Gamalactican Search

Kingdom of Isla

Midgar Kingdom of Isla Star System
Midgar Kainegdoome Ofe Isla Setoare Seyesetoeme
Anthem: A Sky Full of Birds
Motto: Isla, the central island of Midgar and eight planet of this Guardian Character realm.
Political information
Type of Government:
Absolute Monarchy
Founding document:
• Unification of Celia Nation
• Chiyuki Accord
Midgar Constitution
Head of state:
Head of government:
Executive branch:
Royal Midgar Palace
Legislative branch:
Royal Midgar Council
Judicial branch:
Royal Midgar Court
Military branch:
Societal information
Celia, Midgar
Official language:
A Sky Full of Birds
Historical information
Formed from:
Date established:
G.C. 3017
Date fragmented:
G.C. 52517 (to Gamindustri, as Midgar Kingdom)
• Commonwealth of Midgaran
  • Kingdom of Midgar
The Kingdom of Isla, officially known as Midgar Kingdom of Isla Star System or commonly as Isla Kingdom and Celia Interstellar Government is one of three Midgaran interstellar government of unificated Celia region of Midgar Kingdom that ruling entire Isla star system and beyond. The Kingdom of Isla is the first Midgaran spacefaring civilization.

Founded by Queen Isla of Midgar Kingdom after the rapid series of technological and cultural advancement in space exploration. The government have been a huge part of Gamalatica's history and the primary representee government of Midgar and Isla on the galactic stage.