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Yoshimizu Advanced Method Artstyle

"Project YAMA is the newest method that combination of both 2D, 3D and artstyle to new level."

Project YAMA's official logo
The Project YAMA (stand for Yoshimizu Advanced Method Artstyle) is the newer visual artstyle method introduce since March 2017 with official debut in 2024 that largely use as universal tool of combination on 2D art, 3D modeling and animation that solely design for various Yoshimizu Castle property in that art-style, as well as use as anti-counterclaim against ABM group who stolen several Yoshimizu Castle original material. 
Project YAMA was solely design to combat in lawsuit against ABM harassment back in 2017 with new and original material built from ground up such as Kotori Hatsumi (Kasami Hiiragi) who is originally using Noire, a character from Hyperdimension Neptunia as placeholder.

TGP Author use YAMA method to design the her novel since 2018 with Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi that use to design new 3D model which replace older artstyle 'YAM' (Yoshimizu Artstyle Method) that use by most of Touhou Galaxy Project episode prior Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu (and remake version of Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri 2017 version) which is only episode that entirely use Project YAMA method. Project YAMA is now a official tool for both Afterlife Expanding and Star Democratic work, as well as Touhou Galaxy Project Reisen Naka series.

According to TGP Author. She created Project YAMA in 26 March 2017 in response to ABM harassment of existance material day prior, as TGP Author plan to crush the ABM group with Project YAMA as they use original material that unlike YAM that using placeholder as character reference due to inexperience. However, the ABM group was terminated in May 2019, almost 5 year prior Project YAMA was debut. However, with its debut eliminated any future possible of ABM stolen any content.

The name of YAMA's bird was Chiko.


According to TGP Author. Project YAMA is a anime art-style technique that design for Yoshimizu Castle media including the cartoon and realistic that can cooperate each other such as 2D art, 3D modeling, animation, as well as counter against ABM stolen. Afterlife Expanding is design to be cartoon-style anime while STAR DEM0CRATIC is realism-style anime.

Project YAMA was introduce in March 2017 shortly after ABM group was created as test bed for future content for TGP series with first design was use in Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi.

List of Yoshimizu Castle Media that using Project YAMA:

(Early use)
(Touhou Galaxy Project)
- Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi (2018)
- God of The Gamalatica (2019)
- Rinne Somnium (2019)

(Late use)
(Touhou Galaxy Project)
- Memory of Kagami (2020)
- A Dream of Aiko (2020)
- Great Tomoyatalian Empire (2021)
- Ghost Mountain Frog (2021)
- Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri (2022)