Gamalactican Search

Gamalaticania Alliance

Galactic Federation of Gamalaticania Alliance
Anthem: Watashitachi no tori (Our bird must fly)
Motto: For the Gamalaticania, we will not fall!
National Seal
Political information
Type of Government:
Supranational presidential constitutional directorial republic
Founding document:
• Chiyuki Accord
• Declaration of the Gamalatica Federation
• Declaration of the FPAG
Gamalatica People's Charter
Head of state:
Federal President
Head of government:
Federal President
Federal President
Executive branch:
Legislative branch:
Judicial branch:
Military branch:
Societal information
Official language:
National holiday:
• Gamalatican Remembrance Day
• Rinne Day
Historical information
Formed from:
All nation across the Gamalatica
Date established:
G.C. 6517
Date fragmented:
G.C. 9717
The Gamalaticania Alliance, officially known as Galactic Federation of Gamalaticania Alliance, early known as Gamalaticania Federation or simply known as Alliance was a dominant supergalactic government of the Gamalatica galaxy. Its biggest government in the Gamalatica galaxy as formed by multiple people, nation and country across the galaxy to fight against their common enemy. Its largest galactic community have ever seen in the history of guardian character civilization.

- Blanec's Lowee Empire (2025) (First Appearance)

Against the Blanec Movement

"Remember, these people in this group are bunch of psycho pedophile."
- UM News Anchor (STAR DEM0CRATIC)

The Against the Blanec Movement is a fictional cyberbullying online group appear in United Membership News Network's Bizarre Subject (BS) "Alternate Dimension Humanity's downfall".

Daigikai (Gamalaticania Alliance)

Government of Gamalaticania Alliance
General information
Organization type:
Legislative Assembly
Daigikai Building, Tomokyo, Goldia
5,000,000 (maximum)
Historical information
Date established:
G.C. 6517
Other information
The Gamalaticania Daigikai, or simply known as Daigikai, also known as Government of Gamalaticania Alliance or old timeline as Gamalaticania Government was the unicameral legislative branch of the Gamalaticania Alliance that located in Goldia.

Against the Blanec Movement

The Against the Blanec Movement is a cyberbullying online group that once traumatized God of The Gamalaticania and the rest Guardian Characters who born in Goldia. The group is also one of main cause of humanity's downfall in the nuclear war in seven million year ago after one of ABM admin insult the world.

Without God of the Gamalaticania, the entire Reisen page wouldn't be exist. This is the reason why every Gamalatican is a victim to this group despite never got involve (other than Tomoya).

Blanec's Lowee Empire (2025) (First Appearance)

United Membership Armed Force

"United Membership Armed Force, proud to be protector of the liberty, independent, equality, sovereignty, and the United Membership."

United Membership Armed Force
General information
Director of the United Membership Armed Force
• United Membership Grounder
• United Membership Spacer
  • Assaut Trooper Marine
• The MENS (formerly)
• GAS (?)
Historical information
Date founded:
1983 ADG
Date dissolved:
2022 ADG
Other information
The United Membership Armed Force (UMAF), sometime known as United Membership Military (UMM) is one of two primary peacekeeping enforcer of the United Membership beside United Membership Security Force (UMSF) and the largest armed force in the Gensōginga. The UMAF contained with two branch are United Membership Grounder (UMG), and United Membership Spacer (UMS). The UMAF have 15 million active troops which mostly dominated by male, 600,000 armored fightning vehicle, artillery, SPAA and utility vehicle. 2 million combat spaceship (which mostly around 100 meter or less) with UMS Aixon, a 1,600 meter Orion-class Space Station serve as flagship of the starfleet. Unlike the UMSF which serve as humanitarian mission peacekeeper unit across the galaxy, the UMAF is primary purpose is direct combat for warfare and oppose to all UM's opposition. The UMAF also harass on those UMSF personal on peace mission.

Although being describe as invincible force and peacekeeping force by pro-UM media. The UMAF have commited a mass terror against Brassora in June 1983 incident and Hamanisowa in July 2002. Following the destruction of UMS Aixon above Hamanisowa in 2002, the UMAF launch full scale invasion on Hamanisowa with all full strength in the first time in order to capture and killed the Miko of Great Gaurude Shrine, Mia Gaurude. This lead to many outcry and controversies from opposition of United Membership that lead the bad press about the UMAF and United Membership as whole, which is the reason for United Membership's demise.

Goodbye Rinne

"Cheer on, Kibori. See you tomorrow then."

Short Story V:
Goodbye Rinne

General information
Rinne Yoshimizu
24 October 2024
Product Code:
P.E. 2021 - 2022
Main Protagonist:
Main Antagonist:
Following by:
Goodbye Rinne was a fifth and final canon short story of Supergalactica Neptunia and prelude to Blanec's Lowee Empire. The story is focus on Rinne's life after Death of Lady Rema Yoshimizu right before her's death in 2022. As the story is all about Rinne's last friend, Kibori who has fatal disease which she have only 7 day to live. As Rinne, she willing to do anything to help her live long including tell her experience in the past about her novel, her best friend Kotori and being bullied by the Against the Blanec Movement group.

