"If the only reason that you stealing my work for hatred imagely without permission is because of fair use is acceptable behavior, then expect to be sued to the legal case, because all you're doing is making yourself look like idiot."
- Harusu

The Current Basic Rule was Issue in 28 Aprill 2019.
Basic Rule
(Section 1) General Rule:
The biggest rule in the Gamalatican Encyclopedia that everybody have to comply.
Basic Rule
(Section 1) General Rule:
The biggest rule in the Gamalatican Encyclopedia that everybody have to comply.
The Basic Rule: Section 1 is design for common used by third party and people who want to using TGP materials. The Section 1A is most important rule must comply.
Rules of Fair Use:
There are few apply rule that allowing to using the material in this Gamalatican Encyclopedia as long as not impact to this work.
- C1: All material that using as part of fair use is not related to character, government, Gekino Bird, etc.
- C1.1: All material that related to character, government and Gekino Bird can be used after the author have rights to person as long as not involve with rule number 3.2 and rule number 4.
- C2: Must not a person (or involve with a person) who have been banned by official Galaxy of Peace and Chaos stuff or author. (See Ban by Gamalatican Encyclopedia)
- C3: Not used for commerical or money involve such as Youtube video, AAA-title video game, movie, etc.
- C3.1: For commerical or money involve. The person must contact with the original author before purchase a copyrights and trademarks toward materials.
- C3.2: Don't using the material toward hate speech, racist content, internet meme, etc.
- C4: All fair use material must not change or edit to different material that take away from original work.
- C5: All material must given a credit to original author.
- C5.1: Don't insult the author.
- C6: All material outside of this work that used for this work must be fictional and must not involve with real life content such as United States of America, etc. Author only can be allowed. (see A3)
Ban by Gamalatican Encyclopedia or Official Galaxy of Peace and Chaos stuff and author:
There are 3 type of banned length for those people who were not able to post anything to the public or anything even is fair use or not.
- 3 month banned
- 6 month banned
- Permanently banned
Any item that post by person who have been permanently banned by author will be take down instantly.
Legal Action:
Gamalatican Encyclopedia and TGP Author have zero tolerance with the stealer and plagiarism especially those Alt-Right user and community as part of anti-hate speech law. No matter if the user using these material under a fair use or commerical will be take down in all case, especially Gekino Bird. TGP author will allow these material (especially the material that made by TGP Author) if they asking the permission and purchase the license.
(Example of Legal case)
A person must paid $2,500 to each Gekino Bird stolen. If one of TGP material is being in the list as one of ADL or a hate symbol or related will be sued 5 time than normal especially Gekino Bird is 10 time than normal "$25,000".
- Section 1A: All material that are design for this work is a copyrighted work for TGP Author.
- 1: The material must be new and must not related to exist content or material on TGP work.
- 2: The material must not be a copyrighted material, or otherwise from other work that are not part of TGP.
- Section 1b: Given a credits to other in case you know the original work were you are using were originated from other work.
- Section 1c: It's understand that people who are using my work without permission require to asking the TGP Author for using, even it's minor part of it.
- Section 1d: Artwork such as Gekino Bird, Kiiro no hana, and Rinne Yoshimizu Plum Flower always require the permission from TGP Author.
- a: Anyone who using those artwork without permission and refuse to remove will be sued for $2,500.
- Section 1e: For the reference, some character like Kotori Hatsumi still using "Kasami Hiiragi" name in the reference.
- Section 1f: All material that use in a very inappropriate way (such as violate Basic Rule: Section 3) can't use "Fair Use or Satire" as defensive measures.
(Section 2) Creative design:
The Basic Rule: Section 2 is design for the content which should or shouldn't allow. It's design for creative work design.
- Section 2a: Primary genre of the Touhou Galaxy Project is a Psychological Horror Science Fiction. You may not allow to turn into a Military Science Fiction or Military Historical Satire. Afterlife Expanding genre is Post-apocalyptic Science High Fantasy. Star Democratic genre is Retrofuturism political horror mystery.
- Section 2b: Every material should be place in suitable storyline. You may not allow to bring any of material that are inappropriate for the theme such as bring Lowee Empire into Rinne Continuity.
- Section 2c: There will be no Discrimination, Racism, Profane and Strong langauge in the TGP work. As well as discuss, promotion, damage the real world content. (Rmove sometime prior 2022 rule)
- Section 2d: No criticism and insult toward creative design from Project YAMA or anything related to Project YAMA.
