Gamalactican Search

Kingdom of Midgar

"The Kingdom of Midgar has been founded for over 500 years. We must secure our future of our generation from anyone who try to erased our future!"
- Queen Iria (Afterlife Expanding: Midgar Act)

United Kingdom of Midgar Nation
Unneitoede Kainegdoome Ofe Midgar Neatoione
Midgar Kingdom
Midgar Kainegdoome
Anthem: A Sky Full of Birds
Motto: Midgar, Land of Golden Pocket Mirror of Goldia for all Guardian Characters and Mankind that stood in this middle-world.
Political information
Type of Government:
Absolute Monarchy
Founding document:
Unification of Four Nation
Midgar Constitution
Head of state:
Head of government:
Executive branch:
Royal Midgar Palace
Legislative branch:
Royal Midgar Council
Judicial branch:
Royal Midgar Court
Military branch:
Societal information
Official language:
• Old Midgaran
A Sky Full of Birds
Historical information
Formed from:
• Alexandria Kingdom
• Beligan Duchy
• Tsutrokov Kingdom
• Kingdom of Belfast
• Sarotrovia Principality
• Campbell Kingdom
• Illyania Grand Duchy
• Duchy of Canaria
• Kingdom of Aesfont
• Several minor nation
Date established:
• G.C. 1942
G.C. 3017 (as Kingdom of Isla)
Date fragmented:
• G.C. 2501 (to Gamindustri, as Midgar Kingdom and various kingdom)
• G.C. 52517 (to Gamindustri, as Midgar Kingdom and various kingdom)
Date restored:
G.C. 2517
Gamalaticania Alliance (G.C. 6517 - 52517)
The Kingdom of Midgar, officially known as United Kingdom of Midgar Nation, commonly known as Midgar Kingdom is the Midgaran government in western region and the oldest function Midgar government alongside with Kingdom of Isla. The Midgar Kingdom (and their Isla Kingdom) is among the most powerful nation of Gamalatica galaxy.

Founded by Queen Erste of Crosstrovia Royal Family in G.C. 1942 following the end of Great Conflict of Four Midgaran Nation which saw a unification of the nation into one giant kingdom which survive many countless of war and conflict by the Gamindustrian and others.

The Kingdom of Midgar has been broke up into multiple kingdom for two time by Gamindustri in G.C. 2501 and G.C. 52517 where the original kingdom was break away from the Midgar Kingdom due to unable to maintain the safety of the planet.