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Nill William

"These are our goals for this war. Once our demands are met, we will no longer present ourselves with hostility toward Rinne."
- Nill William, revealing his psychopath (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)

Most of Guardian Characters always see him in this appearance
Characteristic information
Real Name:
Full Name:
Nill "Kuan" William (pseudonym)
@nillkuan_2001 (Dogord, pseudonym)
• Put anyone into his internet meme or roleplaying
• Militarism
• Authoritarian
• Get arrested or Have someone try to links a crime on him
• Call him a psychopath, pedophilia and terrorist
His desire:
• Made everyone accept his expression (failed)
• Crusade against entire world of Gamalatica (failed)
• Decapitate Rinne Yoshimizu's head and make into his trophy (failed)
Cause of Death:
Stab by Rinne Yoshimizu
Biographical information
September 11, P.E. 1990, Koscon, Muccushoketts, Federal Countries
May 10, P.E. 2019, Koscon, Muccushoketts, Federal Countries
Physical description
• Unknown
 Abomon (formerly)
• Human (formerly)
Blood Type:
170 cm
97 kg
Hair color:
Skin color:
Eye color:
Chronological and political information
(Previous World)
  • Federal Countries Armed Force (unofficial)
    • Federal Countries Information Operator (unofficial)
      • True Onion Reaction
      • Lew Eawanis
This 32-year old Abomon male general from Federal Countries is known for founder of the cyberbullying online group known as Against the Blanec Movement that infamously known for Rinne, Kotori and several Guardian Character's death and lead several chaos in both Previous World and Gamalatica galaxy that change the page of their history.

His real identity or name is unknown. However, he have several pseudonym name when come to contact with other people and creature, one of them being Nill William or his online username Nill Kuan which heared by Kotori. Most of human from Previous World refer him name as Traitors to all mankind due to he was the cause of mankind's downfall, and he was remembered among the Guardian Character in Gamalatica galaxy as "Destroyer of Gamalaticania Universe" since he is only person who can kill Rinne and end her afterlife worldHis deeds resulted in Kotori's death, a school massacre and a nuclear conflict that end all mankind. His action also impact most of Gamalatica history by founding the military junta named after his online group that rose from ash of Third Global Conflict that resulting in downfall of peaceful era of Empire of Gamalatica and the mass vacuum of Gamalatica galaxy between supporter and opposites of Gamalatica government and the Abomon-lead military dictatorship.

After Rinne regain her memories, he was hunt down and killed by her for not apologize to her and her deceased friend, Kotori. His soul was later sent to the deepest Naraka where he was punished by force him using computer to harassing everyone and receive all hate message from the victim he done to them, his soul was torn apart by this point where he can't handle his own behavior anymore.


Nobody know his real identity or name because of he always pretend to be nice with most people even their own friends and foe. He have several pseudonym and fake identity though online with most common one being "Nill Kuan" on his Dogord server, and "Nill William" when he try to meet a person outside the internet. Several online user in Against the Blanec Movement honored him as "The Bravest man of Seven World" due to his notorious action such as Ryoo School Massacre and Third Global Conflict. Tomoya always refer him as "Bullies" because of his harassment.

Kotori and Rinne is only person who known his real identity but decide to not tell or heard about it due to his name will make her unconscious and bleeding in pain, while other won't hear his voice when saying to his real name without known it.

His name has became a universal hate among the Gamalaticania Universe population due to his reputation.

Behavior and Habit
"You know, I don't feel bad anymore if you forgave to what I done..... but I don't feel sorry for what I done because this is my freedom of expression. This is what liberty gave me and you have your own liberty. Just remember that I never do anything wrong, so you don't need to accuse me anymore. You understand, the Democracy given everyone's liberty."
- Nill William, to Rinne as he refuse to apologize her and Kotori which before Rinne kill him (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)

Nill William is known to be a dangerous psychopath due to how unpredictable he is. He will manipulation anyone that view to be dangerous to him and try to hunt down and kill any victim that he pick up in indirect way to avoid blaming him a murder. He entertain most of victim and make them suffer no matter what the victim's feeling toward him as he just simply don't care at all. Even the victim did overcome him, he will try to play as victim to convince the victim to fell to his trap and blame on victim for doing wrong for attacking him. Although he care his own kind, but appear that most of them are just willing to fight for him without knowing his true potential goal. He would manipulated them to gain their trust on him even for a long term goal.

