Gamalactican Search

Goodbye Rinne

"Cheer on, Kibori. See you tomorrow then."

Short Story V:
Goodbye Rinne

General information
Rinne Yoshimizu
24 October 2024
Product Code:
P.E. 2021 - 2022
Main Protagonist:
Main Antagonist:
Following by:
Goodbye Rinne was a fifth and final canon short story of Supergalactica Neptunia and prelude to Blanec's Lowee Empire. The story is focus on Rinne's life after Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu right before her's death in 2022. As the story is all about Rinne's last friend, Kibori who has fatal disease which she have only 7 day to live. As Rinne, she willing to do anything to help her live long including tell her experience in the past about her novel, her best friend Kotori and being bullied by the Against the Blanec Movement group.

This is the final original Touhou Galaxy Project media following the introduction of Afterlife Expanding, this episode is consider canon, as well as other two continuity which tied all continuity into one which introduce the shared continuity known as Reisen Naka.

The Against the Blanec Movement is no more.


In Order of Appearance
- Kotori
- Rio
- Shido