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Touhou Galaxy Project continuities

"Countless of universe I have created have been destroy to keep you alive, I have created this world for only one purpose: saving you from anyone who want to see you end your own life. To ensure that I will not be born to this world and the world he want to see is a chaotic version of his world. But all end up you have died by him in the end and the universe is destroy."
Reisen Naka chronological universe

As the continuities of Hyperdimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project, there are 2 official continuity and 4 universe have existed in the Touhou Galaxy Project. The official Touhou Galaxy Project continuity "Reimaging Kotori" and "Reimaging Blanec (Reisen)", and the former TGP continuity "Kotori" and "Blanec". As the Touhou Galaxy Project have separated story to different timeline and universe. All 4 universe story doesn't affect each other's story.

To understand the different between these 4 article continuity with same name (or similar). Look at the Neutral Alliance for example: In official continuity, the Neutral Alliance was a Stardoor military alliance formed as part of Invasion of Gamalatica galaxy against the Gamalaticania Alliance. In Reisen continuity, the Neutral Alliance does't exist. In Kotori continuity, the Neutral Alliance was a Stardoor military alliance that join side with Star Conflict's Lucas's Alliance and fight against Interstellar Federation. In Blanec continuity, the Neutral Alliance was a Stardoor military alliance that found for wage war against Lowee Empire to end its Treaty of Hiiragi. But since both Kotori and Blanec continuity is no longer considered as canon, there are no reason to apply the story of Kotori continuity of Neutral Alliance into the canon version of Neutral Alliance unless the new source is applied on this. This is the reason why there are multiple page to not confuse the story and the setting of these universe.

Some of article such as Mayu Hatsumi who is oldest sister of Hatsumi family is known in some of continuity as Miki Hiiragi who was Hatsumi mother, or Interstellar Federation that official canon is known as Galactic Federation of Gamalatica. Some of event such as Ryoo School massacre is the massacre that occur in Ryoo Academy that in Blanec and Kotori continuity is executed by Star Conflict, but it's executed by Against the Blanec Movement in official canon.

In Goodbye Rinne, all continuity were confirmed to be connect as one continuity according to Kibori.

Official Canon

The Reimaging Kotori Continuity (formerly Rinne continuity) was set begin on April 28, 2019. Declare the preivous official canon "Kotori continuity" as non-canon. Start with God of The Gamalatica as first media of this canon. The different of Blanec and Kotori canon is most of main character such as Tomoya, Kotori, or Blanec were brought back to canon. Although the major of stuff like Tomoyatalian Empire which have been appear from both Kotori and Blanec canon was brought back to canon as Empire of Gamalatica and it's near identical to old counterpart include with Tomoya is the founder of the empire, and Abomon invasion that brought the end of peaceful era of Gamalatica is similarly to Star Conflict invasion that end the peaceful era of Tomoyatalian Empire.

What is considered official canon?
Touhou Galaxy Project always given the character and few important material always appear in the canon. Every material that made after April 28, 2019, will always an official canon unless there is reason. Any material that appear in old canon of official canon such as Lady Rema meet a new brand character in Kotori canon that are never appear in Kotori canon will stay in canon catalogue, not Kotori canon unless some explain and exception.

Any material that appear since April 28, 2019, is considered canon, but there is exception:
- Major character: such as Tomoya, Aiko, Kotori and Mayu were some of original character like Kotori and Mayu were known as (Kasami and Miki).
- Major government, faction and organization: such as Empire of Gamalatica, Galactic Federation of Gamalatica, Neutral Alliance, Lucas's Alliance and XJM Project.
- Major key event: such as Great Mind Trick, Ryoo School Massacre and End of Peaceful Era.

Which official canon material will affected the old continuity?
Generally, the official canon material will never affect the old continuity if material that already introduction in that continuity such as Sakura Hana will be kept in that continuity and will be reused in the official canon while some character like Miki Hiiragi who was introduction into canon as Mayu Hatsumi will stay in that canon.

However, there is some of official canon material were use for old continuity were Gamalaticania language is the great example, and countries name of Previous world which Jonathan O'Neill from old canon being United States Air Force is replaced by Federal Countries Air Force, as well as the universe. Most of spaceship that using fusion weapon is also replaced by Firaxus weapon. The main enemy, Star Conflict is replaced by Against the Blanec Movement entirely and change from being outside galaxy is replaced to somewhere outside the Heinasawa sector. The Star Conflict, however, still reference to old but replaced this storyline. Gamalatican Firaxus and Kiraxus term of energy weapon is replaced Fusion and Kinetic in old continuity.

Any material that are not mentioned in any Blanec or Kotori continuity such as Heinasawa Sector were first appear in canon were Goldia/Chiyuki was located will be used to all 3 continuity. Some media that already establish the fact such as "Ryoo School Massacre" which first appear in Kotori continuity which originally report 213 casualties in the attack is no longer canon after the Rinne continuity have establish a new report that this school massacre have more 3,000 casualties in the attack which make Kotori continuity version of Ryoo School Massacre to have more than 3,000 casualties.