Gamalactican Search

Isla (character)

"As proverbs said, Don't judge a book by its cover."

Isla Crosstrovia de Midgar
Characteristic information
• Space Exploration
• Play Chess
• Fluffy Stuff
Insult her size and appearance
Her desire:
Make her kingdom a major galactic power
Biographical information
G.C. 3005
G.C. 3020
Physical description
Blood Type:
122 cm
28 kg
Hair color:
Skin color:
Eye color:
Cup size:
Chronological and political information
Queen Isla (spelled 'Is-la') Crosstrovia de Midgar, simply known as Queen Isla was 12-year old Midgaran female princess of Midgar Kingdom and Queen Aira's Daughter, and a victim to the Against the Blanec Movement cyberbullying online group as part of Rinne's traumatizing legacy.

She is founder of well-known space nation known as "Kingdom of Isla" in G.C. 3017 that expand across Heinasawa Sector that would become one of founding member of Gamalaticania Alliance. Despite her age and appearance being only 122 cm, she regard as greatest queen of Kingdom of Midgar being only second to Charlotte thanks to her skill in leadership and diplomacy with other space nation.

Despite her success for drive Midgar Kingdom into major player in the galactic stage, she is shortest-reign in Midgaran monarchy history only 3-year and she passed away only 15-year old following the final duel that decide the fate of entire Midgaran race.

- Midgar Act (First Mentioned)
- Isla Act


"I'll curse you."

Adele "Stylis" Crosstrovia de Midgar
Characteristic information
• Proving her better than anyone
• Bathing
• Provoke at bathing
• Purple Heart
• Inferior talk about her or her younger sister
Her desire:
Become the queen of Midgar Kingdom (reject)
• Kill Purple Heart
Biographical information
G.C. 2499
Physical description
Blood Type:
148 cm
32 kg
Hair color:
Skin color:
Eye color:
Cup size:
Chronological and political information
• Queen (former)
• Galactic Queen
• Queen (former)
• Galactic Queen
• Missing, presumably dead (G.C. 2517)
• Alive (G.C. 52517)
Queen Adele Crosstrovia de Midgar, simply known as Queen Stylis was Midgaran female princess of Midgar Kingdom, and a victim to the Against the Blanec Movement cyberbullying online group as part of Rinne's traumatizing legacy. She is Alicia's older sister.

She is regard as one of five greatest Crosstrovia family and the strongest person in Midgar history that bring the great impact to the Midgaran history who find the great secret behind the Atomilizer (the space station that cause human and their civilization went extinct), as well as who accelerate the Midgaran civilization from medieval age to early modern age within 50 year since the end of Gamindustrian Invasion over Midgar in G.C. 2517 which bring Midgar's first space flight. At one point in her life, she once jealous of Alicia's talent skill as inventor of Modern Midgaran language and because everyone neglect her talent being black witch. As Alicia being praise by her King and Queen which given her as next Midgaran successor queen which cause greater jealousy in her were she did hit and injure Alicia with her own hand (which mostly happen when Alicia accidentally walk into a bathroom while Stylis just walk out completely naked after she finish her own bath) and at one point, she almost kill Alicia with her lethal cursed magic after she gone out of control but she stop because she fear the consequences of her action and with Alicia's courage stop her from doing this. She admit to Alicia that she really hate her despite Alicia's cheerful toward her because nobody like her and give her chance.

The reason why she being neglect by most people (except Alicia) is because she was born with cursed after a blood moon was occur during her birth which happen at same time as CPU Purple Heart launch their interdimensional invasion over Midgar in G.C. 2499 which terrorize Midgar. As Oracle of Midgar believe that her talent could cause someone get curse by her if they praise her even King and Queen tell Alicia not to praise her talent despite she ignore the warning and praise her which has no affect to her. Since the incident, both her and Alicia become closer friend since and travel together across the Midgar were she meet other nation including Hanasawa Princess Tomoya, Rozenmarina Princess Rina, Narandria Princess Kema, Saltfest Princess Ryza, and Mawadri Princess Marita and their people in those countries were all like Stylis's cute appearance which she realize that there is people out there really like her regard of context. During her visit to Saltfest were she meet Princess Ryza and Kiki where she introduce both Alicia and Stylis about newest warship, it was revealed that Stylis's talent is capable of replicate other people's knowledge and ability which surprise Alicia's talent since she can't unlock the secret behind the Atomilizer that she almost unlock for year. However, this ability affect other paralyzed for short period.

