Gamalactican Search

Don't touch my diary

"Rule number 1. Never defaced A Dream of Aiko diary and left alive."

Short Story IV:
Don't touch my diary

General information
• Science fantasy
• Psychological horror
Rinne Yoshimizu
1 May 2023
Product Code:
G.C. 6517
Main Protagonist:
Main Antagonist:
Preceded by:
Following by:
Don't touch my diary was a fourth canon short story of Supergalactica Neptunia. The story is focus on Rio who love her diary she made before being defaced by Ram. There were Ram has imagination of Rio is killing her and dismember her into Rio's own bathtub where she bathe there.


In Order of Appearance
- Rio
- Ram

Kingdom of Isla

Midgar Kingdom of Isla Star System
Midgar Kainegdoome Ofe Isla Setoare Seyesetoeme
Anthem: A Sky Full of Birds
Motto: Isla, the central island of Midgar and eight planet of this Guardian Character realm.
Political information
Type of Government:
Absolute Monarchy
Founding document:
• Unification of Celia Nation
• Chiyuki Accord
Midgar Constitution
Head of state:
Head of government:
Executive branch:
Royal Midgar Palace
Legislative branch:
Royal Midgar Council
Judicial branch:
Royal Midgar Court
Military branch:
Societal information
Celia, Midgar
Official language:
A Sky Full of Birds
Historical information
Formed from:
Date established:
G.C. 3017
Date fragmented:
G.C. 52517 (to Gamindustri, as Midgar Kingdom)
• Commonwealth of Midgaran
  • Kingdom of Midgar
The Kingdom of Isla, officially known as Midgar Kingdom of Isla Star System or commonly as Isla Kingdom and Celia Interstellar Government is one of three Midgaran interstellar government of unificated Celia region of Midgar Kingdom that ruling entire Isla star system and beyond. The Kingdom of Isla is the first Midgaran spacefaring civilization.

Founded by Queen Isla of Midgar Kingdom after the rapid series of technological and cultural advancement in space exploration. The government have been a huge part of Gamalatica's history and the primary representee government of Midgar and Isla on the galactic stage.

Heinasawa Kingdom

Heinasawa Kingdom
GC 35XX - GC 4017

Political information
Type of Government:
Founding document:
Chiyuki Accord
Head of state:
Head of government:
Prime Minister
Executive branch:
Imperial Palace of Hana
Legislative branch:
Judicial branch:
Military branch:
Royal Midgar Military
Societal information
Official language:
Historical information
Formed from:
Gamalatica nation
Date established:
G.C. 35XX
Date reorganized:
G.C. 4017
Reformed into Empire of Gamalatica
The Heinasawa Kingdom, or later remembered it as Ancient Gamalatican Empire was early Gamalatican interstellar goverment that represent as ruler of the Heinasawa Sector in five hundred year prior before the Empire of Gamalatica was formed.

As spacefaring empire that formed by Gamalatica nation following the first Gamalatican colony on Rinne have successful.

Superpe Ronte

Superpe Ronte
General information
Primary role:
Arms manufacturer
Major product:
ML-16 Firaxus Burst Launcher
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 4107
Other information
The Superpe Ronte (SR) Fusion Weapon Manufacturer is a Gamalatican arms manufacturer that specifically produce a heavy weapon for the Gamalatica military such as explosive weapon and device.

Superpe Ronte once been the biggest competition with Sakuri Chiyuran with several production.

Superpe Ronte

Superpe Ronte
Superpe Ronte Logo (G.C. 52XXX)
General information
Primary role:
Arms manufacturer
Major product:
ML-16 Firaxus Burst Launcher
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 4107
Other information
Superpe Ronte Logo (pre-G.C. 52XXX)
The Superpe Ronte (SR) Fusion Weapon Manufacturer is a Gamalatican arms manufacturer in the Gamalatica Galaxy that produce a heavy weapon for the Gamalatica military such as explosive weapon and device. They also produce a military-grade general ship component for a military spaceship such as shield generator, power reactor and spaceship weapon.

Superpe Ronte once been the biggest competition with Sakuri Chiyuran with several production.

Aikocom Telecommunication and Televising

Aikocom Telecommunication and Televising
General information
Tomokyo, Goldia
Primary role:
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 6507
Other information
The Aikocom Telecommunication and Televising (AT&T), simply known as Aikocom is a Gamalatican interstelliar telecommunication holding company operated in Tomokyo, Goldia. It's largest telecommunication company of the Touhou galaxy and operated news media channel known as Federation News Network.

Aikocom Telecommunication and Televising

Aikocom Telecommunication and Televising
General information
AT&T Jammy Tower, Tomokyo, Goldia
Primary role:
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 6507
Other information
The Aikocom Telecommunication and Televising (AT&T), simply known as Aikocom is a Gamalatican interstelliar telecommunication holding company operated in Jammy Tower, Tomokyo, Goldia. It's largest telecommunication company of the Gamalatica galaxy and own operated two media channel, Gamalaticania News Network and Kotoristation.

Code 370-MH

"Thanks for saving the cargo ship from ABM pirate raid. They almost got me stab to my head with their stupid drug."
- Commander Rita Marude (Ghost Mountain Frog)

The Code Object: Devastated Emotion: Subject-370-Mental Homocide (CODE S-370-MH), simply known as Code 370-MH was the infamous drug that using as primary element of Abomonovirus developed by Overseas Security Agency specifically target Hatsumi family.

The effect of the drug cause victim to stab in the head.