"The 'Against the Blanec Movement' is neither in opposition to Blanec or trying to harass Blanec in any way. What it's goals are, however, are not aligned with that of any violations including in the rules of international. The Movement has taken up arm against the Empire on which Blanec leads, and the iron grip the leader controls with rather than the person, Blanec."
- Nill William (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
Against the Blanec Movement
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Against the Blanec Movement (Project MockingBird)
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The Against the Blanec Movement, also known as Project MockingBird by Overseas Security Agency was a cyberbullying, xenophobia, fanatic military racist & satirical roleplay, suicidal online terrorist organization and a fake news that operated in Dogord, a Federal Countries social media that use as front for their experiment known as Project MKUtlra, a mind control project. The ABM group is notorious for Kasami's death, a Nepponese student who was mind control by this group and forced to committing suicide as suffer from several harassment which her death would eventually became the main cause of Third Global Conflict that destroy the planet.
The group design to eliminated all Guardian Characters and people who own or raise a Guardian Characters via post a harassment topic on the victim on the internet by stolen their name or username into a hate speech and the internet meme for the trolls and making a fake news for the people spam a hate message on the victim that cause the victim response with mental broken or eventually committed suicide instead of funny and humor that claims by them. The group is well known to evasive getting terminated by the Dogord server since their previous server was shutdown.
After the planet was destroy, Nill William have inspired the name of his online group to his new military movement following his action to free all Abomon from God of The Gamalatica's control. He begin to start to making the military campaign against the Empire of Gamalatica and the Gamalatica galaxy just like what he did to her in previous life.
After Rinne has recover her true memory, she find and eventually kill Nill William and shutdown the group entirely. However, unlike being OSA front operation for MKUltra that saw by Rinne's mind. This group was merely a satire group that solely design to harass both Kotori and Rinne.
"You..... you kill her!!"
- Charile Millennium to Nill William after he kill Rinne (A Dream of Aiko)
Prior before the formation of Against the Blanec Movement online group in March 25, G.C. 2017. Olso Klafficer have originally operate a online group known as "TOR" which stand for "True Onion Reaction" which design to supporting the Federal Countries President, Duculas Taskmaster for upcoming Federal Countries presidential election G.C. 2016 which he promoted the isolationism policy and reject the globalism, and rebuilt the militarism.
Although the TOR group have successful to bring Taskmaster become the Federal Countries president which leading to several tension toward several countries especially the Chengu and Neppon which view to be potential superpower. The group have caught into the serious trouble when one of TOR member, Nill William have involved with Guardian Character name Rinne who have dream to become a writer in her novel and she have create a several story about the universe that she was originated from. Without knowing her backstory, he using her name along with her family name into a meme by mock it as one of bad guy.
After she saw the group have bring her name without her permission, she have demand the group to remove her and her family name from the group's content, but instead she was target by the several online group lead by Olso Klafficer by harass her and threaten her that they will spreading her information into a public if she never stop involved the group. She refuse to stop their action, and send a message by telling that she was threaten by them. Several people in Neppon online community who see her message have supporting her by report the TOR group which result in termination by Dogord after seeing violate to Dogord's Terms of Service.
After seeing the TOR online group get terminated. Nill William and Olso Klafficer have directly come to kill her in her household which located in Neppon which their travel is secretly opreate by Overseas Security Agency were Olso Klafficer was part of it. They directly injure and killing her by stab her to the chest. They have mockup her death to be suicide by bring her tie up to look like she was hanged and taking photo of her for their future online group before they burned her house away to destroy the evidence.
Early formation
The group was found in March 25, G.C. 2017 by Nill William and Olso Klafficer using Rinne's death as ambition fueled to create this online group with help of Olso Klaffier and the OSA to ensure of any of future victim will doing same as her.
The first victim of the ABM is known to be Chiyuki Heiwa who was known to be "Blanec" was target in the harassment by the ABM which result in her death in same day as the ABM have been found. Although the group were largely successful to making the victim committed suicide without anyone notice or get terminated thanks to the Federal Countries's law, as well as their bribery to the Dogord Headquarter to not terminate the group.
