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Advanced Generative System

"Technology like this always allow us won our first step on the battlefield."

The Advanced Generative System, commonly known as Sloot Digital Coding System, or simply Sloot is a universal data streaming method and video generative system develop in PE 1995 by Holond engineer: Sir David R. Sloot. The technology is commonly use by the previous world in their computer technology, as well as Gamalatican and Abomon who also has two different variants use by them. Prior Sloot died in P.E. 1999 in a heart attack, he sold his inventions to the company but he realize that he forgot to destroy source code that design of AI system that allow to generate video based on command and prompt.

The Against the Blanec Movement often use video generative to forced victim on to believe of their action and submit them.

Behind the Scene

"I don't know what Sloot Digital Coding System is really like, but according to their description. This is not a good technology for the real world especially if this technology happen at the same time as crazy event of 2000s still around."
- TGP Author, About Sloot Digital Coding System

The Sloot Digital Coding System was first introduction in canon episode, Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri as a standard file and data sharing technology use by both Gamalatican and Abomon. This inventions is a lost technology developed in 1995 by Dutch electronics engineer, Romke Jan Bernhard Sloot who claimed that he could store a complete digital movie file in 8 kilobytes of data. He died in 1999 in a heart attack but his source code about this inventions was never recovered.

According to TGP Author's point of view, the Sloot technology is possibly a truly first technology that would become an AI-generated image and deepfake technology which she really dislike.

(A Dream of Aiko and Rinne)

(Project Isla)