Stylis really enjoy travel around the world with Alicia for while until King of Midgar Kingdom order two princess prepare a grand army to fight and repel the Gamindustri once and for all. With help from several major Midgaran nation across the planet, the Gamindustri were losing ground including loss of entire fleet of patrol boat that use to repel the ship from strike the portal. As Gamindustrian have retreat to the interdimensional portal, CPU Purple Heart use her last resort by launch a 32-mega bit sword intent kill Stylis, Alicia sacrifice her life to save her Stylis from this fatal attack which the sword stab her body, prevent it from decapitate Stylis's head. As this happen, She (along with Tomoya, Kema and others who fought the battle) grieve Alicia's death as she would rather die by that sword instead of live to be cursed by other.


"It's honor to you, I'm Queen Adele Crosstrovia de Midgar, the royal member of Crosstrovia family. But I am no longer a queen.... of the Midgar Kingdom."
- Stylis, to Claire (Stylis Act)

Stylis's royal name was Adele Crosstrovia de Midgar. She was formal title as Queen Stylis that most of people in the Gamalaticania Alliance called her despite she is no longer a queen. Member of the Afterlife Expanding Project called her a Princess Stylis and Queen Claire called her Lady Adele.

Stylis's physical appearance is fairly-light skin with red eye and silver-colored long hair. She almost height as Charlotte but below than Claire (in cursed form). Her body is very small and smaller than Alicia but has bigger cup than Alicia but not big as Charlotte or Isla.

Stylis wear a High-Midgar era Royal Military Military Uniform, a standard military uniform that remain within the Midgar military until High-Isla era which replace by Teriminal Service Outfit.

"I'm sorry Alicia.... I can't do it."
- Stylis, to Alicia (Erste Act)

Stylis is very jealous of everyone who better than her although she really like if someone respect her feeling. Although she really harsh on Alicia due to being better than her and often to hit her anytime she doesn't like her (especially during her bath). Stylis is very kindly girl who often act like Tsundere toward others due to her shy feeling toward others.

Despite her jealous toward Alicia in the past. Stylis has very high empathy and moral which she sometime even guilt on her own bad action. She is very hesitate and couldn't do any horrible thing even she want to do unlike Alicia such as order entire Gamalaticania Alliance Military to execute all surrender Gamindustrian people to revenge the exact number of Midgaran lives that Gamindustrian troops commit during both First and Second Gamindustrian Invasion which roughly around 6 million, which horrified her when looking on Alicia. 

While she does have a moral, she won't let her enemy get away second time if they refuse her promise to stop doing horrible thing like the case of Purple Heart.

Because of Afterlife Expanding Project is cloning several princess (except Charlotte and Isla) in Midgaran history, they find Stylis to be easy to clone due to her existence in this period easily to collect her fresh blood, DNA and memories unlike most of previous clone of other princess have some side-effect such as Alicia's jealous over Stylis, etc.

Behind the Scene

Stylis is the one of major protagonist in Afterlife Expanding and become a central protagonist since Season Two replacing Alicia (who is Stylis's young sister) as original central protagonist. Her character design is similarly to Fear Kubrick from anime C3 were she love cursing people and she is very tsundere toward other character, as well as Komari from The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess based on uniform design and close relationship (Yuri) with Alicia.

Her name "Stylis" is short for "Stylish" which she was teleported away from Medieval Midgar Kingdom into far future of (destroying) Gamalaticania Alliance. The character name also similary to Syalis from Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle.

- Stylis, Charlotte, Isla, and Luna is only character that born directly from this world unlike most of other character in Afterlife Expanding which most of them are Isekai from their own world. Also, Stylis is also the strongest character in the series despite most of protagonist has some of isekai overpowered ability.
- Despite Stylis is no longer a queen. Many GA personal and citizen still refer her as Queen while most of Afterlife Expanding Project staff called her Lady Stylis.
- Princess Tomoya, Kema and Ryza like Stylis's cute appearance which somehow make Alicia jealous toward her.
- Stylis is only central protagonist of this series that avoid many death that related to beheaded which unlike Rinne from Touhou Galaxy Project and Mia in STAR DEM0CRATIC.

- Midgar Act (First Apperance)
- Tomoya Act
- Narandria Act
- Stylis Act
- Oceania Act
- Madawri Act
- Erste Act