Gamalactican Search


"If you are the real man. You must join our Dogord server."

General information
Parent company:
• Hamster & Tally Co (formerly)
• Abomon Militia
• Axal, RO Taxanis, Federal Countries (formerly)
• Koscon
Primary role:
Social Media
Historical information
Date established:
• P.E. 2015
Date destroyed:
P.E. 2045
• G.C. 6517
Other information
Dogord is a VoIP, instant messaging platform. The user is participating in the private communication group known as "servers" which user can post a comment, topics, image and voice chat.

The Dogord is notoriously for several problem including cyberbullying, sexual abuse and harassment within the serbice. As well as use by several dangeruous and extremist group including two notorious server, Against the Blanec Movement (ABM) and Lew Eawanis (Lewas) which serve as harassment tool against user within and outside of Dogord server. Although their parent company, Hamster & Tally Co attempt to terminated both ABM and the Lewas group several time after both group engage in illegal activility including post inappropriate image related to Kotori's death and being sexual abuse by one of ABM admin, Nill William, as well as stage plot for Ryoo School Massacre, but they were bribery by an OSA agent who directly work for the Federal Countries who also member of these group.

During the Third Global Conflict. The Dogord Headquarter occupied by Against the Blanec Movement force which use as primary communication until it was destroy in the nuclear blast from a SB-70 hypersonic bomber stolen by Chitose and Chyome Heiwa to stop the Abomon advance but it cause these Abomon enraged even worse.

After the formation of ABM military movement, they have opreate a new Dogord server which serve as primary communication of Abomon and their military movement of Against the Blanec Movement.