Gamalactican Search

Memory of Kagami (2020)

"Will you 'Go Foward' or 'Run Away' in the Afterlife, Kotori? Stop Crying."

Episode III:
Memory of Kagami
General information
• Science fantasy
• Psychological horror
• Post-apocalyptic
• Family fiction
Rinne Yoshimizu
May 2020
Product Code:
G.C. 6516
Main Protagonist:
Main Antagonist:
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Supergalactica Neptunia Galaxy of Peace and Chaos Episode III: Memory of Kagami, simply known as Memory of Kagami is the third canon mainline episode of Supergalactica Neptunia "Rinne's Dream". The story is focus on "Kotori", a Princess of the Gamalatica in previous life alongside with Mayu and Tsukara about to save her school "Ryoo" from closing down by founding a music club to raise a support to her school. In the meantime, they have face with one of her music club member have commit suicide after being bullied by a cyberbullying online group known as Against the Blanec Movement, as well as Lew Eawanis which they later threat to bullied Mayu and ruined her and her sister's wish to save the school.

This story is a sequel to Rinne Somnium which setting in the time prior before Nill William have found and harassment on Tomoya by stolen her novel into a cyberbullying online group that using her name and her novel into a hate speech meme. As Kotori have save her sister from many harassment tactic from the ABM and the Lewas that want to threat her life include with a criminal record, a fake news, a fake pandemic, and of course, the infamous Ryoo school massacre is return.


As Ryoo Academy is being threaten to close down due to financial issue. Kotori, Mayu, Tsukara and her friend formed a Ryoo Music Club to save the school with ultimate goal to make her school club a widespread popular. However, Kotori and others has no experience in music and never know if their plan will be success or not.

Although her music club's progress is ongoing. One of Kotori's friend is experiencing a harassment and died from ABM group who also plan to ruin others including Kotori and her music club. As Kotori find out about the group's existence. She will do anything to stop them from destroy her goal.

As getting challenge by Kotori. The ABM group has turned these task to their subsidiary, the Lew Eawanis who is specialize on target the tough opponent that difficult for normal ABM harassment including a harassment campaign, a fake news and fake global pandemic. If Kotori still succeed her goal from saving school. A final option will be end with blood with her school and that will make Kotori's goal a totally worthless.


In Order of Appearance
- Flame Compon
- Kotori
- Mayu
- Tsukara
- Aiko
- Charile Malay
- Nill William
- Rinne
- Olso Klafficer
- Black Jack
- Harusu
- Midori
- Sakura