Gamalactican Search

Reisen Naka: The Introduction

"Our time is over. I guess it's time for someone else to hold our torch."

The Introduction

General information
Science Fantasy
Rinne Yoshimizu
28 May 2025
Product Code:
Main Protagonist:
Main Antagonist:
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Reisen Naka: The Introduction is the official trailer for Blanec's Lowee Empire. Its a synopsis story to all episode that happen in the original Touhou Galaxy Project series from the original Blanec's Lowee Empire where the massive war between Lowee Empire and Neutral Alliance, to Goodbye Rinne where Rinne has died in a traffic accident. 


After the story of Goodbye Rinne after Rinne have died in a car accident following a truck crashing into her. She once again meet Kibori in the afterlife after Rinne has become a God of The Gamalaticania and during her process of creating the new universe. Rinne has meet another deceased person by the name Nana Yoshimizu who is Rinne's great grandchildren who is died prior the humanity's destruction.

There, Rinne and the group has view all the event prior the new beginning of the Gamalaticania Universe including the Lowee Empire's full scale invasion on Neutral Alliance capital, Cheyenne City. Kotora's sacrifice to blow up the Great Mind Trick when Kotori is fighting against Georcas William.


In Order of Appearance
Everyone except for Blanec has character redesign to match one use by Afterlife Expanding and official character design appear in Project Isla.

- Rio
- Shido/Shidori

- Blanec
- Sakura
- Ringo
- Kotori
- Aiko
- Kotora
- Georcas William
- Mayu
- Tomoya
- Chitose
- Chiyome
- Olso Klafficer
- Haru
- Haruka
- Charlie Millienium
- Flame Compon
- Black Jack
- Rima
- Rema
- Luna