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Megumin-class Star Dreadnought

"The Megumin have single cannon made out of Explosive Magic ready to shoot at Abomon Jerk."

Megumin-class Star Dreadnought

Production information
Manufacturer: Hyperion Shipyard
Product line: Star Dreadnought
Model: Megumin
Class: Star Dreadnought
Cost: 750,000,000,000,000 Gamalaticon
Technical specifications
Length: 1600 meter
Hull: Neptunium Armor
Shielding: K-7 Pulsar Barrier Generator
Engine unit(s): M-150 Pulsar Engine (3)
Warp drive unit(s): Mark-2 Hyperdimension warp engine (1)
Warpdrive rating: 0.1 rate
Power plant: IOI-17 Pulsar power generator
Sensor systems: AXJ-100 Aikocom Advanced Sensor
Targeting systems: AXC-100 Aikocom Combat System
Navigation system: AXJ-100 Aikocom Advanced Sensor
Armament: SX-Hyperlaser Cannon (1)
                   Heavy FX-Turbolaser Cannon (6)
                   KX-Blaster Cannon (12)
Complement: SX-3 Starfurotor (20)
                      SX-4 Starfurotor (12)
                      Bomobor-1 Bomber (8)
Crew: 24,000
Cargo capacity: 70k metric tons
Consumables: 100 year
Communication systems: Federation New Network transceiver
Availability: Military
Role(s): Command Ship
Commissioned: G.C. 44XX
Affiliation: Empire of Gamalatica
                 Galactic Federation of Gamalatica
The Megumin-class Star Dreadnought was the heavy warship in the Star Dreadnought line. The ship class is often used as command ship and the flagship of the Imperial Gamalatica Navy. At the time in the introduction of Megumin-class was the among the most powerful and largest warship in the Gamalatica galaxy which nearly undefeated to any foe. Although the ship were high maintain and few ship were made in the time of Abomon invasion over Gamalatica.

With appearance of Megumin-class have challenge the Abomon Air Militia to bulit their version of Star Dreadnought called Muccushoketts-class Heavy Guided Missile Cruiser.

Being full of good reputation and nearly fought in most of battle against the Abomon. The Megumin-class were replaced with more firepower and larger Rinne-class Star Dreadnought.