(Section 3) Inappropriate Content:
Section 3 the one of TGP's most enforced rule as TGP design always ban all inappropriate content in the rule that can't be allow in the TGP work that were not only nudity or racism, but also anything related to real world will be banned from TGP work due to inappropriate in TGP policy that everything.
Section 3 the one of TGP's most enforced rule as TGP design always ban all inappropriate content in the rule that can't be allow in the TGP work that were not only nudity or racism, but also anything related to real world will be banned from TGP work due to inappropriate in TGP policy that everything.
The Section 3 (along with Section 4) were originally named after rule 34 were every non-pornography content is subject to it which Section 3 was originally design to prevent pornography in TGP work. However, this second have been heavily focus on censor the political and real world content, the name still mentioned rule 34 as reference of the section.
Despite banning the pornography content, TGP has no censorship toward gore and brutal content such as character get blow to piece in front of main character, or Rinne being decapitated by Kotori clone since TGP is a horror genre. STAR DEM0CRATIC doesn't have brutal content but some element like Mia being decapitated by celing fan still keep.
The TGP: Reisen Naka series, Afterlife Expanding Season 2, and STAR DEM0CRATIC has tone down the Section 3a which allowing more nudity and sexual content to the series such as Nana's revealing outfit or naked body when taking a bathtub, Stylis walking naked after bath or Naru's bathing which reveal most of body without bathtub's water cover. However, core element of this rule kept unchange.
- Section 3a: No inappropriate content related to adult-only content, pornography and any content that show glorified body organ. However, the Bathtub scene were allow as it's long as don't follow above rules.
- 1: No unnecessary nudity content. (Such as clothes explodes in a normal situation.)
- 2: No shower bath scene. Although TGP rarely ran a shower bath scene because Guardian Character always take a bath in a bathtub, as well as difficult to handle the art if they were able to make it without censor clouds. (Characters who know to have a shower bath scene are Midori Niwa, Rinne Yoshimizu and Haru Katsumi)
- 2.1: Character like Tomoya Dinogi, Kotori Hatsumi, Sakura Hana, Rio Yoshimizu, Rema Yoshimizu, Yoshino Yoshimizu, Kanade Yoshimizu, Nana Yoshimizu, Luna Eventyr, and Haruka Katsumi must always with a bathtub scene, no shower scene.
- 2.2: No bath scene with Abomon characters.
- 3: No sexual content related to organs, sex content, or sex activity (Even it's Abomon), as well as Hental.
- 4: For the western design, it's allow to have Guardian Character a towel whatever is a hot spring scene or a bathtub scene (or don't put these scene after all). (Remove in 2025 rule)
- Section 3b: No inappropriate content related to real life countries, cities, government, persons, religions and event. It's should be replaced with fictional version.
- 1: Don't bring any real name related to real person, if your name is similar to one of TGP Author's fictionalization name, ask her and why (if necessary) so she will happy to change it. But need to accurate, otherwise will get banned. (Except the exist name create by TGP Author like Kotori Hatsumi, Nill William, Tomoya Dinogi, Rinne Yoshimizu, Olso Klafficer, etc.)
- 2: Don't bring any real name related to real head of states, head of government or political member.
- 3: Don't bring any content that praise, support, insult, or otherwise damaging the real world countries, governments, leaders and religions.
- 4: Don't bring any content that seem to be controversial currently. (Except for Abomonovirus or 370-MH virus pademics which already exist prior before 2020)
- 5: Don't make any of fictionalization version of those countries, cities, government, persons, religions and event into one that similar to real life content. (Such as Vespuccas as alternate name for America)
- 6: For translator. DON'T mistaken or intent to translate the fictional name of previous world countries into the real one like "Chengu" to "China", "Charlie Jerries" to "Nazi Germany", or "Vespuccas" to "America".
- 7: Any fictional stuff shouldn't have any reference that refer to real stuff such as "Federal Countries is a fictional country based on United States", etc.
- Section 3c: No inappropriate content related to racism, meme, alt-right, profane, shorterest language and strong language. Meme however is selective and it's must not related to alt-right or the one use by real ABM.
- 1: No profane, racism, or cursed N-word against any of fictional characters or species (Even Abomon. However, the Gamalatican and Abomon may avoid to refer any action that deem to be racism. TGP Author will allow those F-word if some person is very evil enough for character to break their emotion like Nill William who got all F-word by most of Gamalatican characters).
- 2: The meme that official allow to TGP work without banned are Rickroll and MLG Montage.
- Section 3d: No inappropriate content that are harmful/inappropriate/offensive in some countries, or known to being list by Anti-Defamation League.
