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Hanasawa Empire

"Welcome to the Hanasawa. I wish you perform well with the new culture of this country, I wish you need to relax at our hot spring first before enjoy our nation view."
- Tomoya, to Alicia (Afterlife Expanding: Midgar Act)

Hanasawa Empire
Hanasawa Eumepuiree
(Map of Katsura Region)
Anthem: Watashitachi no Tori
Motto: For the Hanasawa, we will not fall!
Political information
Type of Government:
Absolute Monarchy
Founding document:
Tomokyo Declaration
Head of state:
Head of government:
Executive branch:
Imperial Hana Palace
Legislative branch:
Imperial Council of Hanasawa
Judicial branch:
Imperial Court of Hanasawa
Military branch:
Imperial Hanasawa Military
Societal information
Official language:
• Old Midgaran
Historical information
Formed from:
Tomokyo Kingddom
Date established:
• G.C. 1000~
• G.C. 3017 (as Sonogami Empire)
Gamalaticania Alliance (G.C. 6517 - 52517)
The Hanasawa Empire is the unified Midgaran government in Katsura region located on the east side of Midgar mainland that connect to west region of Noel, Dia region on northern and Sahal region on southern. The Hanasawa Empire is the most powerful and largest nation on Midgar and being rival in power of Kingdom of Midgar, as well as the origin of Sonogami religion that dominated over the Midgar. Hanasawa Empire has three client state are Ringo Kingdom, Kingdom of Kok Mai and Mandala State.

Ruling by two major Hanasawa noble family, Imperial House of Dainougi and Imperial House of Yoshimizu. The Hanasawa Empire is a Theocratic-like absolute monarchy where the heir apparent is the head of Sonogami religion. By the time of Queen Isla's reign, the Hanasawa Empire under Empress Sonomi of Dainouji has form their own space government of Sonogami Empire after their first colony on planet Mikoyon.

Despite the foundation of Sonogami Empire which form their new capital on planet Mikoyon, the Hanasawa Empire still retain their original capital and country on Midgar along with Kingdom of Midgar who later ruling the Kingdom of Isla.