Gamalactican Search

Tale of Goldia

"The curse continues."

Project Isla:
Tale of Goldia
General information
• Adventure
  • Science fantasy
  • Psychological horror
  • Psychological thriller
  • Post-apocalyptic
  • Family fiction
Rinne Yoshimizu
Product Code:
G.C. 52XXX
Main Protagonist:
• Luna 
Main Antagonist:
Followed by:
Lady Kanade's Project Isla: Tale of Goldia was a first spin-off episode of Supergalactica Neptunia's Project Isla story set in 52,000 of year after the end of Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu. This series is part of Next Generation of Touhou Galaxy Project known as "Project Isla" which majority of character from previous series except for Haru and Haruka will be absent.

The main protagonist of this series, Lady Kanade Yoshimizu, unseen character who is observe her daughter, Luna Eventyr who explore the entire landmass of planet Goldia and their past story of this planet which once a desert planet. The story will be purely fantasy with few psychological horror element, mostly related to Lady Luna's ability of seeing people's past memory.


52,000 year have been passed after the traumatize from the great war cause by Star Conflict and the Against the Blanec Movement have finally end in ultimate peace between Guardian Characters, Humans and Abomons. The Gamalaticania Alliance have become the most advanced nation of all universe thanks to Lady Kanade Yoshimizu who successful to drive the nation to the great era of peace that Empire of Gamalatica has stood before. However, she is recently missing for decade since the anniversary has end.

Shidoru and his archaeologist team have launch a dig site on Goldia's ancient civilization site for finding a rare item that left by mankind's civilization, the Previous World. He eventually meet a Lady Luna Eventyr, Kanade's daughter who wish to archaeologist, she has telekinesis talent that allow to read any object or people's memories in the past by touch it. Because of Luna's inexperience in cave traveling, the exploration was end up in one of Luna's friend dead and Shidoru is heavily wounded. Luna was blame for the accident, but her lesson will teach her to find her courage to be a good archaeologist and uncover the truth that came before the Previous World.

As Kanade, she have sense a prediction of her daughter's death, she willing to do anything to prevent that from happen.


In Order of Appearance
- Rinne (as Librarian)
- Rio
- Shidoru
- Haru
- Haruka
- Kotori

Georcas William

"Whatever you want to be. I will be back with more terrify you want, Guardian Character!"
Georcas William (Ghost Mountain Frog)

Georcas "Luca" William

Characteristic information
Real Name:
Georcas "Luca" William
Full Name:
Georcas William
Miranda "Jenet" William
• Rebels
Caused of Death:
Stab by Nill William
Biographical information
May 4
G.C. 97XX
Physical description
Blood Type:
184 cm
87 kg
Hair color:
Skin color:
Eye color:
Chronological and political information
Grand Admiral
• United Council of Man
• Lucas's Alliance
Grand Admiral Georcas William was Conflictan male admiral leader from Star Conflict galaxy. He is knowing for destruction of Conflictan Republic which became the Conflictan Imperial through Order 47.

After take over the United Council of Man and spot the alien race on Gamalatica galaxy, he launch a massive invasion force of Lucas's Alliance toward to the Gamalatica Galaxy with his new flagship, the Final Protocol. He one day will crush the Gamalatican after his previous invasion was massive defeated in previous dimension of Gamalatica galaxy.

Northean Alliance Treaty Organization

"NATO is the place were we drop our money to them."
- Olso Klaffier (Great Tomoyatalian Empire)

Northean Alliance Treaty Organization
General information
Organization type:
Military Alliance
Historical information
Date formation:
G.C. 1945
Date destroyed:
G.C. 2045
Other information
The Northern Alliance Treaty Organization (NATO) (Organisation du traité de l'Alliance du nord, OTAN) is a intergovernmental military armed force of the entire Eurasia Union which formed against Federal Countries threat since the end of Second Global Conflict until the Third Global Conflict.

The NATO and their alliance, the SEATO were among the most powerful military alliance on Previous World prior to Third Global Conflict which both of them were destroyed by Against the Blanec Movement when their entire navy fleet was crash by ABM invasion.

Overseas Security Agency

"We have two rule in the OSec, keep the Vespuccas secure and eliminated all pure-child and their Guardian Character. We, the agents have to clean up this messed."
- Olso Klaffier (Great Tomoyatalian Empire)

Overseas Security Agency
General information
Organization type:
Foreign Intelligence Service
W.J. Donovan Center, Ripley, Vega, Federal Countries, Previous World
45,000 (estimate)
Historical information
Formed from:
Coordinator of Information
Date established:
G.C. 1942
Date destroyed:
G.C. 2039
Other information
The Overseas Security Agency (OSA), known informally as the Agency and the OSec is a foreign intelligence service of the Federal Countries. Their primary duty is keep the internal affairs of Federal Countries secure and eliminated any extraterrestrial being from the Previous World especially the Gamalatican.

The OSec have notoriously for their operation across the world such as assassination the head of states who oppose the Federal Countries and involve in several regime change that support the Federal Countries's interest. One of their program, Project MockingBird were target to hunt down any guardian characters, pure child and successful person through a cyberbullying online group known as Against the Blanec Movement to kill the person along with their Guardian Character. The OSec also branwashing people through Project MKUltra which serve to ABM online group and other operation across the world.

After the Previous World was destroyed in Third Global Conflict and the Abomon revolt against the God of The Gamalatica, the Abomon have establish the interlligence service name after this organization.

