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Third Global Conflict

"Right now, we are all face same war as the other world we face before."

The Third Global Conflict, also known as War over Kasami Hiiragi's Death is the one of most disastrous conflict in the Previous World history prior the arrival of the Guardian Characters on this planet. The conflict is result in humanity entirely wipe out from the planet by Atomilizer.

Third Global Conflict

"Right now, we are all face same war as the other world we face before."

The Third Global Conflict, also known as War over Kasami Hiiragi's Death is the one of most disastrous conflict in the Previous World history prior the arrival of the Guardian Characters on this planet. The conflict is result in humanity entirely wipe out from the planet by Atomilizer.

Terminal Standard Outfit

"This uniform feel short and small, but I feel warm and relax."

Terminal Standard Outfit
Production information
Gamalaticania Alliance Officers
Sailor Uniform
Sora Industries
Physical and technical specifications
• Dark Brown, Red (Government Official)
• Grey (Governor)
• Blue (Diplomat)
• Green (Army)
• Purple (Navy)
• Pink (Scientist)
Other markings:
• Chest Rank
• Necktie
Usage and history
Date issue:
G.C. 9517
The Terminal Standard Outfit, also known as Gamalaticania Alliance Uniform Issue 39 for Guardian Characters - Terminal Standard Outfit, or simply known as TSO uniform is the one of most common Gamalaticania Alliance uniform use by the Guardian Characters and other humanoid species.

Prior this uniform was issue, the Gamalaticania Alliance still adopted Galactic Federation's GFA Sailor Uniform almost year prior the Star Conflict Invasion on Gamalatica galaxy. Unlike the GFA sailor uniform, the TSO uniform were widely adopted by majority of Gamalaticania government including the Daigikai, the Gamalatican government of Goldia, Rinne and Kukan.

Haru and Haruka is only two person who use this uniform prior their official issue across the galaxy.

Behind the Scene

The Terminal Standard Outfit were first debut in Ghost Mountain Frog episode worn by Haru and Haruka Katsumi. The design of this uniform is based on Plastic Memories TSO uniform that worn by people who work at Terminal Service One especially the Red Dark Brown which is worn by Isla which both Haru and Haruka worn that color.

Like the name ,TSO is also reference to Terminal Service One, a company that reclaim all (rogue) android after expired after 9 year of operated.

(A Dream of Aiko and Rinne)
Ghost Mountain Frog (First Appearance)

(Reisen Naka)
- Blanec's Lowee Empire

Matsusaka-class Star Dreadnought

Matsusaka-class Star Dreadnought
Production information
Hyperion Shipyard
Star Dreadnought
Matsusaka mk2
Technical specifications
1,600 meters
Goiteia-based Armor
Goiteia-based Barrier
Engine unit(s):
Goiteia-based Starlight Engine (3)
Warp drive unit(s):
Nirvara Drive
Power plant:
Goiteia-based Reactor
Sensor systems:
Adele Projector
Targeting systems:
• Ekmidenisi-based Grisaia Launcher (1)
• Goiteia-based Railgun Launcher (3)
• Goiteia-based Torpedo Launcher (3)
• Stealth Furotor (10)
• Shuttle (20)
• Escape pod (5,000+)
• Crews (100)
  • Officers (20)
  • Enlisted (50)
  • Gunner (10)
  • Pilots (30)
• Carrier
• Battleship (Dreadnought)
• Command ship
Year introduced:
G.C. 42,XXX
The Matsusaka-class Star Dreadnought, simply known as Matsusaka class was a stealth dreadnought that serve in the Gamalaticania Alliance Navy in 52nd millennium. It's direct upgrade from old aging Matsusaka-class with similarly design but has several superstructure detach from the main structure of the ship.

There is 42 ship of this class were built and operate in the Gamalaticania Alliance Navy and all ship of this class were participate in the battle against second Gamindustrian occupation.

A single ship of this class can subjected entire population and planet with unarmed and poor defense which happen with Gamindustri, it was dub as "Dreadnought diplomacy".

Royal Midgar Military

"The Aliens only have small troops with laser guns use for terrorize on their own people, but we have a sword, crossbow, spear, magic and flying horse for conquer."
- Isla, describe about Royal Midgar Military in year 3000s (Afterlife Expanding)

Royal Midgar Military
Reoyealu Midgar Meiluitoareye
General information
King/Queen of Midgar Kingdom
• Royal Midgar Army
  • Royal Midgar Charlotte Corps
  • Royal Midgar Spellsword Corps
  • Royal Midgar Vanguard Corps
  • Royal Midgar Celia Corps
  • Royal Midgar Kerolotte Corps
  • Royal Midgar Guardian Corps
  • Royal Midgar Grisaia Corps
  • Royal Midgar Aerial Corps
  • Royal Midgar Knight Guard
• Royal Midgar Navy
• Royal Midgar Air Force
• Royal Midgar Starfleet
  • Royal Midgar Starfighter Corps
• Royal Midgar Stella Corps
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 1959
• Great Demon Lord War
• Midgaran-Baen Interstellar War
• Heutha attack on Midgar
• Invasion of Gamindustri
Other information
The Royal Midgar Military, also known as Royal Midgar Armed Force is a military branch of the Kingdom of Midgar and it's space nation, Kingdom of Isla. Founded in G.C. 1959 by Princess Charlotte as official armed force of the Midgar Kingdom.

Since it's founding in 1950s until High-Isla era around 6500s. The Royal Midgar Military use a medieval-style warfare such as horse, sword, crossbow, spear and magic in the combat while the navy and space force were serve as support role. As expanding of Kingdom of Isla, the Midgar military have evolved from traditional warfare to much more modern combat since one of Midgaran interstellar nation, State Republic of Kukan have introduce their own military.

Beside the Gamalaticania Alliance Military, the Royal Midgar Military is among most powerful armed force in the galaxy with only second to Kukan Defense Force.