Gamalactican Search

Flame Compon

"Sakura, within 2 month. I will kill your lovely sister and force you to eat your sister's flesh."

Flame Compon
Characteristic information
Real Name:
Flame Compon
Full Name:
Flame Compon
@iwanttokillyoursister (Dogord)
Spread a harassment message
• Goddess
His desire:
• Kill Sakura's littie sister and force her eating her own sister's flesh (success)
• Kill Sakura by tie her with explosive and throw her into a bathtub to drown her. (failed)
• Kill Mayu by hit into a wall (failed)
Cause of Death:
Kill by Sakura by brutally stab him multiple time
Biographical information
G.C. 2028
Physical description
Blood Type:
162 cm
90 kg
Hair color:
Skin color:
Eye color:
Chronological and political information
Lieutenant Flame Compon is the one of supporter member of Lew Eawanis online group. The infamous sub-group of Against the Blanec Movement. He is the one who leading many infamous suicidal idea for both Lewas and the ABM that cause many people died in previous world and he is also the mastermind behind all harassment tactic on Mayu. One of his harassment tactic was he gonna kill the victim's sister/brother in front of the victim and then force the victim eating her/his own sister/brother's flesh. He was shred into a piece by Tsukara as he locking her as order to prevent from keep Tomoya away from their plan to make her commit suicide.

He have reborn to the afterlife world of Gamalatica as Abomon until Nill William have free them all. He and Charlie have start to create the sub-military named after his sub-group for the Against the Blanec Movement. He is extremely hate Mayu and he will do anything to kill her by hit into a wall.

Neutral Alliance

"Neutral Alliance is my private government, we don't need more government."
- Jonathan O'Neill (Blanec's Lowee Empire)

Neutral Alliance
Political information
Type of Government:
Military Alliance
Head of state:
Neutral Alliance Leader
Head of government:
Stardoor Command
Military branch:
Neutral Alliance Armed Force
Societal information
Official language:
Ancient Iris
We are the central of the universe!
Historical information
Formed from:
Stardoor Command
Date established:
G.C. 2015
Date dissolved:
G.C. 2015
The Neutral Alliance (NA) is the Stardoor military alliance from Tarianpa galaxy that prepare for wage war against Lowee Empire to break Lowee Empire's Treaty of Hiiragi that signed to against all faction who losing the Great Universe War against the fallen federation.

Neutral Alliance

"We are neutral. Do not attack Neutral!"
- Jonathan O'Neill (Memory of Kagami
, non-canon)

Neutral Alliance
Political information
Type of Government:
Terrorist Organization
Head of state:
Neutral Alliance Command
Head of government:
Stardoor Command
Military branch:
Neutral Alliance Armed Force
Societal information
Official language:
Ancient Iris
Fight for horse!
Historical information
Formed from:
Stardoor Command
Date established:
G.C. 2014
Date dissolved:
G.C. 2014
The Neutral Alliance (NA) is the Stardoor military organization from Tarianpa galaxy that fought the war alongside with Star Conflict's Lucas's Alliance against Interstellar Federation in Great Universe War.

The Neutral Alliance was formed in G.C. 2014 as aftermath of 9.999999 Massacre after a billion of people have storming the Territory 51.

Neutral Alliance

"The Neutral Alliance. A military government of the Tarianpa galaxy formed after 9.999999 Massacre, ruled under the Stardoor Command located in Cheyenne Mountain that surrounded by massive city of Cheyenne. They were not control by any government of the Tau'ri and they attacking alien while they believe they were neutrality to them."
- Daniel Jackson (Great Tomoyatalian Empire
, non-canon)

Neutral Alliance
Tahaluf Mahayid
Political information
Type of Government:
Defense Organization
Head of state:
Neutral Alliance Command
Head of government:
Stardoor Command
Military branch:
Neutral Alliance Armed Force
Societal information
Official language:
Ancient Iris
Fight for horse!
Historical information
Formed from:
Stardoor Command
Date established:
G.C. 2014
The Neutral Alliance (NA) is the Stardoor homeland defense organization and a military government from Tarianpa galaxy that formed in G.C. 2014 after the 9.999999 Massacre result by mass panic of the people of Tau'ri after the reveal of the Act IV and the exist of alien civilization. Although they were official part of Stardoor Command, the Federal Countries of Tau'ri believe it to be a rogue organization because of their lack of central command and every planet is rule by individual SDC personal.

