to help the children stay away from this bait, this is reference to infamous GTA 6 clickbait. One of ChriperTube user who post such a clickbait has username "BrosmanFugTheGalaxy".
- TGP One Abomon has Dogord username being "IHaveBillion_K/D" which mostly reference to griefer in this game which using several weaponized vehicle which one of them being flying bike.
Hyperdimension Neptunia
Several Touhou Galaxy Project element were largely influence by this video game since their introduction in 2015. Since 2019, several Neptunia element was remove from the series and dozen of element was remove since the introduction of Project Isla and will be completely remove when Hiiragi-chan was release, only left remain in the series is the name, IF, Compa and Histoire.
- The Neptunia's homeworld, Gamindustri is located in same universe as Touhou Galaxy Project were, but different galaxy and dimension.
- One of the quote is mentioned about Noire being next stop when the character is fall from sky. This is also true with Kotori and Tsukara.
Mass Effect
- SDR Space Hamster is reference as one of item can't be use aboard a starship.
- The characters will refer to any store that they brought the most as their favorite store.
School Days
- TGP One of Gamalaticania Broadcast interrupt is show after Rinne has stab Nill William with a scene of an Mashiro-class Battlecarrier, CCSS Skagastol travel in the nebula with similar angle along with the ship's captain, Konotoha said with the infamous quote "Nice boat" which is also reference to one of main character, Kotonoha Katsura. (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)
The same footage is reused in "Reisen Naka: Everything you need to know" as story introducrion of Blanec's Lowee Empire.
- TGP Joel Wacker was upset that a mafia boss has kill his dog name Bubble and start to rampage across the criminal organization. This is reference to the "Lost Amoeba" event with "Bubble" as one of Amoeba name option. It's also reference to John Wick as player who let the amoeba died by hostile empire which player often to take revenge on those empire and destroy them.
- One of alien civilization is form a space nation by using Gamalatican radio as their primary language. This is reference to the Blorg.
Summer Pocket
- SDR The strange phenomenon on planet Talon V was experience a series of cursed after one of shrine maidan has made a prophecies about the planet's series of chaos, as well as United Membership's (first) destruction.
- SDR A Yellow-hair girl who live in Hamanisowa lighthouse is almost look like Tsumugi Wenders.
- SDR The SixSense's Headquarter being located Cela "Tsumugi, Wenders" Ceek.
When They Cry series
Both A Dream of Aiko and Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu episode (and Star Democratic Reboot) plot has many similarly plot such as time loop that Rinne was killed to each world which cause old world where Rinne kill is getting destroyed and replace by newer world. As well as Mass Chaotic War lead by Star Conflict and later, Against the Blanec Movement.
There is two known parody stuff that based on this video game are:
(Rika Furude)
TGP Author has been making fun about this character since her original Star Democratic series which mostly reference to infamous knife stab in the head releated to drug known as Code 370-MH which is reference to infamous Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. A character with similarly appearance as Rika was Gamalatican commander "Rita Marude" of Gamalatican Alliance SpecForce who almost stab in the head after exposing to Code 370-MH abomon's super drug during the raid on cargo ship CCSS Alenko Masha after takeover by pro-Abomon pirate. (Ghost Mountain Frog)
Third version of Tomoya Dinogi appear in Afterlife Expanding borrow many resemble to this character although she is dark hair much like original Tomoya Dinogi who is based on Tomoyo Dainouji from Cardcaptor Sakura.
Rinne Yoshimizu has many inspiration from Rika Furude such as ability to keep her alive after she was brutal killed by Nill William and Kotori. Her death result in old world being destroy and replace by new world were she alive whatever she is kill in year 6517. It's reveal that Rinne's death cause mass hysteria across the galaxy and also make her can't remember her own death or who kill her. (A Dream of Aiko/Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)
- Hamanisowa Radio have several song which came from the anime of this title.
(Malaysia Airlines Flight 370)
The component of Abomonovirus bioweapon has the element of Code 370-MH, a Stardoor drug develop by Samantha Calonia that cause victim to stab in the head with a knife which is reference to Rika Furude's infamous death scene after injection by a drug that she attempt to use on Shion. The name 370-MH is reference to the infamous unresolved Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. (Memory of Kagami)
In Star Democratic Reboot, a spacecraft flight known as Galaxian Airlines Flight 370 was shot down over Hamanisowa by UMAF's RT-17 Long-range Anti-air Maser Emiter.
Yggdra Union
- Isla (Chiyome Heiwa) is a character based on Sting who also based on Princess Yggdra. The main protagonist in that game who also come with a large sword.
- The Afterlife Expanding's Gamalaticania Universe is official called "Yggdra Angel" which also reference to Princess Yggdra who is inspired for Isla, the Angel.
Real World Reference
- In Tale of Goldia. Goldia's capital city - Tomokyo have several building resemble to Neo-futurism architecture.
- One of Gamalatican Computer use by Abomon has word "Activate Saturn" on desktop which is parody of Activate Windows 10 scene.
