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"I'm Abomon And I've Been Banned From Gamalatica!"
- Neste Yaugkanamars (Rinne Somnium)

Dif-Right symbol
The Different-Right or commonly known as Dif-Right for short is a form of far-right from Federal Countries during 2016 federal election and supporter of Duculas Taskmaster presidential campaign. The term was introduction by Racket B. Spinner since G.C. 2010 following the G.C. 2009 green pig virus outbreak to create a superior race and exterminate all non-Federal race and it's support neo-charlie and DDD ("Dissolve Destroy Destruction"). Their tactic were harassment, cyberbullying, internet meme, and of course, supporting Duculas as eternity president of Federal Countries by any mean including hacking, rally, violance and hate speech meme against anyone who opposite him and his supporter. One of their infamous action made by Dif-right is making Jenet the Toad, a kid cartoon animation become a hate speech meme which result in creator of that toad killing himself after many people who opposite the president have accused him a supporter to the insane president. Most of member in the Dif-right ideologies are dominated by males.

One of official website related to dif-right is Olso Klafficer's TOR and later, Against the Blanec Movement in Dogord was operated by Nill William and Olso Klafficer which adopted most of Dif-right's tactic. The Dif-right movement have mark as terrorist organization aftermath of Ryoo School Massacre have increase the divide between the supporter and opposite of Federal Countries. While the Dif-Right attempt to denied about the school shooting as part of their entertain rather than actual massacre.

The Dif-right ideologies became a great threat to the previous world following the Third Global Conflict saw many people died because of ABM and their Dif-Right path, but it was too late to resolve the issue. Abomon's National Civil Party have adopted as their main ideologies that brought the freedom to them.

The opposite path of this ideologies is Rinne-Utopia.