Whatever he harass other people or victim, he never care any of consequences he made regard of victim death, such as Ryoo School Massacre and Third Global Conflict. If the victim is still alive and not commit suicide, he will try to haunted them everytime until the victim is give up.

He is also appear to be a pedophilia due to sexually behavior toward Kotori when he say word like "Daniel Bless" when mentioning her.


"Sure. I don't mind if you don't want to apologize anything you have done to me or my childhood friend because that is your democracy or liberty want you to do. I understand.... So, Goodbye."
- Rinne, to Nill William as she prepare to stab him to death (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)

(Old timeline)
Unlike most of ABM victim that he view as friendly, he view Rinne as his true enemy who he have mock her family and he said that she shouldn't live in this world. His harassment cause her mental brokedown and heartbroken after seeing his action. She have attempt to committing suicide were he observed her from behind but because Rinne has many reminder in the past, she refuse to give up which result in he attempt to sexual assualted on her, but turn into a fight when she already plan to kill him no matter, he have no other opition but using a gun and shot her to death.

After Rinne's death, he set up a scene to making everyone believe that she was commiting suicide which he use this as ultimate ambition to create the ABM online group. But when he attempt to find her corpse and decapitate her, she was already vanish from this world, he was upset and disappointed but he has no option but set up a fire to burn her entire house to destroy the evidence he made.

It was reveal that Rinne did meet him back in 2016 until he sexual assualting on Kotori which result in her committing suicide. Kotori's death destroy her relationship with him, and she attempt to forget anything that she never that she meet with him before.

(New Timeline)
After Rinne have apologize and forgiveness everything he done to her and Kotori. He refuse to apologize to her and Kotori since he never do anything wrong in first place. Because of his speak, he was killed by her who has enough with his action.

He often insulted her by given her nickname as "Greatest Dictator" and he also put dozen of her imagely into internet as a offensive content which she is greatly dislike.

However, It's reveal that Kotori did meet him while she is 9 year old in 2016, prior before he bullying Rinne and create the ABM group and it's also reveal that she is the first victim to his sexual assault and he also stolen most of her stuff and almost destroy her repulation which result in her committing suicide which lead his relationship with Rinne also break apart.

He and Ringo have terrible relationship since she have interrupt several of his harassment on the victim.

Coming soon

Coming soon

Olso Klafficer
He and Olso Klafficer have good relationship and he considered him as great friend despite he never know about his true form. Klafficer always help him when he was punished by Tomoya which leading the chaos to be born in the Gamalatica world.

He view Shido as another true enemy after Rinne which he attempt to prevent him do more harm to Rinne.

After he burn Rinne's house and saw Shido along with a soulless Rinne body being vanished. He attempt to claim it's accident, Shido notice his action from the beginning and start to attacking him, only to be get him injure and he notice that Shido have reverted into his female form "Shidori", he began to mock him (her) and her sister Tomoya to be weak and telling that his lover is move to the heaven. Before he leave her, he yell that he doing this is just a fair use and a parody, which enraged her.

While Shido is no longer able transform back to his male form, she keep using this form start to help people to stay away from this online group. Along with Rio, she also leading his online group and him to demise.

He never meet Rio in person prior before he born into the afterlife. He however, already hate her because of she is daughter of his enemy, Rinne. He also hate her because of she ruining his repulation and his online group through A Dream of Aiko and Rinne which result in his demise by the hand of rebel in the Second Vespuccas Civil War.

Rio know that he murder her mother is also murdering her to not be born as well.

He never meet Rema in person. However, she vow to kill him if she can for protecting her oldest greater grandmother "Rinne".

