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"Being a FOMO? Don't worry, just signed up for Join together with trillion sixse user across the galaxy for free."
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General information
Parent company:
MEGA Platform, Inc
Cela Tsumugi, Wenders Ceek, Federal Countries of Vespucas, Aixon
Primary role:
Social Media
Connected, Communicated, Compromised
Historical information
Date established:
1997 ADG
Other information
United Membership (supervision, formerly 2002 - 2022) is a social network service operated since 1997 ADG as first true social media of the galaxy. The parent company of, MEGA (Massive Enterprise for Galactic Access) Platform was operated from town of Cela Tsumugi, Wenders Ceek, Federal Countries of Vespucas, Aixon. It became one of most popular social media of the galaxy that use by most of user including Mia Gaurude, and those Barasora Republic member (despite being a criminal to the United Membership). People who using this social media were known as Sixse.

Two feature that make SixSense stand out the most was variety of customization and ability to operated a job within the website. The downside of SixSense were registing a new account always require ID card and the account always get terminated after never active for 10 year (except important account).

As July 2002, has celebrate its active 200 trillion user.

Despite its popular, is notorious for several controversies from its Sixse user and several planetary government including sold personal data information to third party advertisement, fake news content, arm dealing content, UM's spying operation from 2002 until 2022 (including Pro-UM, Anti-Hamanisowa sentiment, target opponent of the UM, and bias opinion), offensive content, as well as bots and hacker. However, the company never bow to any government or organization.

Behind the Scene

The is first appearance in reboot version of Star Democratic as parodies of and Facebook. The name of "Six Sense" is pun for invisible sense that United Membership use to spying on SixSense user.

The location of SixSense company, Cela Tsumugi, Wenders Ceek is reference to Summer Pocket character, Tsumugi Wenders.

STAR DEM0CRATIC (First Appearance)