"The Goldia is the name that we originally called this planet. We called Midgar because this world is the original world of mankind and us, the Guardian Characters. Not many people known the planet's full name, it was officially called - Midgar, Land of Golden Pocket Mirror of Goldia for all Guardian Characters and Mankind that stood in this middle-world."
- Luna (Afterlife Expanding)
Astrographical information
Alpha Quadrant
Isla System
Orbital position:
| Alicia
Grid coordinates:
XYZ coordinates:
1.2 3.2 0.00
Trade routes:
Goldia-Rinne route
Distance from Core:
190,000 light years
Rotation period:
24 hour
Orbital period:
365 - 366 day
Physical information
19,113.5 km
30,000,000 km
Primary terrain:
| • Mountains • Desert
Surface water:
Points of interest:
• Site of Ancient Gamalatican Civilization • Landing site of Goldia • The Great Pit • Asgaran cuture layer • Previous World cuture layer • Midgar Galactic University
• Midgar Harrod Academy • Midgar Interstellar Spaceport
• Royal Midgar Complex
• Kroyon Heavy Industrial District • Mt. Katsura • Rinne Utopia • Neo-Tomokyo Tower • Great Lake of Aria • Remain of Atomilizer space station
• Yoshimizu 001
Native fauna:
Societal information
Native species:
• Asgaran (extinct)
• Bauda (extinct) • Gekino Bird (extinct)
Immigrated species:
Various • Gamindustrian (formerly)
Primary language:
| 44.7 trillion (as G.C. 52XXX) • Guardian Characters (42.8%) • Others (57.2%)
Major cities:
| • Tomokyo • Rozenmarina • Narandria
| • Kingdom of Midgar • Hanasawa Empire • Gamindustrian (formerly) • Sonogami Empire
Midgar, formerly known as Goldia. Known by Gamindustrian invader as New Gamindustri during their first (G.C. 2501 - 2517) and second occupation (G.C. 52517). Originally known in many name including the Asgaradan, Baudan and Euauretharu prior before Gamalatican settlement was a semi-ecumenopolis and adopted homeworld of Midgaran. It was central government and the interstellar capital of both Kingdom of Isla of Midgar Kingdom and Sonogami Empire of Hanasawa Empire. As well as the Gamalaticania Alliance that rulling the nation for over ten thousand of years since the government was formed.
The planet is nine time size larger than Euauretharu due to Atomilizer's effect that accelerate the planet's mass size. The planet once belong to advanced civilization of Humans that rule the planet into absolute powerhouse until the mass unrest and social decline that lead to result in nuclear war cause by Atomilizer's blast. After humanity's downfall, the nature has reclaim the planet and allowing a new race of Midgaran to rule the planet. However, the Forbidden Zone located in Noel region is the last stronghold of humanity remain that surrounded by hazzard environment. The humanity eventually became extinct after arrival of Princess Claire who wish the remain human forgave the god's punishment which result their people turn into a Midgaran which aloow her to use these human's remnant stuff as message from God to warn the destruction cause in Great Celia War.
There is several nation on this planet including the Kingdom of Midgar and several kingdom located on western region of Celia. The Hanasawa Empire on eastern region of Katsura. The Kingdom of Rozenmarina and it's two client state, League of Tyran and Aegith Kingdom on northern region of Dia. The Narandria Kingdom and several tribe on southern region of Numia continent that disconnect with mainland Midgar. The multiple nation of Maritime Kingdom of Oceania and the Principality of Ringo on vastly ocean of Crossia and the Mawadri Emirate on central region of Sahal.