He never meet or see Aiko in person prior before he born into the afterlife. However, he did meet her and kill her while fight against Tomoya to take his gun away.

He always mock her as a dictator like most of his ABM victim, he also mocking her older sister.

His relationship with her is very bitter despite pretent to be a nice guy to her age.

While he doesn't have any relation with her. She already hate him that making most of her family suffer.

Behind the Scene

The name of Nill 'Kuan' William was introduction to the Touhou Galaxy Project with the reboot of Touhou Galaxy Project story. His name is based on real person that author have been bullied in the past. 
Nill William is the main antagonist in God of The Gamalatica, 
and he has been a central antagonist for entire course of Touhou Galaxu Project's Rinne Diary arc.

Unlike most of antagonist such as Georcas William and Olso Klafficer who largely appear to be evil in nature such as they always try to dominate the galaxy or doing a evil thing. Nill William is appear to be most evil and most complex antagonist of entire Touhou Galaxy Project due to his psychopath and unpredictable character such as he want people to have a freedom of speech for the world where censorship have been increasing while hidden his real agenda as a freedom of speech.

As the conclusion of Touhou Galaxy Project as in Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu. He will no longer appear in Project Isla, Afterlife Expanding or neither Star Democratic.

Character design
"This guy is totally unpredicted psychopath."
- TGP Author

His surname "William" was originally based on Star Conflict antagonist name "William Georcas", the infamous Star Conflict commander and the leader of Lucas's Alliance who lead the war against Touhou Galaxy which is also basis for this character's name. Nill William's central name "Kuan" is based on his last name on the internet account, mainly his Discord.

The author of Touhou Galaxy Project have create this antagonist based on his name is because she want to revenge on him for using her TGP Author name and her work (of Kotori continuity) into a hate speech meme back in the past without her permissions that making her become a joker to entire world of internet and she would kill off the old universe, his claim for stolen her work for hatred is meant to be a fair use and parody. Despite he was a neo-nazi, alt-right and pro-Trump supporter in TGP Author's point of view (or a edgy person) which he always denied this despite he didn't mentioned that he is an edgy person (or an milsim online kid). Because of Touhou Galaxy Project's story is generally inspire by real story of TGP Author herself, it's no denied that TGP Author can't make the story without having the bad guy that operate the ABM group as antagonist and bullied her in the past.

Despite Nill William is a fictional character based on real person that bullying TGP Author in the past. He view his role as antagonist in TGP work being defamed him by put his name as antagonist of the story despite his action for stolen her name and work in the past for hatred was a parody rather than a insulting which he always excuses for it.

In 2022. TGP Author have release more detail about one of ABM admin where Nill William is based-off. She claim that the ABM admin is possibly a psychopath as she point out that he have several lies and fake empathy toward TGP Author when come to demanding him to stop his group. Despite being punished, he never stop doing this. He also try to manipulate anyone and try to avoid anyone to blame on him and also try to playing a victim to blame TGP Author for causing a havoc on him.

Another evidence was revealed that ABM admin is a pedophilia is the fact everytime when he mentioned about Kotori often has a message like Denis Bless near the end of ABM topic is reveal that the ABM admin is very adult man as the fact that Kotori is underage person as she was only 14-year old despite being a fictional character but TGP Author know his behavior may affected his real counterpart.

• He is only two Abomon who can speak Gamalaticania, other being Olso Klafficer. However, this is because of Guardian Character can communicate with non-sentient being.
• He is only Abomon who not mindless unlike most of them when talk to Rinne.
• He always called all major Gamalatican character a "Dictator" except for Ringo and Yoshimizu family.
• Kotori and Rinne is only person who known his real name, but not to spoke it because it cause a headache. This is because of TGP Policy and TGP Author never want to put his real name or real person which Nill William is based on.

(A Dream of Aiko)
God of The Gamalatica (First appearance)
- Rinne Somnium
- Memory of Kagami
- A Dream of Aiko

(A Dream of Aiko and Rinne)

(Short Story)