- 1: Swastika and related (Nazi symbol)
- 2: Hammer and Sickle, and related (Communist symbol)
- 3: Fasces (Fascism Italy symbol)
- 4: Iron Cross (Note: Iron Cross may not banned in TGP, but it's might resemble to Fourth Realm's symbol whose are heavily modified version of Swastika symbol)
- 5: Islamic State
- 6: Ku Klux Klan
- 7: Confederate battle flag
- 8: Z and V (including "Λ") military symbol. (Note: For Military only)
- 9: Yoke and arrows (Fascism Spainsh symbol)
- Section 3e: No inappropriate content were used by real ABM cyberbullying group, as well as their ABM sub-group 'Wel Zelevas - Welze'.
- 1: No inappropriate image or picture meme that used by real ABM such as Zergface, and Polar Bear.gif. (Note: Zergface meme is consider as a Swastika when enter into TGP work or story)
- 2: No inappropriate song or music that used by real ABM: Come Out, Ye Black and Tans, and National Football League.
- 3: No word that using ABM as acronym other than Against the Blanec Movement or anything related to them. Such as Anti-Ballistic Missile will be refer as Anti-Ballistic Rocket instead.
- Section 3f: No supporting, promotion or break the context such as praised or promote a real people, leaders or countries through fictional work. This also apply to political (in)correctness and woke content as well.
- Section 3g: Any sensitive content that TGP Author dislike such as real world politics, Discord and anything that TGP Author can't allow to mentioned.
(Section 4) Distribution
Section 4 was the rule about the release or making the Touhou Galaxy Project work into a public.
- Section 4a: Any work that design for TGP will be owned by TGP Author but allow to modified and edit on part you were owned.
- Section 4b: No TGP work were design for Offensive work and Commercial ways. (or any kind that made a profit or money)
- Section 4c: All work should design to be same theme as "anti-bullying post-apocalyptic science fantasy psychological horror" (Remove after introduction of Afterlife Expanding and Star Democratic, but some element still kept)
- 1: No Isekai element
- 2: No Military science fiction element
- 3: No Satire element
- Section 4d: You may not allow to bring or put any of TGP material and use it as political symbol especially the Gamalatican government symbol (Gekino Bird, Kiiro no hana and Rinne Yoshimizu Plum Flower). Doing this will lead to legal action.
- Section 4e: Any image or work that originated or involve with person or people who involved (or admin) the ABM, or have been permanently banned by TGP Author or TGP Official is prohibited. This is also count with people who ask for request as well. (Note: All person who have been permanently banned by TGP Author or TGP Official can't be lifted.)
(Section 5) Classified
Section 5 is a special rule that only TGP Author and who involved the TGP work directly.
Rules of Fair Use:
There are few apply rule that allowing to using the material in this Gamalatican Encyclopedia as long as not impact to this work.
- C1: All material that using as part of fair use is not related to character, government, Gekino Bird, etc.
- C1.1: All material that related to character, government and Gekino Bird can be used after the author have rights to person as long as not involve with rule number 3.2 and rule number 4.
- C2: Must not a person (or involve with a person) who have been banned by official Galaxy of Peace and Chaos stuff or author. (See Ban by Gamalatican Encyclopedia)
- C3: Not used for commerical or money involve such as Youtube video, AAA-title video game, movie, etc.
- C3.1: For commerical or money involve. The person must contact with the original author before purchase a copyrights and trademarks toward materials.
- C3.2: Don't using the material toward hate speech, racist content, internet meme, etc.
- C4: All fair use material must not change or edit to different material that take away from original work.
- C5: All material must given a credit to original author.
- C5.1: Don't insult the author.
- C6: All material outside of this work that used for this work must be fictional and must not involve with real life content such as United States of America, etc. Author only can be allowed. (see A3)
Video Game Rules:
Being a novel series, TGP never have restriction rule to made into an video game. However, there is a rule that always need to follow.
- V1: TGP-based video game are suitable with Visual novel and Role-playing (such as Turn-based strategy). First-person shooter are banned unless few exception if it's part of Turn-based strategy RPG, or a single player-only.
- V1-1: As First-person shooter, all firearm must have aiming feature (such as zoom and iron sight). As well as Gamalatican firearm will always cooldown-based weapon instead of magazine. Abomon firearm is always magazine and magazine must not reserve their magic bullet, meaning that bullet in that magazine when reload will stay in that magazine.
- V2: As Touhou Galaxy Project is copyright work to TGP Author. For a video game, it's hold by Compile Heart and Idea Factory.
- V3: Loot Box, Real World Money, Gambling are banned to be used with TGP-based video game.
