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Ryoo School Massacre

"I never through that they gonna lanuch a massacre to exterminated us if I never have give up to died. For now, I have to give up and do their job. I want to protect everyone from this slaughter."
- Kotori to Mayu about her reason for commit suicide before the massacre (Memory of Kagami)

Ryoo School Massacre
6/28/G.C. 2022
Against the Blanec Movement tactical victory/strategic failure
• Ryoo Academy Building collapsed
• Death of Mayu
• End of ABM-Hatsumi family Conflict
• Relationship on Federal Countries with Chengu and Neppon tension due to live broadcast.
• Outbreak of Second Vespuccas Civil War
Attack type:
Spree shooting, mass killing, arson
Internet meme
Survivors of Ryoo Academy
Against the Blanec Movement
• Escape from the shooter
• Eliminated the shooter
• Protect Mayu, Kotori and Tsukara
• Shoot all student and victim in this school for internet meme topic
• Kill Mayu, Kotori and Tsukara
•  Empire of Neppon
  •  Ryoo Academy
    •  Ryoo School Council†
  • Neppon Police†
  • Imperial Neppon Ground Defense Force (late)†
  •  Alpha Force (late)
  •  Royal House of Hatsumi
•  Federal People's Republic of Chengu (late)
  •  People's Special Force (late)†

(supported by)
•  Federal Countries of Vespuccas
  • Fact News
•  Ryoo school principal Tadake Hiroshi†
•  Ryoo Student President Kotori
•  Class representative 2-9 Mayu
•  Student Vice President/Class representative 3-4 Tsukara
•  Neppon Police General Masato Shimoda
•  Imperial Neppon GDF General Nakame Ito
•  Alpha Force Guardian Midori (late)
•  PSF Captain Wudan Li†
•  Olso Klafficer
•  Nill William
•  Charlie 'Mac' Malay
•  Flame Compon
•  Black Jack
•  President Dogald 'Tron' Tusk
• 3500+ Ryoo student, teacher and visitors
  • Kotori
  • Mayu
  • Tsukara
• 80 Neppon police officer
• 120 Neppon Soldier
• 4 Alpha Force Soldier
  • Midori
• 12 People's Special Force Commando†
• 5 ABM Online member
  • Olso Klafficer
  • Nill William
  • Charlie 'Mac' Malay
  • Flame Compon
  • Black Jack†
• 6 Fact News crew†
• 1 Camera drone†
• 5 bicycle
Overall: Disaster
• School destroyed
• 3,000+ student, teacher, parent and visitor killed
  • Mayu
• 400+ student, teacher, parent and visitor injure
• 42 Neppon police officer killed
• 30 Neppon police officer injure
• 8 Neppon Soldier killed
• 107 Neppon Soldier injure
• 3 Alpha Force Soldier injure
• All People's Special Force Commando killed

Overall: Minor
• Black Jack
• All Fact News crew
• Camera drone
• 1 bicycle abandoned

The Ryoo School Massacre. Known in ABM online community topic as Another Day in the Middle of School and the code name "Final Operation" in last operation of Against the Blanec Movement and Lew Eawanis's Operation: Carbine for simply nothing but internet meme, and caused by Mayu and her friend who never give up to their harassment on her following their online group have put Kotori's music club supporting the school as supporting the guns and terrorist and one of her friend have commit suicide because of this online group.

It's one of most deadliest school shooting in the previous world history as more than 3,000 student and teacher of Ryoo Academy were killed by one of ABM online member shooter name "Black Jack" who infamously known for insult the one of head of states of Smilyaland, one of SEATO member in their ABM post. The massacre end with ABM tactical victory for murder many student, teacher and everyone in the school and death of Mayu. But fail in strategic due to kill Kotori and Tsukara, the perpetrator have been killed in action, as well as one of Federal Countries's Fact News Camera Drone is also shot down by Midori which increase the tension between the Federal Countries and Chengu, and Neppon as Neppon and Chengu blamed the Federal Countries on their Fact News for given a advantage for the shooter who using Fact News's camera drone to cover every move of their military during assault on the shooter, while Federal Countries attempt to excuse their action by blamed on Neppon's Alpha Force for shot down a camera drone during a massacre which is a restricted of free media.

This battle is also the last day of Mayu before transfer to new school. After Mayu's death, the ABM have decided to stop harass other Hatsumi family as they have found another victim that contain a novel that she have made with.

Behind the Scene

The Ryoo School Massacre is the infamous school shooting that first appear in canon episode of "Memory of Kagami". It's original based on school shooting of same name from old canon that execute by Star Conflict who is the offender of this shooting.

Name of "Final Operation" that said by Olso Klafficer is based on infamous "Final Solution" carry out by Germany in second world war.

Memory of Kagami (First Appearance)