This is the final original Touhou Galaxy Project media following the introduction of Afterlife Expanding, this episode is consider canon, as well as other two continuity which tied all continuity into one which introduce the shared continuity known as Reisen Naka.

The Against the Blanec Movement is no more.


In Order of Appearance
- Kotori
- Rio
- Shido

Herry & Kevin MCR-2000

Herry & Kevin MCR-2000
Production information
Herry & Kevin GmbH
Multirole Combat Rifle
Date produced:
1999 ADG
Physical and technical specifications
Two-handed weapon
1029 mm
3.63 kg
60 shots
9.2x72mm UMM Standard
Effective: 300 meters
Maximum: 10 km
Fire rate:
750 rounds/min
Other information
Date introduction:
2000 ADG
    • United Membership Grounder
• Hamanisowa (Mia Gaurude)
The Herry & Kevin MCR-2000 is a multirole combat rifle made and manufacturer by Herry & Kevin (H&K) for the United Membership's United Membership Armed Force, replacing the SCL-3600 as new standard issue rifle since 2000 ADG.

The MCR-2000's main feature is a multirole combat system that have low recoil similar to submachine gun suitable for close quarter combat, easier to handle like a carbine (with folded stock), fire rate of an assault rifle, high powered cartridge as battle rifle and marksman rifle for long range engagement with 60 round magazine similarly to light machine gun for suppressive fire. The weapon can perform several configuration as assault rifle, carbine, submachine gun, battle rifle, marksman rifle and light machine gun all in single weapon at any situation if need.

Despite being praise by many military around the galaxy for innovation and make existance SMG, AR, BR, DMR and LMG obsolete. The weapon became a notorious at the hand of UMAF in Operation DayBreak after United Membership Grounder (UMG) launch the full strike on Hamanisowa in 2003 following destruction of UM Flagship "UMS Aixon" by Mia Gaurude. The Brassora Military counter this UMAF weapon with TENET UniMax-1000M light machine gun.

Behind the Scene

The Herry & Kevin MCR-2000 is based on ST Kinetics Conventional Multirole Combat Rifle (CMCR). Most of UM TrooperMan-2000 have this gun with folded stock resemble to Sterling submachine gun/E-11 blaster rifle from Star Wars.

STAR DEM0CRATIC (First Appearance)

United Membership

"Liberty, Independent, Equality, Sovereignty, and United Membership."

United Membership
United Membership Emblem
Political information
Type of Government:
Intergalactic organization
76 million planetary states
UM Charter
Head of state:
UM Secretary‑General
Head of government:
UM Deputy Secretary-General
UMAF Director (1983 - 2022)
Security branch:
• United Membership Porky
• United Membership Security Force
Societal information
• Universal Dome, Toloro, Onrano, Dominion of Maple, Aixon (formerly, destroyed, later rebuilt)
• Near Gaurude Shrine, Hamanisowa (new location)
Official language:
Historical information
Date established:
• 1982 ADG
• 2023 ADG
Date fragmented:
2002 ADG (Hamanisowa's withdrawal)
Date destroyed:
2022 ADG (later restored)
The United Membership (UM) is a Intergalactic organization of the Gensōginga. Their primary goal of existence was to maintain the peace, cooperation and friendly relationship with other planetary states. The UM have over 76 million planetary states across the galaxy as the way to decolonization and de-imperialism of an alien star empires.

Since it's foundation in 1982 ADG following many colonies conflict and star empires, the United Membership enjoy the peace for three decade prior 2002 ADG. However, they were secretly attack on Brassora in June 1983 incident spark the distrust within colonies and independent nation until the Hamanisowa's withdrawal from UM by 7-year old Miko "Mia Gaurude" in 2002 ADG spark a full scale war with the UM following the United Membership's peacekeeping force of United Membership Armed Force have commit a genocide against their people through UMS Aixon's experimental project known as "The Cursed of 2002".

Hamanisowa's withdrawal is illegal to the United Membership Charter has lead to United Membership invade Hamanisowa in 2003. Many supporter and opposite to the United Membership's action on Hamanisowa start fight each other for free will from UM's coruption under UM Secretary-General Klara Klebair since 1997 ADG until 2022 were she exlie from unknown planet after defeated by Mia.

Behind the Scene

The United Membership is first appearance in reboot version of Star Democratic as parodies of United Nation. The UM always appear in all Star Democratic media.

