Gamalactican Search

Second Gamindustri Occupation of Midgar

"It's been 5 year since I lost the battle against the Midgar Kingdom because I was fools by those sword and magic these Midgar NPCs throwing at. But I'm back and bigger than ever to crush your kingdom once and for all. Get ready to rematch."
- Purple Heart (Afterlife Expading: Midgar Act)

Second Gamindustri Occupation of Midgar
(Tachibana District Massacre)
Gamalatican-Gamindustrian War
G.C. 52517 (13 hour)
(Early battle)
Pyrrhic Gamindustrian victory
• Reoccupation the Midgar and renamed to New Gamindustri along with Gamalaticania Galaxy
• Death of several royal member include Hamlot, Kana, Nana, Julia, Sakura and Ringo
• Destruction of Gamalaticania Alliance government along with all GA member goverment across the galaxy surrender to the Gamindustrian
• Kingdom of Midgar was break apart once more along with fall of the Commonwealth, the Kingdom of Isla, Sonogami and State Republic of Kukan.
• Daigikai Building collapsed along with entire GA member's head of states
(Late battle)
GA remnants victory
• Death of CPU Black Sister by hand of Princess Alicia
• Reincarnation of Princess Alicia
• Interdimensional gate destroyed
• Restoration of Kingdom of Midgar and Isla
• Full scale invasion on Gamindustri by Midgaran
• Gamindustri in total chaos
Major battles:
• Tachibana District Massacre
• Second Battle of Alexandria
• Second Great Battle of Illyania Glassland
• Gamindustrian Invading Force
  • Planeptune Progress Loyalist
  • Neo-Lastation Regality
(original goal)
• Reconquest the New Gamindustri (Midgar)
• Overthrown the Midgar Kingdom
(late goal)
• Overthrown Isla Kingdom and the Gamalaticania Alliance
• Defend Midgar
• Repel all Gamindustrian invander force
• Retaliation against the Gamindustri (late goal)
• Gamindustrian Invading Force
  • Planeptune Loyalist Force
  • Neo-Lastation Force†
Commonwealth of Midgaran
    • Crosstrovia Royal Family
    • Dainouji Imperial Family
    • Eventyr Royal Family
    • Adenia Royal Family
    • Hawiika Royal Family
    • Vadari Imperial Family
    • Royal Midgar Military
    • Royal Midgar Police
    • Royal Midgar Guard
  • Kingdom of Sonogami†
    • Imperial Yoshimizu Family
    • Royal Sonogami Military
  • State Republic of Kukan†
  • Kukan Defense Force
  • Gamalaticania Alliance Military
  • Gamalaticania Alliance Intelligence G-14
  • Gamalaticania Alliance Police Department
  • Member of Gamalaticania Alliance†

• Midgar Kingdom
  • Crosstrovia Royal Family
• Kingdom of Hanasawa
  • Dainouji Imperial Family
• Spellaria Nation
  • Eventyr Royal Family
• Narandia Kingdom
  • Adenia Royal Family
• Saltfest Nation
  • Hawiika Royal Family
• Mawadri Kingdom
  • Vadari Imperial Family
• Sonogami Kingdom
  • Imperial Yoshimizu Family
• Kukan Republic
• CPU Purple Heart
• CPU Black Sister†
• Crosstrovia Royal Family
  • King Harlot†
  • Queen Aria
  • Princess Julia†
  • Prince Hugo
• Eventyr Royal Family
  • King Naveer
  • Queen Claire
  • Princess Luna
• Dainouji Imperial Family
  • Queen Tomoshiko
• Imperial Yoshimizu Family
  • Queen Kana†
  • Princess Nana†
• President Kim Hun Da†
• Federal President Haruka†
• Gamalaticania Alliance Central Command†
  • Midgar Central Command†
  • Mikoyon Alliance Command†
  • Kukan Defense Command†
• Naval Commander Sakura Hana†
• Galactic Sorceress Ringo Niwa†

• Princess Alicia
• 1,500,000+ Planeptune knight†
• 1,200,000+ Lastation soldier†
• 100,000+ Bits†
• 75,000+ R4†
• 10,000+ Royal Midgar Guards

• 4,000,000+ GA Troopers
• 2,000+ Alpha Force
• 600,000+ Artillery units
• 350,000+ Armored units
• 200,000+ starfighters
• 30,000+ spaceship
  • 100+ Mashiro mk2-class
Overall: Disaster
All but CPU Purple Heart are killed and executed

Population: High
• 120,000+ population killed
• 700,000+ Daigikai government official
• Entire GA member's head of states/government official

Military: Minor
• 20+ Midgar Guard
• 100+ GA Troopers
• 22 starfighters
• 1 Mashiro mk-class (CCSS Bird Bridge)
The Second Gamindustri Occupation of Midgar, also known as Great Battle of Midgar as all Gamalaticania Alliance Military Command across the galaxy were come to Midgar. Known in original point of invasion as Tachibana District Massacre refer to the one of five interdimensional gate that Gamindustrian first use is located in Tachibana District, or Reconquest of New Gamindustri by Gamindustrian invader is the short-lived invasion lead by interdimensional force of Gamindustrian lead by Purple Heart attempt to reclaim the Midgar that they claim to be New Gamindustri after their first occupation was defeated 50,000 year ago.

Unlike the first occupation that Gamindustrian has encounter which the Midgars has only medieval-level technology, the Second Occupation was met with disaster as they underestimate the current technology of the Midgars and because of timeline gap, as well as majority of Gamalaticania Alliance Military including entire armada were present at the Midgar military parade as celebrate the 50,000 year anniversary of Midgaran victory over (First) Gamindustrian occupation on Midgar. Although their initial attack on Tachibana District was barely successful with death of several important person including entire Imperial Yoshimizu family, the GA member's head of states and the destruction of Daigikai building has brought down the Gamalaticania Alliance Government and all goverment across the galaxy. However, they were quick overwhelmed by the GA military and retake the planet with all but Purple Heart were killed and executed.

After the invasion, the Gamindustri is totally in chaos both within and outside, as the Planeptune is currently facing the rebellion.

It's also the first time in Gamalatica history as Queen Aria has put a death penalty on the perpetrator of the war. As the Gamalaticania Alliance has prepare to launch their full scale counter-invasion in retaliation of Gamindustri for their first and this second invasion.