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Against the Blanec Movement/Topic

"Remember boy. Don't post any .sloot video file on my topic."
- Nill William (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)

Against the Blanec Movement
The Against the Blanec Movement have several infamous topic that post by several online member in this group. Most of ABM topic are posted by Nill William and Olso Klafficer. Most of their topic were largely involve with harassment on the victim as part of their "Lore of Guns, a Satire, a Parody, a Fair Use" because of they don't need to have permission from the victim for their name as they can put these name as they wish without have to care the victim. Most of these victim were cast as evil person or antagonist while they cast their online member as a good guy to defeat the bad guy, and most of victim were 100% not from the ABM or their sub online group. Many of topic were related to current event of that period.

Although not many people were know about these topic were real more than a fictional. As the ABM claim that most of victim that they harassment were not exist and rather than a fictional character, and he claim that some victim's name in their topic such as Tomoya and Mayu that exist in real life is just a coincidentally.

These topic in this group was a main cause of infamous event like ABOVID-20 PandemicRyoo School Massacre and Third Global Conflict.

- (Ad) = Admin
- Re = Reply
- Nm = Non-Member
- Hack = Hacked

G.C. 2017

March 25
March 25, G.C. 2017
Post by:
Stand strong, men of military! We have gained recognition, and struck a blow against the self-esteem of the "Dear Leader":

Please stop! Please don't bullied me. - Heiwa


- nillkuan_2001: Huzzah!

May 1
Invasion of Taungmar is available
May 1, G.C. 2017
Post by:
Our video game "Invasion of Taungmar" is now release. Play as heroic Federal Countries and invade the Chengu's island "Taungmar". One step to free world!


G.C. 2019

May 1
May 1, G.C. 2019
Post by:
Imao. King of Smilyaland (Periyaraja) bad xdddddddddddddddddddddd.

More like Papaya-dajo.

Nae nae.

G.C. 2020

December 29
Who the hell is "Mayu"?
December 29, G.C. 2020
Post by:
Dear to all ABM personal. The new dictator name "Mayu Hatsumi" have show up to threat our dream to see the free world and the Neo-Gamindustri come true. She said that she will not let her friend get attacked from us. This is bad, she and her sister have plan to make the evil music club to raise the fund to support the guns and terrorist to our evil dictator. This is how evil she is. We have plan to stop her by any mean include with our Meme!!

- flamecompon: Why she want to stop us? She have same name as a girl that I don't like. I want to see her died by hit into a wall. Just like her name.
  - (Re, Ad) nillkuan_2001: I don't know who the girl that you are talking about?
    - (Re) flamecompon: Yeah: The girl have first name like her, but her surname is "Suzu-" or something.
      - (Re, Ad) nillkuan_2001: I don't get it. But fine.
- charlie-mac-malay: We gonna bomb Semistian? 

G.C. 2021

March 1
Evil Empire's biological weapon attack
March 1, G.C. 2021
Post by:
Dear to all ABM personal. Our country have suffer from evil empire's bio weapon called "ABOVID-20" that launch by evil dictator's right hand "Mayu Hatsumi" to against our free worlds. However, the weapon that they create is also afffect to her and her evil empire and their alliance as well. How fool this girl is....

- flamecompon: MAYU AGAIN? F### this girl.
  - (Re, Ad) nillkuan_2001: You will f## that girl later. She is infected and I hope she will died soon.

May 27
ABOVID-20 Eradicated
May 27, G.C. 2021
Post by:
Our weapon called "ABOVID-20" that originally stolen from Evil Empire have been eradicated by none other than Mayu. Our free world will not stand for her action for defeat our glorious weapon to next step for the free world.

G.C. 2022

June 28
June 28, G.C. 2022
Post by:
As our military have unable to make the enemy surrender to our ABM term of surrender. We have prepare for last military operation in the "Operation: Carbine" in the code name "Final Operation", as our force don't have other choice to solve this problem. Our force gonna storm the terrorist camp that held a lot of terrorist in the heart of evil empire and kill their leader. Beware, they will send the conscription force and the Alpha Trooper to stop our force. But don't worry, their weapon from SGC have made for indirectly fire and very to miss on our troops. We will send 5 of our best mens to destroy this camp and shoot every terrorist on sight both armed and unarmed to make sure they will never shoot at us.

We will storm them at their great training day. We will likely to see a lot of dead terrorist and free the Taungmar.

Time to move on, soldier.

Olso, out.

- (Ad) nillkuan_2001: As the Good Guys, shoot many student as you can. Keep the meme safe!
                                  As the bad guys, died.
- (Ad) TripleK: Storm the Terrorist Base, They Can't Stop All of Us.

June 29
Operation: Carbine Success!
June 29, G.C. 2022
Post by:
Thanks to our boys, family and pets. The Operation: Carbine is successful with more than 3000 death of foolish terrorist from evil empire. The terrorist camp is destroyed. But we have lost one of our great hero "Black Jack" who sacrifice his life for our country, our freedom to our free world. He was killed by evil leader but she have died in nasty ways too! The evil empire is unable to send more terrorist because we have destroy the camp. Make the ways to our great victory.

