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Empire of Gamalatica

"We will support the Bird."

Empire of Gamalatica
GC 4017 - 4410
Imperial Seal
Anthem: Teikoku no Tsubasa (Wing of the Empire)
Motto: Freedom for all
Political information
Type of Government:
Founding document:
Chiyuki Accord
Head of state:
Head of government:
Prime Minister
Executive branch:
Imperial Palace of Hana
Legislative branch:
Judicial branch:
Military branch:
Societal information
Official language:
National holiday:
Imperial Gamalatican Day
Historical information
Formed from:
Date established:
G.C. 4017
Date fragmented:
G.C. 4401
Date reorganized:
G.C. 4410
The Empire of Gamalatica was the ruling government of the Gamalatica galaxy that exist since G.C. 4XXX. They were simply known as Gamalatica Government or the Empire. Many people were largely given common name as Bird due to the symbol of the Gekino Bird. Since the formation of Galactic Federation of Gamalatica and later Gamalaticania Alliance, it was remembered as Old Gamalatica Goverment or Old Empire. The ABM often called as "Evil Empire".

The Empire of Gamalatica was a constitutional monarchy under the Gamalatica Contitution Note 0001, formed by several Gamalatican colonies and the Goldia government of Heinasawa Kingdom. The government have come with three core structure first with legislative: Daigikai, the largest branch of the central government that come with two-party system include with the centre-left Interstellar Party and the centre-right Galactica Party. Second with executive: Imperial Palace of Hana, the royal house of Hana family that serve as house of Imperial Hana family. The Empress of the Gamalatica is the solely title Head of States of the Empire. Third with judicial: Shiho. Serve as central court for both Gamalatica and the non-member of the Gamalatica that composed with fifteen justices with one held as Grand Justice.

Throughout the history of the Gamalatica, the Empire have been peaceful for many generation since their formed and maintain the peace through the galaxy and terminated all conflict between minor race and the non-member nation. Despite with many nation have joined to the empire. Several planetary government prefer to have a close-tie relations with the Gamalatica government while remain independent from the Gamalatica influence. Prior before the Abomon Invasion in the First Contact War. Empire of Gamalatica were peaceful as their military were minimal which largely aid by majority of fleet and ship from minor nation as the Gamalatica Government doesn’t want to pose any threat to the neighbor system. Prior before the Abomon Invasion in the First Contact War led by Against the Blanec Movement. Empire of Gamalatica were peaceful as their military were minimal which largely aid by majority of fleet and ship from minor nation as the Gamalatica Government doesn’t want to pose any threat to the neighbor system. The Abomon Invasion of G.C. 4401 was result in Gamalatica Goverment lost many territory and planet to the Against the Blanec Movement until force them to submit. 9 year of ABM occupation on Empire of Gamalatica has destroy many Gamalatican legacy of pride and work that built since their arrival to Goldia and ultimate end the peaceful era of Gamalatica after Empress of the Gamalatica, Sakura have led the full-scale military along with non-Gamalatican world revolt against the ABM occupation force.

After the defeat of the ABM and retreated at in the Battle of Goldia, the Empire of Gamalatica and several planetary nation that fought in the war against the ABM has formed a federal government known as Galactic Federation of Gamalatica. The first major galactic government in the Gamalatica galaxy history.


"The Gamalatica never be anything but keep the peace with other nation."

The Daigikai, the symbol of Gamalatica.
The Empire of Gamalatica was unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy with Empress as Head of States and Princess as Head of Government. The Gamalatica Constitution was Note 001 Constitution of the Gamalatica which serve as official law of the Gamalatica and most of the government in the galaxy. The Gamalatica's greatest problem is that lacking of official military force to solve the issue like those Abomon force.

The Empire of Gamalatica law is follow by their constitution known as "Note 0001 Constitution of the Gamalatica" which list by 39 of general law. However, since most of law were well effective in the Heinasawa Sector, most of Gamalatican territory outside the sector were not very effective and rarely use due to poor communication technology at that time.

One of Note 0001 Constitution of the Gamalatica law that known to be death penalty was "Gamalatica General Law 002" which is stand for "Assassination on Empress of the Gamalatica or any Royal family member that result in their death". However, this law doesn't have same penalty when Assassination-Attempt or Assassination on Prime Minister which is result in life imprisonment. Because of rarely use of this law as no royal family member have been kill in the attack. This law was applied to be public execution.

"Lol, look how awful of these stupid childish magical fantasy soldier they have. They are no match for my guns!"
- Nill William (God of The Gamalatica)

The Empire of Gamalatica were largely at peace as most of their oldest military were Royal Guardian, the oldest ground force of Goldia government since their formation of the four nation which magical soldier, and the Imperial Gamalatica Navy which has only 20 spaceship at the time. Both military are not part of the Empire, and they were not very powerful as to prevent the tension among the neighbor's planet.

The Imperial Gamalatica Military was formed alongside their Army and the Air Force following the aftermath of First Contact War which result in defeat of the Empire of Gamalatica to small potion of Abomon military that scout the Gamalatica territory for occupation which eventually led to uprising against the ABM oppressor.

Behind the Scene

"The peaceful nation that keep the peace and stay away from conflict that created by Abomon."
- About Empire of Gamalatica

The Empire of Gamalatica was introduction in the first episode of the Touhou Galaxy Project. The empire is a recreation of Tomoyatalian Empire that appear in both Kotori and Blanec canon who founded by Tomoya.

The Empire of Gamalatica is the main feature for the fantasy setting as being a monarch nation.

God of The Gamalatica (First appearance)