Gamalactican Search

A Dream of Aiko and Rinne (book)

"This is the story about the young girl who have terrible life in the past."

A Dream of Aiko and Rinne
Production information
Date created:
G.C. 2017
• Rio 
• Unknown
• Aqua Co. (bias for the cover)
• Unknown cost
30 (bias for the cover)
Physical and technical specifications
Green/Blue cover
A Dream of Aiko and Rinne, also known as New Rinne's diary was a book created by Goddess of The Gamalaticania, Rio based on Rinne's lost diary A Dream of Aiko that was destroyed by Nill William in G.C. 2017. The book have design with A Dream of Aiko before the front page is covered by new one.

While the book itself is simply a story about a young girl who have a terrible life in the past. As the first and important victim to the cyberbullying online group known as Against the Blanec Movement that lead many chaos.

After Rio decided to make her diary become a public, it became a massive hit when many people realize the true horror of the ABM online group and the Federal Countries government under Taskmaster who using these dif-right information operations to bullying people to commiting suicide. This book is result in mass protest across the Previous World against many dictatorship government. The book is also result in the demise of Nill William, and everyone who involve his online group were he view it as cursed book and he swear to kill her just like her mother if he can. However, before he able to move to hunt her down, he was attacked and being killed after the resistance force have assault on his ABM hideout.

Shara Federation

Shara Federation

Political information
Type of Government:
Eurasia Charter
Head of state:
Head of government:
Prime Minister
Military branch:
Shara Military
Societal information
Official language:
Previous Dollar
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 1947
Date dissolved:
G.C. 2045
Shara Federation is a country that once existed in Previous World. It's part of Eurasia Union since G.C. 1947 following the collapse of Shara Union and their leader killed in the Great Rocsell Disaster.

Gamalaticania Alliance Army

Gamalaticania Alliance Army
General information
Federal President of the Gamalatica
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 6517
• Invasion of Gamindustri
Other information
Gamalaticania Alliance Army
General information
Federal President of the Gamalatica
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 6522
Final Gamalaticania War
Other information
The Gamalaticania Alliance Army, or simply known as Alliance Army or Gamalaticania Army was the ground force of the Gamalaticania Alliance Military.

Gamalaticania Alliance Navy

Gamalaticania Alliance Navy
General information
Major fleet:
• Alliance First Fleet
• Alliance Second Fleet
• Alliance Third Fleet
• Alliance Fourth Fleet
• Alliance Fifth Fleet
• Alliance Sixth Fleet
• Alliance Seventh Fleet
Ship prefix:
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 6517
• Invasion of Gamindustri
Other information
Gamalaticania Alliance Navy
General information
Major fleet:
• Alliance First Fleet
• Alliance Second Fleet
• Alliance Third Fleet
• Alliance Fourth Fleet
• Alliance Fifth Fleet
• Alliance Sixth Fleet
• Alliance Seventh Fleet
Ship prefix:
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 6517
Final Gamalaticania War
Other information
The Gamalaticania Alliance Navy, or simply known as Alliance Navy or Gamlaticania Navy was a navy of the Gamalaticania Alliance Military. They were largest military branch of the Gamalatica galaxy. At it’s peak, the Gamalaticania Alliance Navy have ten thousand powerful ship at the service and ready to defend the galaxy from any threat to the galaxy.

The Gamalaticania Alliance Navy have formed from the defunct Gamalatica Federation Defense Fleet shortly after the Final Gamalaticania War. The Gamalaticania Alliance’s People's Charter have both army and navy as a separated armed force and it’s independent from the government entirely.

The Navy have rapidly grown much larger as result of Final Gamalaticania War. Aiming toward more crewless operation and using artificial intelligence as main operator for the ship, while keep some few crew to operate the ship in case of virus attack.

Galactic Federation Air Defense Force

Galactic Federation Air Defense Force
General information
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 4410
Date fragmented:
G.C. 6517
Date reorganized:
G.C. 6522
Other information
Flag of the Galactic Federation Air Defense Force
The Galactic Federation Air Defense Force, or simply known as Air Defense Force was the aerial warfare branch of the Galactic Federation of Gamalatica.

Galactic Federation Ground Defense Force

Galactic Federation Ground Defense Force
General information
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 4410
Date fragmented:
G.C. 6517
Date reorganized:
G.C. 6522
Other information
Flag of the Galactic Federation Ground Defense Force
The Galactic Federation Ground Defense Force, or simply known as Ground Defense Force was the ground force of Galactic Federation of Gamalatica.

Galactic Federation Defense Fleet

Galactic Federation Defense Fleet
General information
Major fleet:
• Imperial Sonogami Armada
• Imperial Hatsumi Armada
• Imperial Yoshimizu Armada
• Imperial Heiwa Armada
• Imperial Dinogi Armada
Ship prefix:
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 4410
Date fragmented:
G.C. 6517
Date reorganized:
G.C. 6517
Other information
Flag of the Imperial Gamalatica Navy
The Galactic Federation Defense Fleet, or simply known as Defense Fleet was the military starfleet of the Galactic Federation of Gamalatica.


"I can read everyone's heart, understand their feel. But I can't understand their emotion. This is why Human are very scared than Demon because they aren't predictable."

Previous People

Biological classification
Mammal (simian subgroup)
Physical characteristics
Average height:
1.8 meters
Skin color:
White to Brown
Hair color:
Brown to Black
Eye color:
Blue to Green, Brown
Average lifespan:
Around 80 or higher
Organizational information
Humans, known in the Guardian Characters myth as Previous People were extinct sentient humanoid species originally from Previous World. They were near identical to Gamalatican physical with exception of small eye and they were not hatch from eggs unlike the Gamalatican. Both Guardian Character and Abomon are born from Human's heart and malicious based on their action, pure heart will give a magic egg that given a birth of a Guardian Character, while evil and malicious behavior will result in a human turn into a malicious creature of Abomon.

The Previous People in Gamalatica galaxy were wiped out in the nuclear conflict of Third Global Conflict in P.E. 2045. However, few survivor were depart to M51 galaxy 3 year prior before the war in P.E. 2039. The human survivors who depart to the M51 galaxy were later refer themselves as "Conflictan", and has form a new government called United Council of Man. However, unlike those human, they have no longer capable of given a birth of a Guardian Character, but they still influence a malicious action to become a Abomon.

As new timeline, all human were extincts same fate as original timeline along with the people who attempt to colonize the M51 galaxy were perish during the launch to space. Thus the Star Conflict were never exist.

Behind the Scene

"The Previous People, a.k.a. Human are the people from the Previous World which later became the Goldia after the nuclear winter. They were much like real people except for their face is cover in black."
- About Previous People

The Previous People were known in real world as Human, they were play as minor role in Touhou Galaxy Project prior Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri as people who stood before the planet Goldia was formed. Unlike the Guardian Characters whose were smaller than the Human and born from eggs. The Previous People also different than Human in real world as their face is cover with black which commonly see in most of Japanese psychological horror anime and manga.

Since Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri, some human have survived the nuclear conflict thanks to space exploration that drove them to M51 galaxy that eventually reveal in Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu that human in M51 galaxy are Conflictan who is commonly represent them as Star Conflict, a common enemy of both Kotori and Blanec continuity of Touhou Galaxy Project.

Despite being extinct race, many human who survive the blast later evolved into different race that later interact with the Midgaran, some people still remain a human but most of them were later became myth as "Previous People".

Hiiragi (family)

The family of Hiiragi was a Chyiukitalian family.