- .sloot and .sloot2 data steaming file are based on Sloot Digital Coding System and Sloot Encoding System which use by both Gamalatican and Abomon to storage their data file. The .sloot2 was infamously use by the ABM for creating a AI generated deepfake image and video to link a fake crime against the victim. (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
- The Weapon Sight were manufacture by AikoTech, which is resemble to EOTech.
- Both Heckler & Koch G36 and KRISS Vector appear in most of Yoshimizu castle media.
- SDR Several famous real world song appear in popular radio such as Eurodance FM, GalaxyWide FM, Aixon 97.8.
- There is Guardian Character with a religion dress resemble to Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and among other religion exist in Gamalatica galaxy despite all Guardian Characters are following the Sonogamism religion. It was explained that they were religion culture.
- The Sonogamism has emblem resemble to Buddhism, this is mentioned that all Yoshimizu family member from Rinne to Kanade were Buddhism.
- TGP Many Gamalatican citizen start to pirate a car since several company start shifting on "subscription service". This is parody of everything is now a subscription service.
- TGP Star Explorer: Searcher that pull off from Webfilm to Trekkie+ is parody of Star Trek Discovery which was pull from Netflix international to Paramount+.
- TGP Chiyome has mock the human who cancelled others people who do nothing wrong as "Why they cancelled them despite they never make a food menu order."
(Gamalaticania Article)
There is official term that Gamalaticania Alliance use to refer a war crime action such as:
- "Fedex" is a war crime that using civilian object as cover (such as cargo container as breaching pod)
- "Dligar Reparation" is a war crime that blocked a star system in peace time.
- "Ebola Gray" is war crime using using atomic bomb against civilian target.
Austria (Veeria)
- TGP The slang word "Fug", "Fugging" and "Fugger" were based on a town, Fugging located in Austria which originally the town was name "Fucking". It use as counterpart to offensive word like "Fuck", "Fucking" and "Fucker". However, character such as Ringo Niwa who ran into Nill William decide to say the real slang word instead of Austrian town since TGP Author want to show how evil he is. (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
Canada (Maple)
- TGP The Allied's MF-225 Bow were resemble to Avro Canada's CF-105 Arrow. One such craft was use by Chiyome to fought against ABM stolen FA-35 jet in the Third Global Conflict.
China (Chengu)
- TGP One of Chengu social media app that popular among Federal Countries citizen is resemble to Tiktok.
Germany (Jerries)
- Many Gamalatican firearm prop were heavily inspired by Heckler & Koch firearm, especially the iconic Sakuri Chiyuran GC-36.
Japan (Neppon)
- TGP AEP The Gamalatican's popular instant communications app "Path" has many resemble to "Line".
Malaysia (Malaka)
For "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370". See When They Cry section.
- TGP The emblem of Shiho has similarly emblem design as now-formerly dominant coalition Barisan Nasional.
Russia (Shara Federation)
- TGP The mentioned of Sega Element that capable of create a soung of future is referred to Vitas "The 7th Element" song. "Sega" is Gamalatican word refer as "Seven".
Singapore (Singa)
Most of STAR DEM0CRATIC firearm prop based on this country which mostly from ST Kinetics, this including Ultimax 100, CPW, CMCR, BR18 (BMCR) and 50MG.
United Kingdom (Federal Kingdom, formerly Queen's Kingdom)
- TGP A Gamalatican quest "Just Stop Vandalism" given by Commander Rita is mentioned about a pro-Abomon group called "Just Stop Gamalatican" that use vandalism as tactic to protest the Gamalatica government is reference to "Just Stop Oil" group.
United States (Federal Countries)
- TGP The Abomon weapon manufacturer "FibberTech" is referred to toy company "Entertech" who notoriously for create a water gun resemble to real gun.
- TGP Federal Countries's B-70 hypersonic nuclear bomber is resemble to North American XB-70 Valkyrie, which stolen by Chitose and Chiyome to bomb the Dogord Headquarter.
Touhou Project Reference
Unlike most of reference here, Touhou Project reference has own section.
Although "Touhou" Galaxy is name after Touhou Project, but the name Touhou Galaxy "Project" itself is look from A Certain Magical Index rather than this doujin game. "Touhou" is refer as "Chaos" in the Touhou Galaxy name which also refer as "Eastern" since most of final antagonist have overpowered warship like Great Mind Trick and Final Protocal that firing like a bullet hell, as well as war between ghosty humanoid and creature (which this hints in God of The Gamalatica).
Both Star Democratic classic and reboot have similar bullet hell theme inspired by this game. According to reboot version, more than 8 quadrillion bullet, missile, laser and other projectile weapon have been firing in Operation DayBreak.
- In most of classic episode and Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu, there is a lot of projectile in the scene which is refence as bullet hell.
- Kotori Hatsumi's appearance in Afterlife Expanding is very resemble to Reimu Hakurei as she was a Miko.
- The Previous World and entire Mortal World is sealed away by Kotori following the Third Global Conflict and now habitat by remain of human ghost.
Other Yoshimizu Castle media Reference
Although this psychological science fiction political drama reboot is still in the production. The series will not be release until 2030.
- One of Gamalatican movie, Space Liberty have tagline said "Future is now, in 2002" which Star Democratic is set in year 2002.