Encounter with Hatsumi family
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ABM Logo during the conflict with Hatsumi family. |
Three year since formation of ABM online group. The group have encounter the new victim are Kotori, Mayu and Tsukara. Their suicide tactic that use by previous victim were appear to be ineffective to against her and her will, as she willing to struggle to fight against this online group's dirty work. The group have increase their harassment to include a fake crime, a fake pandemic, and the Abomongate. All of harsh ABM tactic were proved to ineffective against her and her family.
Unwilling to using a harassment tactic agaisnt her, they decided to launch a school massacre on her academy which result in death of Mayu and more than 3,000 victim, leave both Kotori and Tsukara traumatized of their action which almost cause her to commiting suicide. However, after the ABM have target Tomoya, both of her decided to stop them from harm her by protect her and eventaully Kotori have decapitated one of Lewas's admin and ABM member, but result in Tsukara's death.
Designated as a terrorist groups
"Ringo: Stay away from me, you and your terrorist!"
"Nill William: Don't call us that name, we are just making for parody, a satire under a fair use for everyone to have fun with our entertain. When someone called us a 'terrorist', it's not acceptable and it hurt us and people in my group a lot. We are never meant to make us or group a terrorist, it's just a parody, a satire. That all."
"Ringo: Parody? Satire? Call you a terrorist is not acceptable and it hurt you and your group? You are fucking psycho!"
"Nill William: No! I'm not a psycho, unlike you. Your Alpha Trooper have a history for massacre the Chengu people across the street in Nagi during 1937 massacre."
"Ringo: What? The Alpha Force was formed in 1985, not in 1937. And it's not Alpha Trooper. You dummy."
"Nill William: No...it's formed in 1937. History always describe by the winner. So, you accept as war criminal. I will be wait at your court and hanging you for your war crime."
"Ringo: You fucking piece of shit!"
- Ringo and Nill William (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
After people have learn the truth about the Against the Blanec Movement is the mastermind behind both Ryoo School Massacre and Tomoya's death. Several nation have start to blocking the access domain to this website and the Dogord server and mark them as Terrorist organization alongside with his subsidiary, the Dogord have lost his popularity across the world following the school shooting which using this website to plan the attack.
The official government of Chengu and Neppon demand the Federal Countries to bring the suspects behind this online group to their country for committed a crime for school massacre in Ryoo Academy, as well as large number of people commit suicide in their country due to this website. However, Federal Countries have denied this request by simply said that their activity never threaten to the international law and they activity is doing in their own country. This have increased the tensions between the Federal and Chengu who view the Federal Countries have secretly work with the online group, but the Federal Countries also denied their work with them.
Despite the banned. The group have found a several method to bypass the ban such as using a fake website that allow the script to modified the user's computer and smartphone internet domain to Federal Countries internet domain.
"No, I never make people in my group attacking you. They doing this is because this is their freedom of speech. I just make you look bad, but I never make anyone to attacking you, what a point for you to blame us. This is false accusation for attack us and destroy my and my group's reputation."
- Nill William (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)
The group is infamously known for using various tactic involve with cyberbullying, harassment and psychological. They were claim of free speech as their defense to those who see the group doing a illegal thing or avoid being shutdown by Dogord server if they violate the rules. The major tactic that using by this group is making victim suffer from this group's action toward the victim that get harsh by this group which eventually suicide which is their "Treaty of Koscon" term of surrender for the victim. The reason for bullied them and force them to commiting suicide is because of inspired from one of Nill William's first victim despite he killing her rather than force her to suicide.
Although most of tactics using by this group is very successful making the victim develop their PTSD and later committing suicide. However, these tactic have no effect against Tomoya, as well as Mayu, Kotori and Tsukara. When they unable to make her suicide, they have using a heavily tactic of meme and harassment on them until they have ran into a violance against them such as infamous Ryoo School Massacre.
Because of this, most people view their action being a psychopath despite they don't like to call it.
