Gamalactican Search

Tomo-Rikira Grisaia

"You know how lethal this weapon is... I can count 3 to tell me who send these people to kill my daughter or else your body will instantly turn into explodes melon if you DARE to refuse my question!"
- Kanade to Black Sister (Afterlife Expanding)

FoG-52000 "Fruit of Grisaia"
Production information
Anti-Material Cannon
Not for public sale
Physical and technical specifications
Two-handed weapon
3,055 mm
55 kg
Single Shot
Kazuki-type 55x307mm
(700,000 m/s velocity)
Maximum: 500,000,000 km
Fire rate:
Single Shot
Other information
  • Alpha Force
The Tomo-Rikira/Sakuri Chiyuran FoG-52000 "Fruit of Grisaia", simply known as Grisaia C-C-C or Grisaia is a powerful super realizer anti-material cannon of the Gamalatica galaxy. It was co-developed by Tomo-Rikira and Sakuri Chiyuran to produce a powerful anti-material sniper rifle that solely for Alpha Force. It was based on previous C-C-C sniper rifle used by Alpha Force but with help of SCR to produce a powerful weapon that capable of eliminate a spaceship in a covet operation such as take out their captain.

Because of insane firepower, it was made in limited number and only handful of people use the weapon.

Kanade often use this weapon to execute her enemy during the operation in Gamindustri in a very inhume way.

Tomo-Rikira Tomoyatalian Crossbow

Tomoyatalian Crossbow
52nd millennium-era Tomoyatalian Crossbow
Production information
RG series
Energy Crossbow
Physical and technical specifications
Two-handed weapon
620 mm
4.5 kg
10 shots
Yuji-type Energy Crossbow
Optimum: 20 km
Maximum: 100 km
Fire rate:
Semi-Automatic only
Other information
• Tomokyo Kingdom
• Heiwasawa Kingdom
  • Royal Guardian
    • Gamalaticania Alliance SpecForce
The Tomo-Rikira RG-series, commonly known as Tomoyatalian Crossbow is a series of energy crossbow produce by Tomo-Rikira Weapon Manufacturer. It's the oldest weapon that serve in many Gamalatica history from the early day of Guardian Character civilization on Goldia to the latest era of Gamalaticania Alliance. It was standard issue weapon to the Royal Guardian, a military unit predecessor to modern Imperial Gamalatica Defense Force that specialize on defending the planet.

Prior before the production of Grisaia. It's among the expensive weapon ever produce by the Gamalatica by 52nd millennium era.

Sakuri Chiyuran GC-52

Sakuri Chiyuran GC-52
Production information
Assault Rifle
Physical and technical specifications
Two-handed weapon
999 mm
3.63 kg
60 shots
Firaxus-based 5.56×45mm NATO
Optimum: 300 meters
Maximum: 1 km
Fire rate:
600 rounds/min
Other information
    • Gamalaticania Alliance SpecForce
The Sakuri Chiyuran General Carbine-52 (GC-52) Firaxus Compression Rifle is a Firaxus-based 5.56×45mm NATO assault rifle produce by Sakuri Chiyuran Platinum Weapon Manufacturer. It's a newest Gamalatican standard issue rifle of the Gamalaticania Alliance Army in 52nd millennium. It firing a 600 round per minute and carry up to 60 per shot before recharged. The rifle is commonly saw in most of Gamalaticania Alliance

It's also a signature gun of Kanade Yoshimizu.

Tornadotrooper (Star Conflict)

"They kill even a young girl. These bastard need to end."
- Kotori reaction to these Tornadotrooper after Sakura have passed away (Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu)


General information
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 2014
Date defunct:
G.C. 9717
Other information
The Tornadotrooper, later known as Bastardtrooper were elite black-armor soldier of the Star Conflict's Lucas's Alliance that fought in the Great Universe War against the Gamalatica Galaxy. Although they have remembered as one of most deadly trooper in the Star Conflict thanks to their powerful suit that even can compete with Gamalatica's best special force like Alpha Force.

Their reputation became a universal hate across the Gamalatica galaxy after they shot an 8-year old Gamalatican girl name Sakura Hana while she shield herself to Kotori from their attack. After the war has end, the Tornadotroopers were disbanded along with Lucas's Alliance after their reputation became unforgiveable.

Atomilizer (Space Station)

"I have developed a secret weapon for peace called the Atomilizer, the weapon that most people believe to bring the peace. But I called it, a weapon for the new generation of unborn people. Why? There, our world, has no hope for our generation who despite at war with Abomon; Have no empathy and care of others, everyone want to survive, even push other people who has same goal. Die, left and right, and cancel culture do their part."

Project 143 Atomilizer
(NX Alpha)
Production information
Macksunset Institute of Technology
• David Zmina
Product line:
Space Station
Project 143
Technical specifications
20 kilometers
Titanium Armor
Engine unit(s):
SA-84 Engine Unit (4)
Warp drive unit(s):
Power plant:
Solar Panel (4)
Sensor systems:
Targeting systems:
• SVARK-7405 "Atomilizer" Atomic-based Laser Emitter (1)
• Autocannon (4)
• Missile Pod (4)
• Laser Cannon (4)
0 (Automatic)
P.E. 1984
P.E. 2045
The Project 143 Atomilizer, known by one of main station known as NX Alpha is a superweapon that wiped out both Previous World and Humanity within. It was developed by Macksunset Institute of Technology by both Doctor David Zmina and Chiyome Heiwa who ordered by Allied High Command to resolve the Against the Blanec Movement and the Third Global Conflict.

While many people and the media refer this weapon as "Weapon for Peace" as last resort to defeat the Abomon invasion. The creator however, referred as "Weapon for the new generation" with intention to wiped out entire human population and their advanced civilization which he view them has no hope to continue, he also help the new generation build their new civilization after them. While it not effective at firing on the ground, it was powerful when firing from outer space, they have order to install these weapon on old Star Conflict Program satellite known as "NX-class super space station" which once use in War of Ideologies.

After the massacre on mass refugee camp outside of Nakashima Space Center in the Third Global Conflict by the Against the Blanec Movement became a hopeless and desperate. The High Command have order to fire all weapon to the planet at once, causing human going extinction and render entire world a nuclear wasteland.

Since the demise of humanity in seven million year ago, the nature has reclaimed the land, and the planet is now rule by the Guardian Character who refer the Previous World now "Goldia". The main station was fall from orbit and sink into Great Lake of Aria.

Behind the Scene

"Atomilizer doesn't answer the emotion the human say. Just stop bullying and stop cancel culture."
- TGP Author

The Atomilizer was first mentioned in God of The Gamalatica as ultimate weapon that end the Previous world. In Rinne Somnium, Atomilizer has first debut in that episode as small space station that built by various nation that believe to engage in the war each other. However, the Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu is revealing that Atomilizer is an old super space station known as NX Alpha that float in the orbit that use to operate all Atomilizer-equipped satellite known as NX-class space station that use to firing all atom laser that detonated a nuclear bomb.

The Atomilizer in final episode is represent as final word, and justice of all that doesn't answer the human's emotion related to bullying and the cancel culture.

Although Atomilizer beam doesn't generate a radiation when explode, their laser warhead cause Previous World's core increase their size which is the reason why Midgar is four time larger than Previous World.

A Dream of Aiko:
- God of The Gamalatica (First Mentioned)
- Rinne Somnium (First Appearance, remain only)
- Memory of Kagami
- A Dream of Aiko

A Dream of Aiko and Rinne:
- Great Tomoyatalian Empire
- Ghost Mountain Frog