- STAR DEM0CRATIC (First Appearance)


"The Goldia is the name that we originally called this planet. We called Midgar because this world is the original world of mankind and us, the Guardian Characters. Not many people known the planet's full name, it was officially called - Midgar, Land of Golden Pocket Mirror of Goldia for all Guardian Characters and Mankind that stood in this middle-world."
- Luna (Afterlife Expanding)

Planet Flag
Astrographical information
Alpha Quadrant
Isla System
Orbital position:
Grid coordinates:
XYZ coordinates:
1.2 3.2 0.00
Trade routes:
Goldia-Rinne route
Distance from Core:
190,000 light years
Rotation period:
24 hour
Orbital period:
365 - 366 day
Physical information
19,113.5 km
30,000,000 km
Primary terrain:
• Mountains
• Desert
Surface water:
Points of interest:
• Site of Ancient Gamalatican Civilization
  • Landing site of Goldia
  • The Great Pit
    • Asgaran cuture layer
    • Previous World cuture layer
Daigikai Building
• Illyania Glassland
• Midgar Galactic University
• Midgar Harrod Academy
• Midgar Interstellar Spaceport
• Royal Midgar Complex
• Kroyon Heavy Industrial District
• Mt. Katsura
• Rinne Utopia
  • Neo-Tomokyo Tower
• Great Lake of Aria
  • Remain of Atomilizer space station
• Yoshimizu 001
Native fauna:
Societal information
Native species:
• Asgaran (extinct)
• Bauda (extinct)
Previous People (extinct)
• Gekino Bird (extinct)
Immigrated species:
• Gamindustrian (formerly)
Primary language:
44.7 trillion (as G.C. 52XXX)
• Guardian Characters (42.8%)
• Others (57.2%)
Major cities:
• Alexandria (Capital)
• Tomokyo
• Rozenmarina
• Narandria
• Kingdom of Midgar
• Hanasawa Empire
• Gamindustrian (formerly)
• Sonogami Empire
Midgar, formerly known as Goldia. Known by Gamindustrian invader as New Gamindustri during their first (G.C. 2501 - 2517) and second occupation (G.C. 52517). Originally known in many name including the Asgaradan, Baudan and Euauretharu prior before Gamalatican settlement was a semi-ecumenopolis and adopted homeworld of Midgaran. It was central government and the interstellar capital of both Kingdom of Isla of Midgar Kingdom and Sonogami Empire of Hanasawa Empire. As well as the Gamalaticania Alliance that rulling the nation for over ten thousand of years since the government was formed.

The planet is nine time size larger than Euauretharu due to Atomilizer's effect that accelerate the planet's mass size. The planet once belong to advanced civilization of Humans that rule the planet into absolute powerhouse until the mass unrest and social decline that lead to result in nuclear war cause by Atomilizer's blast. After humanity's downfall, the nature has reclaim the planet and allowing a new race of Midgaran to rule the planet. However, the Forbidden Zone located in Noel region is the last stronghold of humanity remain that surrounded by hazzard environment. The humanity eventually became extinct after arrival of Princess Claire who wish the remain human forgave the god's punishment which result their people turn into a Midgaran which aloow her to use these human's remnant stuff as message from God to warn the destruction cause in Great Celia War.

There is several nation on this planet including the Kingdom of Midgar and several kingdom located on western region of Celia. The Hanasawa Empire on eastern region of Katsura. The Kingdom of Rozenmarina and it's two client state, League of Tyran and Aegith Kingdom on northern region of Dia. The Narandria Kingdom and several tribe on southern region of Numia continent that disconnect with mainland Midgar. The multiple nation of Maritime Kingdom of Oceania and the Principality of Ringo on vastly ocean of Crossia and the Mawadri Emirate on central region of Sahal.

Isla (character)

"As proverbs said, Don't judge a book by its cover."

Isla Crosstrovia de Midgar
Characteristic information
• Space Exploration
• Play Chess
• Fluffy Stuff
Insult her size and appearance
Her desire:
Make her kingdom a major galactic power
Biographical information
G.C. 3005
G.C. 3020
Physical description
Blood Type:
122 cm
28 kg
Hair color:
Skin color:
Eye color:
Cup size:
Chronological and political information
Queen Isla (spelled 'Is-la') Crosstrovia de Midgar, simply known as Queen Isla was 12-year old Midgaran female princess of Midgar Kingdom and Queen Aira's Daughter, and a victim to the Against the Blanec Movement cyberbullying online group as part of Rinne's traumatizing legacy.

She is founder of well-known space nation known as "Kingdom of Isla" in G.C. 3017 that expand across Heinasawa Sector that would become one of founding member of Gamalaticania Alliance. Despite her age and appearance being only 122 cm, she regard as greatest queen of Kingdom of Midgar being only second to Charlotte thanks to her skill in leadership and diplomacy with other space nation.

Despite her success for drive Midgar Kingdom into major player in the galactic stage, she is shortest-reign in Midgaran monarchy history only 3-year and she passed away only 15-year old following the final duel that decide the fate of entire Midgaran race.

- Midgar Act (First Mentioned)
- Isla Act