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"I'm scare. If I was catch by that flu."
Abomon bioweapons object: virtual influenza disease G.C. 2020 (ABOVID-20)

Historical information
Created by:
Date engineered:
March 1, P.E. 2020
Number infected:
Number killed:
Biological information
Susceptible species:
Transmission type:
(Federal Countries claim)
• Chengu people
• Recieve a ABM topic
• Federal's "Totally Lied" scanner
Incubation period:
24 hour
(Federal Countries claim)
• Madness
• Coughing
• Fever
• Hallucinations
• Vomit
• Seizure
• Coma
• Eventual death
• Depression
• Strain
• Heart Attack
• Possibly Cancer
• Stab in the Head
Be Positive
The Abomon bioweapons object: virtual influenza disease G.C. 2020 (ABOVID-20), simply known as Abomonovirus is a drug developed by Federal Countries's Overseas Security Agency for the Against the Blanec Movement that specifically against on Guardian CharactersThe primary drug that use as main component was "Code 370-MH". Abomonovirus was outbreak to Previous world from March 1, P.E. 2020 to May 27, P.E. 2021. It's hoax influenza disease created by ABM online group that specifically target on people who with simple flu to large flu with Federal's TL scanner that always detected as infected, making people strain and fear of this disease and possibly going insane or commit suicide, which it's the way how this influenza work. The virus have brought the downfall of several countries's economic who fight against the virus by spend the budget on several vaccine that prove to be ineffective against them.

Although this virus disease is a hoax that introduction by one of ABM topic in ABM online group March 1 as one of their plan to against Mayu, as the topic that they post have mentioned this disease to be Mayu's biological attack which using it to make people curse on her. This is one of most unconventional ABM tactic that using to scare Mayu who was simply caught a small flu.

Although it's a hoax disease, but it have killed third of population in Previous World due to the symptoms can cause the victim to stab their own head as it frying their brain and almost entire country in Previous World except for Federal Countries is affected by this virus. Making as most fatal disease than Black Age. There are no vaccine or special drug to cure the virus.

The virus was totally eradicated in May 27, P.E. 2021 by Kotori who tell the world about the treatments of this virus is by simply be positive and not receive any message from both Federal Countries's report or ABM's topic. Mayu's action increase the ABM harsher tactic against her and her sister, eventually result in Ryoo School Massacre.

Behind the Scene

"What is the worst than a virus is of course, is the fake news and your own fear."
- TGP Author

The Abomonovirus was introduction in Memory of Kagami as one of ABM hoax virus that used to against Mayu who never give up on their harassment (term of surrender) and commiting suicide. This virus need to be generated with a fake news that will allow a stressed people have be infected with this virus.

The name of the drug is named after Blanec continuity of Code 370-MH that used by Stardoor's Neutral Alliance during the Lowee at War which also reference to Higurashi When They Cry as the drug cause the victim to stab in the head.

Memory of Kagami (First apperance)