(Internet Meme & Fair Use)
Main tactic of this group as using meme as their main weapon against the victim, most of meme that group using prior before counter with Tomoya are involve with Jenet the Toad which is a character from kid cartoon animation called "The Cluboys" which made by Madd Carries since G.C. 2005 and it become a internet meme since around G.C. 2010 before it was using by Dif-right as hate speech and imagely to supporting the insane president of the Federal countries in G.C. 2016 which cause Carries killing himself after being acussed for supporting Dif-right and the president. Although the owners attempt to sued against the stealer whose using for a hate speech or hate imagely, but the group have using a defense tactic against the owner of that toad by claim of "Fair Use and Satire" against them. The group is know for using internet meme that come from Tomoya's work.
(Harassment & Fake News)
Another tactic against the victim is using harassment and fake news against the victim to make people cursing the victim, or even fake report and a fake news against the victim for being involve with a illegal crime or even a terrorist group. The victim is face with all cursed message from other people or even getting swatting (or accidently shot by them).
Most of victim who affect by this tactic become "Afiscophobia" and "Abomonphobia" or even commit suicide.
Another tactic against the victim is using harassment and fake news against the victim to make people cursing the victim, or even fake report and a fake news against the victim for being involve with a illegal crime or even a terrorist group. The victim is face with all cursed message from other people or even getting swatting (or accidently shot by them).
Most of victim who affect by this tactic become "Afiscophobia" and "Abomonphobia" or even commit suicide.
All tactic during harassment on Hatsumi family (G.C. 2020 - 2022)
Mayu, Kotori and Tsukara is just like other victim that have been harassment by ABM by those method above, but it's became clear that their harassment is not affect against her due to her strong feeling. This is resulting the ABM heavily using of illegal tactic that they never have using to other victim such as:
(Fake crime)
One of ABM's first tactic against Mayu and her sister is making her have involve with crime such as her mother is involve in terrorist attack on Taungmar, or making fake her account to be have involve with hacking on Federal Countries's FCA global service and sell them into their enemy, Chengu which lead Federal Countries black agent storm to arrested her. But these fake crime against her have failure due to she was save by Neppon, making her criminal record that made by ABM non-existed.
Near the end of G.C. 2020, the ABM have made a bioweapon called ABOVID-20 which they said that it's made by Mayu who want to spread the virus into the free world, but it's spread into her country instead. Although this tactic have kill third population of Previous World, but it's no affected to Mayu because she have positive view and she survive the virus which result in the virus was eradicated in 2 month later after first spread in Mayu's birthday March 1, G.C. 2021.
Another ABM tactic against Mayu and her family, the ABM have attempt to using different social media outside of their Dogord to spread a hate against Kotori on her main social media "Path" as they were began to expanse their online group's influence toward other countries.
(Ryoo School Massacre)
Perhaps is this one of infamous action that ABM have ever done. As they don't have anything to making her commit suicide like the other, they have enough with her and launching the massacre on school to kill her directly before she have move away following got transfer to new school.
This massacre was refer by ABM as one of greatest assault on terrorist camp that train a terrorist as they should be killed. Although the massacre is successful with death of Mayu, but it cost with making the ABM group into Terrorist organization.
Mayu, Kotori and Tsukara is just like other victim that have been harassment by ABM by those method above, but it's became clear that their harassment is not affect against her due to her strong feeling. This is resulting the ABM heavily using of illegal tactic that they never have using to other victim such as:
(Fake crime)
One of ABM's first tactic against Mayu and her sister is making her have involve with crime such as her mother is involve in terrorist attack on Taungmar, or making fake her account to be have involve with hacking on Federal Countries's FCA global service and sell them into their enemy, Chengu which lead Federal Countries black agent storm to arrested her. But these fake crime against her have failure due to she was save by Neppon, making her criminal record that made by ABM non-existed.
