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Woker (slang)

"It won't matter if this is a truth because everyone willing to support us because we are fight for same cause. You and your people are just a minority that your voice won't change the fact that I am a murder of your sister or that bird. Don't be a woker try to awake us, we already woke up."

Woker is a Abomonese slang refer to people who supporting an agenda with overreacted performative or oppose the people who doesn't follow or accept their (woke) agenda, as well as anything for personal gain with harsh reaction. Most woker often to push their own agenda above all else and willing to harasing and oppose anyone who has different opinion or doesn't follow their agenda by refer those people as "Phobialist". Most Woker who push their woke ideologies were greed, lack of empathy, remorse and narcissism. Nill William has all kind of these behavior despite he attempt to denied it when he want to push his freedom of speech above all else while hiding a malicious intention of his murderer fact.

Although the term was originally use by Abomon who oppose the Previous World's ideal as part of Third Global Conflict propaganda who want to push the right of equality, minority and diversity. The Gamalatican were later adopted this term and has use more often than Abomon. However, the Gamalatican often use to refer people who force or pressure other people with different opinion to accept any extremist agenda that oppose to their (Guardian Characters) freedom and right of mind. Many woker has same opinion for being cancel culture and witch hunter.

Many Guardian Character who teach to be good people by Kotori often to mentioning how a woke, narcissism and greedy culture encourage the authoritarian and cancel culture that would end up as main cause of Third Global Conflict that destroy previous world and wiped out entire humanity.