Ghost Mountain Frog (2021)

"What if. There is a group of boy who want to catch a frog at Mt. Katsura and never return.
Will you vow to 'Change the fate' of this Afterlife? Harusu. End the Bullies."

Episode VI:
Ghost Mountain Frog
General information
• Yuri
  • Science fantasy
  • Psychological horror
  • Psychological thriller
  • Post-apocalyptic
  • Family fiction
Rinne Yoshimizu
November 2021
Product Code:
G.C. 6514
Main Protagonist:
Main Antagonist:
Nill William
Preceded by:
Following by:
Supergalactica Neptunia Galaxy of Peace and Chaos Episode VI: Ghost Mountain Frog, simply known as Ghost Mountain Frog was a sixth and the second spin-off canon episode of Supergalactica Neptunia "Rinne's Fantasia", it's based on Kotori continuity short story of same name. The story is focus on the main protagonist "Haru" and another her clone, Haruka and a group of boy who want to caught a frog have lost into Mt. Katsura on planet Goldia, there is a dark secret of this place and the truth about Haru and Haruka's previous life that might not just another clone, but a truly sister.

The Ghost Mountain Frog episode is only episode with yuri element and have few violence (but not as Rinne Sominum) mainly focus on about common type of school bullying that appear in most of Japanese media.




In Order of Appearance
- Rio
- Sayuri
- Haru
- Rema
- Kotori
- Kotora
- Haruka
- Yoshino
- Nill William
- Georcas William

Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi (2027)

"Will you stop the threat, or bring the threat in the afterlife? Stop Intimidate."

Episode III:
Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi
: Yoshimizu's cut
General information
• Science fantasy
• Family fiction
• Psychological horror
• Psychological thriller
• Post-apocalyptic
Rinne Yoshimizu
Product Code:
G.C. 6517
Main Protagonist:
Main Antagonist:
Preceded by:
Following by:
The Supergalactica Neptunia Galaxy of Peace and Chaos: Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi, simply known as Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi: Yoshimizu's cut is the remake version of origial Birth of Lady Tomoya Dinogi which serve as connection between two universe of Kotori continuity and Rinne continuity, and the new threat to the Gamalatica galaxy.


In Order of Appearance
- Rema
- Kanade
- Luna

Gamalaticania News Network

"Watch out on every move you made, every media love making bad news."

Gamalaticania News Network
General information
Parent company:
GNN News Headquarter "Theta"
Primary role:
News agency
Major product:
• Free-access version
• Full-subscription (200)
A worthly time. Watching the GNN.
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 6532
Other information
The Gamalaticania News Network (GNN), simply known as Ganee was a independence government-funded news agency channel opreated by Aikocom Telecommunication and Televising (AT&T) that establish since G.C. 6532 for Gamalaticania Alliance that replaced now-defunct Federation News Network which destroy by Fourth Realm when they raid the headquarter.

The headquarter is the GNN News "Theta" Headquarter, a deep space megastructure that located in somewhere in Core world which largely promote people to playing DATE A SONOGAMI dating sim and buy Aiko Manju.

The GNN has been a controversial media thanks to their pro-gamalatican government and often target on antagonitize nation such as those with authoritarian and high anti-gamalatican sentiment thanks to their news reports often to report a accurate bad reputation news of their nation.

Despite being a funded by Gamalatican government, the GNN media often to criticism the Gamalatican government from every bad move the government made.

A Dream of Aiko and Rinne (book)

"This is the story about the young girl who have terrible life in the past."

A Dream of Aiko and Rinne
Production information
Date created:
G.C. 2017
• Rio 
• Unknown
• Aqua Co. (bias for the cover)
• Unknown cost
30 (bias for the cover)
Physical and technical specifications
Green/Blue cover
A Dream of Aiko and Rinne, also known as New Rinne's diary was a book created by Goddess of The Gamalaticania, Rio based on Rinne's lost diary A Dream of Aiko that was destroyed by Nill William in G.C. 2017. The book have design with A Dream of Aiko before the front page is covered by new one.

While the book itself is simply a story about a young girl who have a terrible life in the past. As the first and important victim to the cyberbullying online group known as Against the Blanec Movement that lead many chaos.

After Rio decided to make her diary become a public, it became a massive hit when many people realize the true horror of the ABM online group and the Federal Countries government under Taskmaster who using these dif-right information operations to bullying people to commiting suicide. This book is result in mass protest across the Previous World against many dictatorship government. The book is also result in the demise of Nill William, and everyone who involve his online group were he view it as cursed book and he swear to kill her just like her mother if he can. However, before he able to move to hunt her down, he was attacked and being killed after the resistance force have assault on his ABM hideout.

Shara Federation

Shara Federation

Political information
Type of Government:
Eurasia Charter
Head of state:
Head of government:
Prime Minister
Military branch:
Shara Military
Societal information
Official language:
Previous Dollar
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 1947
Date dissolved:
G.C. 2045
Shara Federation is a country that once existed in Previous World. It's part of Eurasia Union since G.C. 1947 following the collapse of Shara Union and their leader killed in the Great Rocsell Disaster.

Gamalaticania Alliance Army

Gamalaticania Alliance Army
General information
Federal President of the Gamalatica
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 6517
• Invasion of Gamindustri
Other information
Gamalaticania Alliance Army
General information
Federal President of the Gamalatica
Historical information
Date founded:
G.C. 6522
Final Gamalaticania War
Other information
The Gamalaticania Alliance Army, or simply known as Alliance Army or Gamalaticania Army was the ground force of the Gamalaticania Alliance Military.