Near the end of G.C. 2020, the ABM have made a bioweapon called ABOVID-20 which they said that it's made by Mayu who want to spread the virus into the free world, but it's spread into her country instead. Although this tactic have kill third population of Previous World, but it's no affected to Mayu because she have positive view and she survive the virus which result in the virus was eradicated in 2 month later after first spread in Mayu's birthday March 1, G.C. 2021.
Another ABM tactic against Mayu and her family, the ABM have attempt to using different social media outside of their Dogord to spread a hate against Kotori on her main social media "Path" as they were began to expanse their online group's influence toward other countries.
(Ryoo School Massacre)
Perhaps is this one of infamous action that ABM have ever done. As they don't have anything to making her commit suicide like the other, they have enough with her and launching the massacre on school to kill her directly before she have move away following got transfer to new school.
This massacre was refer by ABM as one of greatest assault on terrorist camp that train a terrorist as they should be killed. Although the massacre is successful with death of Mayu, but it cost with making the ABM group into Terrorist organization.
(Cancel Culture)
The ABM group often to call their support or people who involve this group to harass other victim that they believe it's right thing.
All tactic during harassment on Tomoya (G.C. 2022)
All tactic during harassment on Tomoya (G.C. 2022)
(Death Squad)
This tactic is using as part of joke were the group will bring a member (which referred as ABM Democracy Partisan, and Zerkface) to bullied the victim directly by claim that Zerkface gonna invade your face, although they actually never send these death squad unit at all because of their joke much like their harassment tactic that most of victim.
This tactic is using as part of joke were the group will bring a member (which referred as ABM Democracy Partisan, and Zerkface) to bullied the victim directly by claim that Zerkface gonna invade your face, although they actually never send these death squad unit at all because of their joke much like their harassment tactic that most of victim.
Although they never send these death squad against anyone because they want to joke against the victim until they start to do for real deal against Tomoya after several ABM tactic that used against her have fail to make her commit suicide. They start to get Tomoya directly and bullied her by killing her cat with entire member of ABM have storm on her alongside with Kotori and Tsukara who were close to her which result in their death.
All tactic after Tomoya's death (G.C. 2022 - 2039)
(Lore with Guns)
(Lore with Guns)
After Tomoya's death, the group have stop using harassment tactic on new victim completely due to they have own Tomoya's novel and they rewrite her story from peaceful story into chaotic and hate speech meme toward the person rather than her wish as she is no longer exist in this world. Many people who don't know about Tomoya's actual story have start to cursed on her as a racist and evil girl that should not exist. Their action have increase amount of Abomon to born in Gamalatica which anyone cursed her in previous life will be done as it.
Despite this, it's not stop their motion to hunt more guardian characters.
(Deepfake crime)
Most of ABM member are young people born in a Generation Z. They have experience in using technology, one of them being Sloot Digital Coding System and especially Sloot 2.0 which is use for generated a movie with different pattern and style. The ABM began to using Sloot technology combine with SayingAIT chatbot to generate a image source code to generate a video file to link a crime on the victim especially Ringo which the ABM use her and her Alpha Force to making believe that they committed a war crime on 1937 massacre on Nagi.
Known Victim
Guardian Characters
Most of ABM victim were Guardian Characters and people who own or raise a Guardian Character as their own child. Although the first victim of the ABM was Chiyuki Heiwa, but the origin of the ABM's suicide method is came from Rinne's death who murdered by Nill William is marking her as first victim.
All major victim were Gamalatican species, many Yoshimizu member after Rinne such as Rio, Rema or even Kanade Yoshimizu, Luna Eventyr were never involve the ABM harassment, but they still view the online group affected their family and life as the legacy as Rinne's death could cause them to not getting born to their world. Despite their major victim were Guardian Characters, none of these victim have ever to commit suicide.
