Gamalactican Search

Aiko Manju

"A Raging Treat - Aiko Manju"
- Gamalatican Adverestment about Aiko Manju (God of The Gamalatica)

Aiko Manju
Aiko Manju was a Gamalatican confection created by Rio that popular among people in the Gamalatica galaxy. The Manju have Aiko face on it. The manju is very tasty and healthy which become a massive hit across the galaxy thanks to secret formula that only Rio knew and never share to most of people even most of Yoshimizu family member doesn't know the Manju formula. However, it was reveal that formula has Bathwater that Rinne was use to bathe in the bathtub that Rio use to mix with her manju.

The Manju however, it's very addictive among the Guardian Characters like a drug since it boost their power to maximum and reduce a strain from hard work which often eat before take a bathtub.

Rio have create and sell these manju to buy some medicine for heal Yoshino who survive the Operation Sandstorm.