Ban by Gamalatican Encyclopedia or Official Galaxy of Peace and Chaos stuff and author:
There are 3 type of banned length for those people who were not able to post anything to the public or anything even is fair use or not.
- 3 month banned
- 6 month banned
- Permanently banned
Any item that post by person who have been permanently banned by author will be take down instantly.
Legal Action:
Gamalatican Encyclopedia and TGP Author have zero tolerance with the stealer and plagiarism especially those Alt-Right user and community as part of anti-hate speech law. No matter if the user using these material under a fair use or commerical will be take down in all case, especially Gekino Bird. TGP author will allow these material (especially the material that made by TGP Author) if they asking the permission and purchase the license.
However, the Author will allow the user to delete and remove within 24 hour after send a cease and desist, if the user still not comply will launch the legal action to the user and of course, TGP Author have zero tolerance if they stolen for hate speech or commerical.
(Example of Legal case)
A person must paid $2,500 to each Gekino Bird stolen. If one of TGP material is being in the list as one of ADL or a hate symbol or related will be sued 5 time than normal especially Gekino Bird is 10 time than normal "$25,000".
Encyclopedia Rule
Characters rules:
- For character who were died in the story. As Chiyukitalian/Tomoyatalian characters, and characters who were not part of military, their status will be "Deceased" while Abomon character, and any character who were part of military will be "Killed in Action" or "KIA", this however, don't count with Chiyukitalian/Tomoyatalian character like Midori Niwa who involved with military unit like Alpha Force. Note that Abomon who are not part of military will always Killed in Action due to their fanatic of military.
Known prohibited used of TGP material
Following one of copyrighted material in Gamalatican Encyclopedia seem to be prohibited used outside of TGP story or this website. Especially for commerical or hatred related will be takedown.
Seal and Emblem
Name and Title
Characters rules:
- For character who were died in the story. As Chiyukitalian/Tomoyatalian characters, and characters who were not part of military, their status will be "Deceased" while Abomon character, and any character who were part of military will be "Killed in Action" or "KIA", this however, don't count with Chiyukitalian/Tomoyatalian character like Midori Niwa who involved with military unit like Alpha Force. Note that Abomon who are not part of military will always Killed in Action due to their fanatic of military.
Known prohibited used of TGP material
Following one of copyrighted material in Gamalatican Encyclopedia seem to be prohibited used outside of TGP story or this website. Especially for commerical or hatred related will be takedown.
Seal and Emblem
Used by
Gekino Bird
(Great Seal of Interstellar Federation) |
Author only can be used.
| ||
Kiiro no Hana
(Imperial Seal of Lowee Empire) |
• Lowee Empire
• Royal House of Hatsumi • Kotori • Mayu • Tsukara |
Author only can be used.
| |
(Imperial Seal of Tomoyatalian Empire)
Author only can be used.
| ||
Imperial Chiyukitaliana Empire
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
| ||
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
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Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
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Boei-gun |
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
| ||
Tomoyatalian Rikugun
• Imperial Gamalatica Army
• Gamalatica Federation Ground Force |
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
| |
Tomoyatalian Kaigun
• Imperial Gamalatica Navy
• Gamalatica Federation Defense Fleet |
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
| |
Kugun |
• Imperial Gamalatica Air Force
• Gamalatica Federation Air Defense Force |
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
| |
Interstellar Forward
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
| ||
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
| ||
Democratica Alliance
Need a permission from creator who created this emblem.
Name and Title
Used by
Chiyuki Heiwa/Blanec
Character name
• Chiyuki Heiwa
• Blanec |
Need a permission from creator who created this name.
Tomoya Dinogi
Character name
Author only can be used.
| |
Aiko Yoshimizu
Character name
Author only can be used.
| |
Gamalatica/Touhou Galaxy
Location name
Need a permission from creator who created this name.
| |
Species name
Need a permission from creator who created this name.
| |
Mayu Hatsumi/Miki Hiiragi
Character name
Need a permission from creator who created this name.
| |
Kotori Hatsumi/Kasami Hiiragi
Character name
Need a permission from creator who created this name.
| |
Tsukara Hatsumi/Tsukasa Hiiragi
Character name
Need a permission from creator who created this name.
| |
Ship prefix
Need a permission from creator who created this name.
| |
Planet name
• Tomoyatania
• Chiyuki • Chiyuki |
| |
Planet name
• Aquania
• Tomoya • Tomoya |
| |
Kukan-Ori-Ori (K-11)
Planet name
• Kukan-Ori-Ori
• Kukan-Ori-Ori • Kukan-Ori-Ori |
| |
Democratica Alliance