(Major Victims)
- Chiyuki Heiwa (first victim of the group)
- Kotori Hatsumi (first victim to Nill William)
- Mayu Hatsumi
- Midori Niwa
- Midori Niwa
- Rinne Yoshimizu (first victim prior the group)
- Taido Hatsumi
- Tomoya Dinogi
- Tsukara Hatsumi
- Tomoya Dinogi
- Tsukara Hatsumi
(Rinne's traumatized legacy)
There are over 1 billion victim have been target by ABM harassment from being force to commit a suicide, ABOVID-20 pandemic and Ryoo School Massacre. The ABM also target on disability people as well as those were cancer and serious disease like people who were infected by Abomonovirus despite it's created by the ABM itself. Most of people who affected by ABM harassment always end up being expose to PTSD.
The other people who may not being target or involved by ABM may end up getting trouble if they have communicate with the victim or have relationship with them.
Behind the Scene
Behind the Scene
"I once was belong to Heiwa family including my mom and dad, my older sister. We have many friend in my school. We live in happy. But all gone, because of fucking ABM. You know? They harass my family; they kill my friend. They ruin my family, they ruin my future, they ruin my life because they just want to entertain us like they want to be, a saviors to the(ir) democracy bullshit. I have nothing left, they want me dead. I managed to decapitated these motherfucker and use as warning signs to stay away from me for a decade. But they won't stop coming."
- Chiyome, to Ringo about her 10 year experience of being harass by ABM (Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri)
The Against the Blanec Movement was introduction to the Touhou Galaxy Project that based on real life ABM cyberbullying/suicidal online group that author of the TGP did get bullied by this online group, along with Nill William who is the infamous admin of this infamous group. The real ABM group was active since March 25, 2017, until their terminated on May 10, 2019, due to one of online topic was caught in the crime related to lese majeste on the King of Thailand which anger most of viewer who view the ABM. TGP Author have condemn this group for doing this as being gone too far to be a cyberbullying online group by involve a real politics and leader which against the TGP policy, which result in TGP Policy Basic Rule: Section 3 have been reworked which originally was design to banned any of inappropriate content related to adult-only and hentai. The new Basic Rule: Section 3 have list all real world content as inappropriate content. Any TGP content and work from past, present and future will remove all real world content and ship with fictional world and content.
According to TGP Author, many member in the real life ABM cyberbullying group is associated and inspired by alt-right, neo-nazi, antisemitism and pro-Trump which most of them are edgy and MilSim kid and teen, as well as people who ignore or not knowing the truth of this group or the historical event. Many content that are from or have been use by this group like Come Out, Ye Black and Tans can't be appear in TGP work due to an offensive content to TGP in general and because it's a real world content. The Real ABM group is also causing the downfall of Kasami Hiiragi imagery and the Kotori continuity which leading the new canon start on April 28, 2019, which also brought this cyberbullying group as a new antagonist force, and admin who working on this group as new antagonist instead of Star Conflict who were based on Star Wars faction like Galactic Empire.
While the Real ABM group is gone, the former admin attempt to condemn the new TGP canon "Rinne Continuity" for damage their reputation and his group from being take down and become the antagonist in the story. View for defame on them, but TGP Author always refuse their demand, statement that ABM were refuse to remove the TGP and Author into hatred imagery in first place. One of the admin of this group attempt to create a second one with similar name, this second group were less active than the first group and eventually brought down on 26 November 2019 due to copyright issue of using TGP material "Against the Blanec Movement" which was based on this infamous group into one of their topic which the group have no longer have right to be using such these IP. After the second group is brought down, there is no activity of these ABM group name since then.
Despite ABM is over. They still mentioned in Afterlife Expanding or even Star Democratic.
- One of ChriperTube video have mentioned about the ABM under video title "How to beat all harassment from ABM". This is probably a parody and mocking to a several Youtube video that are make a guide how to not make a mistake or beat any dangerous in horror movie. However, none of them were able to beat ABM's unthinkable idea.
- God of The Gamalatica (First appearance)
- Rinne Somnium
- Memory of Kagami
- A Dream of Aiko
- Rinne Somnium
- Memory of Kagami
- A Dream of Aiko
- Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri (retcon)
- Ghost Mountain Frog, the History of Tomoyatania, Previous World and Heinasawa Sector (First identified as Project MockingBird)