The Neutral Alliance became the new threat to the Gamalatica galaxy following the large assault on the Gamalatica galaxy.

Interstellar Federation

The Interstellar Federation (IF) is an dominant galactic government of the Touhou galaxy since G.C. 4410 until the Federation was collapse in G.C. 6517 following the end of Great Universe War and death of Princess Kagami Hiiragi by Star Conflict and reformed into the Lowee Empire. The Interstellar Federation is simply known as the Federation, or commonly known as Bird by most of general populance in the Federation.

Gamindustri Calendar

The Gamindustri Calendar was the standard measurement of time in the Touhou galaxy. The event of Formed of Gamindustri Nation was adopted as epoch or "year zero". The time before Formed of Gamindustri Nation were called  BGC is stand for Before Gamindustri Calendar and GC is stand for Gamindustri Calendar.

Gamindustri Calendar

"Timeline?..... Fix!"
- Tomoya (Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi)

The Gamindustri Calendar was the standard measurement of time in the Touhou galaxy. The event of Formed of Gamindustri Nation was adopted as epoch or "year zero". The time before Formed of Gamindustri Nation were called BGC is stand for Before Gamindustri Calendar and GC is stand for Gamindustri Calendar.

Miki Hiiragi

Miki Hiiragi

Characteristic information
Real Name:
Full Name:
Miki Hiiragi
• Inori
• Matsuri
Biographical information
March 1
G.C. 1997
Physical description
Chronological and political information
Miki, also known as Miki Hiiragi. She is Hiiragi mother who died in G.C. 1997 while give a birth to Kasami.

Blanec continuity

Touhou Galaxy Project old canon or Blanec continuity "Blanec", simply known as TGP OG canon, First Continuity or OG canon or by it's universe as "Negative One" for short is the story or material that considered to be first continuity of Hyperdimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project series prior before Kotori continuity. Any media that release in from start of the series to November 20, 2016 prior before Reisen Naka series is consider to be part of this continuity.

There is only 1 media in this continuity is "Blanec’s Lowee Empire". The remake version was part of Reisen Naka series.

After Goodbye Rinne debut, this continuity along with other two were merged together. This continuity is the first continuity of Touhou Galaxy Project.

To not confuse with multiple article which one is Blanec continuity. See Blanec letter on the top right of the page.

Kotori continuity

Touhou Galaxy Project legends, also known as Kotori continuity "Kotori", First continuity, or simply known as TGP legends or legends for short. Known by it's universe as "Koto Mura" is the story or material that considered to be previous continuity of Hyperdimension Neptunia: Touhou Galaxy Project series prior before Rinne continuity. Any media that release in from November 20, 2016, to April 28, 2019, and RETraveler from Beyond of Gamindustri is consider to be part of this continuity.

There is over 6 media in this continuity are 3 being mainline including with "Memory of Kagami", "Traveler from Beyond of Gamindustri", and "Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi". Another 3 media being a short story including with "Great Tomoyatalian Empire", "Ghost Mountain Frog", and "A Dream of Aiko". Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi is the only episode prior Rinne Somnium consider to be the first psychological horror episode.

Kotori continuity is being one of the most controversial continuity at that time due to given the rise of the ABM hate group that almost destroy the entire TGP Author’s reputation and the Touhou Galaxy Project media. Despite being no longer a canon, several Rinne continuity material and overall plot have inspired by this continuity which also cause some controversy as well due to ran out of content and extremely violence.

As Afterlife Expanding has official debut in May 2024 along with Project YAMA. TGP Author has plan for a remake all episode with TGP canon story. Thus make all Kotori continuity episode prior 2024 no longer canon.

After Goodbye Rinne debut, this continuity along with other two were merged together. This continuity is consider to be first continuity of Touhou Galaxy Project.

To not confuse with multiple article which one is Kotori continuity. See Kotori letter on the top right of the page.