Paise to the fallen soldier of free world.

- (Ad) TripleK: Someone have spam our lore!! Ask Dogord moderator to remove these trolls and terrorists away from my group and block everyone who are not part of this group!
- charlie-mac-malay: We will do Semisitian next?
  - (Re, Ad) nillkuan_2001: We will do it next time.
- (Nm) Nowaru_5442: Murder! You kill our friend! You ruin my life!!
  - (Re, Ad) nillkuan_2001: Thanks to our support, Nowaru_5442, our member will find you to see our good place.
- (Nm) Shig214: You kill Mayu? Nooooo noooooo!! YOU BASTARD!! You, you kill her! You ruin our school too!! I have to report this group.
  - (Re, Ad) nillkuan_2001: Are you fool? Mayu is not dead!! She is in your phone... Ask it. Just don't look at me.
- (Nm) ChikimaLi: This is not a joke, you kill our friend. I never forget that!! I have to report this group too!
(Click this to see more 300M comment)

June 30
Evil Empire's Cyberattack
June 30, G.C. 2022
Post by:
Following our victory over evil empire's terrorist camp in Operation: Carbine result in death of evil dictator's right hand alongside with a lot of terrorist scum. The evil empire have launch the cyberattack on our server by spam a death threat message to us. This is not acceptable.

But we able to secure our server by block all channel used by evil empire by make everyone who want to fight for liberate this world have to enlist to our server. All terrorist that attacking our server were shot and killed.

Today, we managed to kill 600 trolls. But we lost one good man to evil dicator and using their head as warning signs.

July 14
Evil Dictator is dead!!
July 14, G.C. 2022
Post by:
The Operation Bastion is successful with death of evil dictator. I can't believe it, the dictator is fool than we think by save her own cat. This is foolish thing I ever see in my life, she should see her cat killed by us and she will died by her own hand. But now, they have view us as a hero, everyone love us and they will support this great liberation with us.

The evil empire have no strong leader and it will fall with in few day or less. This is the new for our freedom and liberation of Taungmar is began. Storm Taungmar from Chengu!! They can't stop us!!


- (Ad) TripleK: Boys, this is our era is begin. The FREE WORLD!!

G.C. 2039

August 2
Our boy must not die free
August 2, G.C. 2039
Post by:
Today, we lost a good men to dictator Kotori who decapitated our brave soldier and use as warning sign. Look how evil she really is.

Our boy must not die free.


August 31
Chengu Number One!
August 31, G.C. 2039
Post by:
This is it, everyone. Chengu is number one!!! This is good time for the great liberation on Taungmar from evil Chengu's regime.

President Lianbang Yi suckkkkk!!! XD.

His country too!!!! He just F.....


September 1
September 1, G.C. 2039
Post by:
For everyone who don't know about my previous topic. The Great Liberation is began, boys!! The Chengu have no idea why they using evil Dictator's death for their cause of war against us? We just mock them as a fair use, not a defame and they don't trust me. I can't believe it, they were warmonger!! The remain free world are join this evil Chengu to fight against us too!! They are evil and they have no idea to take a revenge on evil dictator's death.

But we have our land still keep in free world, although the traitors have tear our country apart.

Our boys will never turn back in this Great Liberation of Taungmar!!

- (Hack) Chengu Official: This is Chengu Government. You and all member in this online group is designated as war criminal of this conflict. Surrender and prepare for execution for war crime.
  - (Re, Ad) nillkuan_2001: What dude? I never doing wrong with that dude! This is fair use.
    - (Hack, Re) Chengu Official: Fair use is another topic. Have ever have tired from damage our world enough? Taungmar is join our land since 2020 because of your evil leader plague us.
(C#@## t##s t# ##e m### 666M #om#&#t)
[Error, the scripts is not loading, contact Dogord service to fix this issue]

Your server have been hijacked!
September 1, G.C. 2039
Post by:
Dogord Service
Dear nillkuan_2001, your server have been hacked by unknown user. It seem to know that your server will be shut down to prevent the hijacker

Our team will recover this server. Stay still.

- Dogord Sevice

Following Dogord Server is destroyed by Chengu government. Entire system is corrupted and some of data is appear not properly.

January 1, G.C. 1900
Dear nillkuan_2001, your server have found offensive content in your server that deem illegal and violate to the Dogord server.

Our team have to shut down this server and your account have been suppressed, effective in 9/1/2039.

- Dogord Service


G.C. 2045

Unknown calls (427-444444-44444444444-999-9999)
Don't come...
    Don't come...

    Don't come at me...

    Don't come at me...

    Bullying at my friend...


This is last message from now deceased Mayu who want Nill William to stop doing this. Afterward, he have gone insane and jump out of window to his death.

Behind the Scene

Several ABM topic were based on real topic on the real ABM online group that happen in the past (such as Black Jack's post). Some of them is fictional that create based on real event such as Abomonovirus and Mayu's calls on Nill William is based on Corpse Party despite all communication was destroyed.

Memory of Kagami (First Appearance)